Help for your slipping dog is here. Check out these ToeGrips® dog nail grips reviews and learn how ToeGrips® dog nail grips stop dog slipping on hardwood floors and smooth surfaces.
16-year-old Pierce before and after ToeGrips® dog nail grips
Dog slipping? Read ToeGrips® dog nail grips reviews from dog lovers…
“She is now confident and I can bet we prevented a nasty fall down the stairs”

“The difference these little ToeGrips made has been small but mighty. My healthy active almost 12 year old no longer hesitates at going up and down our wood stairs, she plays and patrols with out skids and slips. Her life was not restricted in anyway, but now we can move forward without the worry of slips and falls that were creeping into her everyday.
Prevention matters just as much as intervention some times. This isn’t a case where she was unable to navigate wood, but we saw slips and falls happening more frequently. With strategically placed ToeGrips (on her weakest legs to start since she didn’t like having them put on) she is now confident and I can bet we prevented a nasty fall down the stairs.” ~Jessica Ann
“Thank you, Dr. Buzby, for adding years to my senior dog’s life”

“This is Toby. I adopted him from our local Humane Society 4 years ago. He was grossly underweight at 38 lbs. You could see every rib he had. On top of his being so malnourished, he had 60-80 scabs all over his body in various stages of healing….we believe he was used as a bait dog.
To add to his sad life, he is missing his back leg. He was constantly slipping on uncarpeted floors and falling on his back hip. When I discovered ToeGrips he became a new dog!!! When he realized what those tiny little rubber circles did for his mobility it was like I was seeing a puppy running and playing! I sing the praises of this product to anyone that asks! Thank you, Dr. Buzby, for adding years to my senior dog’s life, as he is no longer falling and destroying his hips! ” ~Julia
“I have a whole new dog!”

“At first we saw a marked improvement in her stance, she was dragging her back legs before so I went a step further and super glued them on in place, and I have a whole new dog! She goes up and down wooden stairs, goes running with me again, and seems so much happier!!! I cannot say enough good about this product.
It’s the equivalent if a human standing on ice barefoot to getting shoes put on for the first time. It’s helped Emma regain an active lifestyle for which I am so so grateful ” ~Ryan
“ToeGrips are miraculous!”

“Magellan is 15 years young! Her only problem is slipping on our wood floors and especially the hardwood stairs. We were having to carry her up and down the stairs.
When we put the toegrips on she was immediately able to handle the stairs herself. This is the 2nd senior dog we’ve used them on. In both dogs they were highly successful.” ~Kay
“Dr. Buzby’s ToeGrips was the best birthday gift we could give her.”

“Penny, our Cavalier King Charles Spaniel recently turned 14 and Dr. Buzby’s ToeGrips was the best birthday gift we could give her. She had a very difficult time walking on or hardwood, granite, and marble floors and would constantly fall into a splay position. It broke our hearts. She would drink from her water bowl or eat her meals in a prone position since standing on these surfaces was so much effort. I tried socks and boots but she would manage to get them off.
Dr. Buzby’s ToeGrips have changed everything. The first couple of days that she wore the Toe Grips, I noticed that when she did start to slip, she could actually catch herself, something I never saw her do before. Now that she has had them on for just a week she rarely even slips. I thought the situation was hopeless and am beyond thrilled to see my precious senior with such improved mobility.” ~Gayle
“Works on the slippery linoleum, hard wood floors, and even upped his confidence on the ice in our driveway.”

I received the order Jan 14 and wanted to wait a few days to see how Roscoe liked his new gift. I didn’t want my judgement to be blinded by my own excitement. I really wanted to see if it made a difference as the science behind it made sense to me. It was late on Tuesday night after work and I decided to apply the ToeGrips right in the middle of one of our problem spots for him, the kitchen floor. The alcohol application was a snap, and even after trying to adjust one a few days later I was pretty surprised to see how well they gripped his toe nails. Yea those things aren’t coming off easily which is nice. 4 days and no slipping up or off the toe nail. So now I believe I can fairly answer the question if these work as advertised and that answer is a resounding Yes! Works on the slippery linoleum, hard wood floors, and even upped his confidence on the ice in our driveway. Day 1 he was actually spinning around in the kitchen and seemed to have forgotten it was slippery. His hesitations seemed to come and go but once he stepped onto any of the previous problem areas, it melted away. His confidence is definitely back. Roscoe & I say Thank You for a wonderful product! ~Ed & Heidi B.
“Thank you so much Dr Buzbys.”

We finally were able to fit the toegrips in Sparky. The large were the size.
Well what a change. Sparky is so happy now he even wants to go out for walks, he is full of energy and jumps up and down like a puppy, it seems he has forgotten his age. Sorry we didn’t get the toe-grips sooner, we had avoid lots of suffering for Sparky and us.
Eternally grateful.~Consuelo
“I wanted people to know that toe grips can help non-senior dogs too, especially if they are sensitive, traumatized and lack confidence.”

We bought ToeGrips for our retired racing greyhound, Ruby, a couple of weeks ago. She is not aging but had never been inside before having lived at a kennel at the track and was slipping and sliding all over the hardwood floors, falling, and shaking. it got to the point where she would just stand at the edge of the rug and shake. She is a very sensitive girl. The ToeGrips have been great. It is joyful to see her have confidence in our house as she gets to know our family. —Mike and Erika
“Hi! I’m Olivia, a beautiful, somewhat spoiled Golden Retriever.”

I’m about 1 1/2 years old now, but my first year was kind of rough.
I had to have surgery on BOTH of my hips for dysplasia. I’m totally healed and plan to keep my family happy forever!!
After my surgeries, my physical therapist put “Dr. Buzbys” on my lovely toes to keep me from “splaying” – my family has a lot of hardwood floors. I still wear them, and now need a large size (green) for my front toes, and medium (blue) for my back ones. By the way, my family is very proud of me for being a “paw model”! —Linda L.
“Well, here we are on day 2 of Toe Grips and we are a changed household!”

I received my toe grips and applied them this weekend. First of all, I was very surprised at how easy they were to apply! I was sure I’d need a second person there to help calm my dog or stabilize his foot while I applied them, but I did it all alone, and my dog didn’t seem phased! He HATES his feet touched. So, this tells me that the Toe Grips are totally comfortable for him to the point that he may not even feel them at all. We ordered the small size for my Cody who is a 14 1/2 year old, 17 lb., Chihuaha/Pekinese/ Shit Zhu/ Lhasa Apso mix according to his DNA test (I couldn’t resist finding out!). He’s been through more than his fair share of ailments, one of which, vestibular disease, affected his balance. It really changed his activity level and meant he could not navigate stairs at all which was a huge problem since the only path to the backyard included a steep set of stairs. Cody is my heart, soul and my whole world so it became more urgent for us to move to a single level home with easy backyard access. We found the perfect home and moved in 6 months ago, but I failed to consider the fact that it has wood floors and after moving in, my sweet boy spent most of the day in the carpeted bedroom. If he moved slowly enough, he did “ok” on the wood floor, but with any excitement, he’d slip and fall. Sometimes, even just standing still, I could see his feet sliding. That’s not the quality of life I want for him and I was terrified that he’d injure his back with a slip. I stumbled upon Toe Grips. I cannot remember where/how I heard about them but I have a feeling it was a Facebook pop up. I never click ads, but I AM SO HAPPY that I did. The product just made sense to me, and at the price point, I was willing to try. Well, here we are on day 2 of Toe Grips and we are a changed household! Cody is here in the living room with us right now. ? He trots around the house like a pup again, even jumping and hopping! One thing we noticed is that the “click click click” of his nails on the floor is barely audible. That’s clear evidence the Toe Grips are contacting the floor! Plus, it’s quieter when he’s trotting about! ?
I cannot express my gratitude to you enough for putting in the work to bring this product to us. Necessity is the mother of invention…I’d do anything for Cody to live happy and healthy, and Toe Grips has made all the difference for him. I cannot believe the difference!!!!!!!!! I am telling everyone I know. Our old and injured pups deserve to feel this good ? ~ Angelica
“My almost 12 year old husky, Spirit, got his toe grips this week and he is doing great with them.”

Two years ago Spirit had an accident at his dad’s house, running into the metal pole of a fence. He was paralyzed for over a week due to damage and inflammation at his C-3 and C-4 region of his spine, in the neck area. After two years of therapy, water and massage, he is getting along well, but still had some weakness in his hind legs. He would slip on my wooden floors and then get scared to try to stand again. My vet told me about ToeGrips and I did my own research and was amazed at the before and after videos. Since Spirit got his toe grips this week, he has already started getting around on the floors better and seems to have his confidence back that he won’t slide like he once did…he feels safe to stand now. Thank you so much for this wonderful product and for the smiles it has brought back to my face seeing my sweet boy up and walking on his own.
Carolyn Peterson
Clemmons NC
“I was skeptical that Dr. Buzby’s toe grips were just going to be another “snake oil” scam.”
Boy, was I wrong. Emma is 14 and 1/2 years old and has muscular degeneration in her hind quarters along with arthritis. It never occurred to us when we moved into our dream home with solid surface floors that she would not be able to function without slipping and falling. She became the closet carpet dog and wouldn’t get up unless she had to go outside or to eat. Customer service corrected my bad measuring and sent the correct size, I trimmed Emma’s grinch hair feet and nails, put the toe grips in alcohol, slipped them on and she was literally up and running! Holy mackerel! For however much time we have left with our Emma, she will be wearing toe grips. Money well spent. Much thanks!!!!! The 7 second video you can see her backside slip and it takes longer to get up.
—M. Pellegrino
Mitchell says THANK YOU! His toe grips fit perfectly and they were super easy to apply.
20 year old Anzu can now stand and walk by herself! The transformation is like magic.
As soon as we got his ToeGrips on….he was able to walk!! We love them!!

My 18 year old mini pin mix has been having the hardest time getting around lately. His arthritis has made walking on the slippery tile and wood floors impossible. He felt trapped to the small rug in the living room. As soon as we got his ToeGrips on….he was able to walk!! We love them!!
“Thanks for inventing a simple constant wear product to help our older best friends!”

We had to wait to put on the toe grips because Hank had to have minor surgery (labs and their lumps….)
But we put them on today and his walking immediately improved! He’s able to walk confidently on our hardwood floors again, instead of hopping area rug “island” to “island”. Thanks for inventing a simple constant wear product to help our older best friends! Boots and socks were never an option for Hank because he gets hot, enjoys laying in the dirt/garden, and swimming in our pool.
And now we don’t have to worry about him in the middle of the night!
Another success story and we’ll make sure to refer to our friends as their furry loved ones age too. -Cailey (and Hank)
“…so happy that he is able to play again.”

Scruffy was a rescue dog found after Hurricane Charley in 2004. We adopted this sweet Lhasa Apso and he is the love of our lives. He is now 17-years old and just survived Hurricane Irma last month. He used to slip on our tile floors and the painted garage floors. He doesn’t slip since we applied the Toe Grips, and he jumps around like a puppy, so happy that he is able to play again.
“…this has been a gargantuan turn around for our beloved boy.”

…I was about to mail you and mention how fantastic your toe grips are – our Newfies slipping is completely gone – your “gizmos” have surely improved his quality of life.
This boy is geriatric as Newfie’s go at nine years. Since we moved to Arizona fours years ago, he has had a most difficult time with our tile floors – great effort in order to reside his very large frame. It so happened, the day i received you “toe grips”, Theo had a wellness appointment and the rehab tech put on his first set of grips. Instant success ……….I know it’s ridiculous but in some way i believe he knew what was going on. I’m sure he has no sensation in his nails but this has been a gargantuan turn around for our beloved boy.
I rise very early at my age – open the patio door so our dogs can get relief and it would take two or three minutes for “Theo” to rise. I’m 72 and it’s a tuff nut for me to help the big fella’ up which i did almost every day. after placing his grips on, the dog gate to our bedroom “clicks” and his nose is on the door – he also has renewed confidence walking up his ramp for our morning constitutional.
Is your dog slipping when walking on hardwood floors?
Watch these customer videos of ToeGrips® dog nail grips success stories…
This therapy dog was slipping on tile floors until her confidence was restored with ToeGrips® dog nail grips. Watch the transformation.
Gibson lost his confidence to walk on hardwood floors until ToeGrips® dog nail grips.
Watch his happy ending video.
“Guiness is doing great.”

Guinness has had her toe grips in for a few weeks and is doing great. While she still in not able to handle stairs, the hardwood floors are much easier for her to navigate now!
“ToeGrips are truly a breakthrough for canine geriatric medicine.”
Winnie is a 13+ yo ( we think- she was a stray) SF shar-pei mix who has had 2 vestibular episodes in the past year that have left her with balance deficits. In addition, Winnie is losing her vision. The lack of balance and the loss of vision have caused Winnie to become quite fearful. This fear not only affects her mobility, but translates to every part of her life, including how she relates to people (timid), how she relates to other dogs (aggressive), and how she relates to food (panicky). So, in addition to the balance issues seen in Winnie’s BEFORE video (you can clearly appreciate the head tilt and the wide based stance), notice her entire expression is one of submission and fear. Her ears are down, her head is down, and I have to pull her on the leash to approach the people behind the camera. Just before the video ends, she is literally shaking with fear.
Winnie’s AFTER video shows a confident dog with head up, ears perked forward as she saunters right past the person with the camera. She is clearly moving better, but that enhanced mobility has made her emotional state better too! And this newly gained confidence from ToeGrips has also, without a doubt, improved the other parts of her life affected by fear. She is still affected by her loss of vision, but for sure I can say that she is a “better” dog with her restored balance.
As veterinary professionals and dog lovers, we have all come to recognize how fear can literally ruin a dog’s life. In young dogs, we have the ability to modify or modulate behavior through training or environment, or sometimes through medications. But what about our older dogs? What about our dogs that are limited by physical disabilities or cognitive issues or sensory deficits? Can you teach an old dog new tricks?
People who train horses always say the same thing- horses think on their feet. This means that if you want to train a horse, do so while it is engaged in movement. I would say that if you want to teach an old dog new tricks, help it to engage in movement.
ToeGrips do this. ToeGrips are truly a breakthrough for canine geriatric medicine.”
—Lee Gregory DVM, CVA, CCRT
“Love this product…wish we’d known about it ages ago.”

Maggie, who is suffering from Immune Mediated Hemolytic Anemia, has lost all her muscles due to the high steroid doses required to try to contain this disease. Because we live in the southwest where all tile is typical, she’s had a horrendous time getting up, and even just getting around due to her feet slipping on the tile.
We tried doggie boots…too bulky. We tried “receiver’s gloves for kids”, finding them to be very “tacky” but not sticky. They were OK, but so thin that they rotated around her foot so the grippy side was UP. Tried rubber gloves…she ripped them off. So now, we’ve got these toe grips. She’s had them on for 36 hours now…and they have NOT come off. They’re well away from her fur line, and MOST of them are down where they touch the ground. When I can sit for a minute I’ll pull the ones that aren’t perfect OFF, re-soak, then reapply. They are on TIGHT! I’ve tried to move them and they will.not.budge!!!
Maggie has realized she can move more safely, and actually trotted across the living room to “fetch ball”. She can sit without her front feet just sliding away in front of her. And getting up from flat on her side? Wow…due to her weakness it still is a bit of a job, but not from slipping feet!
Love this product…wish we’d known about it ages ago.
…Maggie continues to do well with those toes, and even with walking/trotting around in the barn areas in the sand, they have NOT come off. Matter of fact…I bet I can’t PULL them off!! LOVE them. Sending a photo of Maggie, who is a 6 year old Bearded Collie and weighs 60 pounds when she’s healthy!!

This is 14 year old Zoe. The toegrips helped Zoe so much in her final months. She was having such a hard time getting around. She was blind and also diabetic and was losing strength in her legs.
Watch the before and after video of this dog who was slipping on floors and smooth surfaces.
From slipping dog to happy dog! Kangaroo’s story is inspiring.

Hi there. My vet gave me a set of these to try on my 15 year old sheltie, who has vestibular balance issues, and atrophy of her hip muscles. The grips aid her mobility and ability to get up on her own. I am working from home now to help her. My son is a fourth year veterinary student and he is amazed that the grips help.
“Thanks for creating toe grips Dr. Buzby!!”

This is Brew, he is a 14 year 9 month old bichon x cavalier spaniel. We just received our order and put them on the second I got them in the door. So far so good. I will let you know how well they work for him after he’s had them on longer than 1 minute. I was just so excited to have them that I had to post this right away…
Just under 24 hours of having the toegrips on and I must give a rave review. It really is amazing to see my boy get up off the floor on the first try! He has Cushings Disease which makes him run a bit warmer than the average dog. So he minds the heat a lot, causing him to want to shift around and find new cold spots on the laminate floor. I was skeptical about these at first, not personally knowing anyone that has tried them, but seeing nothing but good reviews, I was hopeful. Well, here I am gushing. He is no longer doing a Bambi on ice I really hope anyone on the fence about these reads this and goes and gets them sooner than later. I wish I had tried them sooner seeing just how good they work on my Brew. I would also like to say that the customer service from this company is amazing!!! Thank you Dr. Buzby and anyone else that helped to get this product in my home and on my dog. I will tell anyone that will listen to get these for their dog, and when my other dogs get old enough to need them, they will be getting them without a doubt! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!! —Crystal Wagner
“…toegrips are completely life changing for my 12 YO Pug.”
I know you hear it all the time, but toegrips are completely life changing for my 12 YO Pug, Zig. He is visually impaired, and we moved in to a new house with all hardwood. He would move off the area rugs and slip and slide, and then eventually just stand there paralyzed. I ordered the toe grips over socks or boots as he hates stuff on his paws. The change was instant. He walked on the HW floors like carpet. He even gave me a look of thanks that would melt your heart. I can’t thank you enough for inventing the toe grip. —Mike
“Amazing!!! Really!”
I had ToeGrips put on my senior Lab baby about two weeks ago. She is 13 years old and has trouble slipping on slick floors. She is also diabetic and nearly blind. The grips have made it much easier for her to get up in the morning from my bedroom hardwood floor. No more slipping on our vinyl kitchen floor either. I purchased the ToeGrips from a nearby veterinarian office. They also recommended a harness for my dog to help her walk, as well as get in and out of the car. These two products have made her life so much better. I stumbled upon ToeGrips on the internet and I am so glad that I did. Thank you so much, Dr. Buzby!
I have already told several of my friends about the Toe Grips. My bosses dog is already walking better with them. He had a terrible limp and we thought it was severe arthritis but since I put them on, you can hardly tell he’s limping. I think he was having muscular issues due to trying to keep from slipping around on the hardwood floors! Amazing!!! Really!
“No words can describe the instant change in her.”

I received Dorothy’s grips in the mail today. No words can describe the instant change in her. This is totally amazing. Bless her heart, she never just stood around and hung out with the family..she would lay most of the time because of the weakness in her rear legs. I put these on her at 6:15, it is now 8:00 and she has yet to lay down. She is running through the house with our two beagles like she got a new lease on life. It’s somewhat funny because they knew she couldn’t turn quick and catch them when they would play before…that all changed in a matter of minutes:-D. I cannot express our sincere thanks for making such an amazing product!! I have already called the rescue group we adopted her from to tell her foster parents and they were so excited too and are going to look into the grips for other dogs they know that these could help.
Thank you for the amazing service and such an amazing gift we were able to bless Dorothy with!! Today gave her back some of her independence and you can see in her face and stride just how proud she is…
“Thank you Dr Buzby for making Jessie’s senior stage of life less painful.”
Jessie my 14 year old black lab has been wearing her toe grips for about 3 weeks. After initial placement she went crazy running and jumping around like she was a puppy again. Since then I have seen slow improvement with her. Prior to toe grips she was having a very difficult time sitting down and when she walked she would hardly place her back left leg on the floor. Currently it takes her about 1/2 the time to sit and she walks with all 4 paws on the floor. —Jill S
“Toe Grips are a simple, inexpensive solution that have given my loved pet a much better quality of life.”

If you would have walked into my home several months ago, you would have thought it was a showroom for throw rugs! My dog, Paddington Bear, a 110 pound South Russian Sheepdog, had great difficulty walking on the hardwood floors due to advanced arthritis in his back legs. Before the Toe Grips came to my attention while searching the internet for solutions, he would often “wipe-out” while going from room to room. I tried everything else my vet suggested, so why not give this a shot? The information and short tutorial videos on the website were exactly what I needed to get started! I measured the circumference of his nails, then placed the order. Within days, I received the Toe Grips and proceeded to apply them with the guidance of another website video. All very simple!! I started picking up the throw rugs, one by one. He could easily navigate the hardwood floors without slipping! He regained confidence and mobility!! Toe Grips are a simple, inexpensive solution that have given my loved pet a much better quality of life. Toe Grips, Paddington and I thank you!!!!! —Joanne Rowe
“We have a 13 year old Jack Russell…”
…she’s chubby but, at her old age arthritis has caused her to slide on our Hardwood and tile floors. Dr. Buzby’s ToeGrips seem to be aiding her in just 3 short days and she doesn’t seem to mind them. —Gayle
“I tell everyone about them”

I was very skeptical about this product but thought just give it a try and…WOW ? I have a 65kg rottie he is almost 6 years old an here in Australia in the summer all he wants to do is lay on the hardwood floor no matter how many mats I put down he would lay in the middle and when he tried to get up he would slip an slide an struggle to get up. One day he yelped and I to him to the vet hoping it wasn’t his hips thank God it wasn’t he had pulled a muscle in his back, that’s when I googled paw grips for dogs an a few things came up…but I watched how he gets up an ur right he digs his nails in.
Watch how this dog dodged slippery hardwood floors with ToeGrips® dog nail grips…
…until his owners discovered Dr. Buzby’s ToeGrips ® dog nail grips!
“Thank you for designing such a wonderful product for the oldies.”
I have a 13 year old border collie named Sharni who has arthritis in her hips and struggles on our tiled floor especially first thing in the morning. After being suggested the toe grips from our wonderful vet Clare in Willunga South Australia. I purchased them online and was so amazed the difference it has made for her, there has been no slipping are scrambling when she walks on the tiles. —Sam & Matt, South Australia
“Thank you for this genius idea!”

I have a 4 year old yorkie named Triscuit. Though quite young she has always had special needs. Her ability to walk has recently worsened due to a luxating patella in now both her hind legs. Toe grips gives her the extra stability and support to allow her to confidently move wherever she wants to go. Previously she slid all over the hardwood and if she fell and hit her head too hard or just the wrong way she would seizure. Now we both feel more comfortable with her going anywhere and everywhere without fear of injury. —Alina
“…you are selling a great product!!”
Hi, we received the toe grips for BooBoo this morning and applied them right away. It took him a little while to get used to them, but he has been getting up by himself off and on all day and seems to have a lot more confidence maneuvering the slippery tile floor. Again, thank you so much, you are selling a great product!!
Best regards, Tomas & Petra & BooBoo
“I can’t thank you enough.”
Just placed Dr. Buzby’s toe grips on my 16 year old girl today. She normally can barely walk on my bedroom floor without slipping. Look at her go with her toe grips on! Thank you!!!
I am a veterinarian and this is my first time using Toe grips. I will be recommending them to my clients without hesitation as I have seen such incredible, immediate results with my senior dog. I can’t thank you enough.
—Jessica DeMarco, DVM
16-year-old Gracie: a senior dog slipping no more with ToeGrips® dog nail grips!
Watch this 13-year-old dog conquer slippery steps with ToeGrips@ dog nail grips.
“If your dog has a hard time getting up and down, especially on hardwood or tile, you need to check out Dr. Buzby’s ToeGrips for Dogs.”
Dr. Buzby’s ToeGrips for Dogs sent us samples to try out on some of our more arthritic dogs, but before sending them off to our foster homes or recommending them to our supporters, I tried them out on my own senior dog, Payton. And I have to say, this is my favorite product for senior dogs pretty much of all time! She’s modeling her green ones here for the holidays!
Payton is an almost 12-year-old lab mix who has very arthritic hips. We have hardwood floors and tile in our downstairs, and she has a hard time getting up and down on them. She also HATES having her nails trimmed, so I knew getting the ToeGrips on would be a challenge. It took a good 20 minutes with dental floss in one hand, a marker in the other, just to measure her toes to see what size ToeGrips she needed.
I gave her a day between measurement and application because of how much she hates her toes messed with. Armed with treats, ToeGrips, and a cup of water (you have to get the ToeGrips wet to slide them onto the toe nails), I set out to get her back feet done. Payton realized within 2 toes that she was NOT getting her toenails clipped, and relaxed a bit. Once that happened, I had her back feet decked out in about 5 minutes. I then called her over to the hard wood floors.
I asked her to lay down, which she hates to do, because she knows how hard it is to get up off the hardwood. But we had to see… It took two or three times of me asking her to come to me, but when she finally decided to get up, you could see the initial scramble of her hind end simply cease as she was able to grab the floor and boost herself up. I made her lie down and do it two more times, and by the third time, she popped up and began trotting through the downstairs, taking a tight turn into the kitchen where she grabbed a toy and trotted back through the hardwood floors! She was beaming with happiness! They worked!
Today Payton has had her ToeGrips on for about a week. They don’t slip, fall off, or bother her. I check them daily to make sure they sit where they are supposed to on her nails. It took her about an hour total to get used to the feel of the back ones on the hardwood, which only showed up because her gait was different as she was able to grip the floors again. She didn’t bat an eye at the front ToeGrips being added, and she didn’t fight me on it because she realized right away what they were. I’m already beginning to see more strength in her hind end because she’s using those muscles again to get up correctly. She’s been trotting around the downstairs, and hopping and playing with her toys on hardwood floors – an activity that she long ago restricted to carpeting for her own comfort.
I am so grateful that this product exists. The quality of life for my arthritic old girl just improved greatly, and it is obvious how much happier Payton is now. We’re now asking some of our foster homes to try them, and we’re documenting the difference from before and after. We’ll share that with you when it’s done. We don’t get anything for sharing this product with you – just the satisfaction of hopefully helping some more arthritic dogs out there!
—Dawn Kemper, Executive Director, Young at Heart Pet Rescue
“…now she can walk and is not afraid…”
My 11 year old toy rat terrier has worn these for over a year and they have made a 100 percent difference. All rooms in our house are carpeted except our kitchen and we previously had rugs in place for her to walk through the kitchen so she could go outside to go potty. We still have the rugs, but, now she can walk and is not afraid when we go to the vet as that facility also has tile. People ask over and over again if she just got her nails painted. She does have a problem with her hips and receives treatment so this has made it safe for her not to fall and get hurt.—Z-Connie D
“I will be a repeated customer and have been spreading the word on your amazing product!”

My German Shepherd, Astro has hip dysplasia and recently started slipping on our wood floors. It broke my heart watching him repeatedly slip and fall. As soon as I put ToeGrips on him he was back to normal! I can’t thank you enough for giving Astro the confidence he needed to walk again!—Katie Bardis
“Obie continues to improve.”
I attribute this to the lack of slipping and falling inside the house, and on the deck, which has allowed her to heal sprained or damaged joints, tendons, and muscles. She is back to going deep into the yard to relieve herself which tells me she’s not experiencing much if any pain while walking.
At the rate she was going, I really didn’t expect Obie to make it through the winter. Just walking from the bedroom to the kitchen on carpet was a chore, not to mention a slick surface. At present I see no reason she won’t be around for another summer. At 14 she’s exceeded the expected life of a Basset mix so we’ve got our fingers crossed. —Andy Ritch
Gladness BEFORE and AFTER ToeGrips® dog nail grips:
Watch Scooty’s review of ToeGrips® dog nail grips!
“I just wanted to send a quick thank you note.”
I have had Sam my 14 year old rescue for 6 months now and have tried everything to keep this old boy from sliding on my wood laminate. I have so many rugs down you can’t see the floor anymore. The toe grips are a small doggie miracle for this severely arthritic dog. Now that he is not sliding his back leg pain has decreased, he has much more strength in his hind legs at the end of the day, and he is clearly more comfortable. I can’t thank you enough! —Marianne Gribbon
“In the short amount of time she’s been wearing them I see a huge difference!”
I just ordered my first set of Toe Grips on Tuesday night. Received them this afternoon and got them on in a few minutes time. My black lab, Haley is 14. She suffers from hip issues, slides around and among other things. In the short amount of time she’s been wearing them I see a huge difference! Thanks for a great invention to make my baby more mobile and safe! Thanks! —Melissa
“…we clapped our hands with happiness at how well they worked on our polished floors.”
Last September our 3 y/o Aussie Dog, Banjo had a spinal accident. The pain he endured for those long and confusing hours travelling from vet to specialist makes me cry when I think about it. He underwent emergency surgery and when he came home a week later, he wasn’t the same dog we knew, just a traumatised shadow living in a body filled with pain. Those were long, terrible days and we were so afraid of losing him as the vet bill was astronomical and we knew couldn’t go through it again. The operation came with no guarantee. Gone was the fun loving, happy and bouncy guy we used to know. He had to be carried to eat, go to the toilet, to bed and was confined in a baby play pen for six weeks. He was depressed and hated it, but to make it easier we let his much older sister Rosy sit with him for company or a human would get in there with him. Finally, after what seemed like years, he got better little by little. He sat outside in the sun having sun baths but it was hard for him to remember to take it easy – there are lots of ups and downs with a special needs dog. He could only walk if we held the base of his tail and wobbled every where. He never complained. Six months on and he is almost the same dog. He can no longer jump or run like he used to but he does try (usually ending in a spectacular fail with me screaming like a crazy woman “Noooo Banjo”). He’s getting used to his limitations. Because he couldn’t walk on the floors, I asked around on FB for people to donate their yoga mats and we made colourful yoga mat pathways all over the house. But they didn’t entirely do the trick. We found Dr. Buzby’s ToeGrips for Dogs because our vet recommended them. I rang from Australia and the lady I spoke to was our beautiful angel and sent them to me immediately. When we got the toe grips, we clapped our hands with happiness at how well they worked on our polished floors. He is a different dog with them on, and when they come off due to him having a bath / toe nail clip, he refuses to walk anywhere in the house without them – they are his total safety net guaranteed. Ironically, the morning of Banjo’s accident I had a quiet word to him, thanking him for his love and to assure him that no matter what, we would always love him and be there for him because he was the best dog we could have hoped for. Banjo is my best friend, and even though he can’t speak to me, he gets every word I say. The amount of love, laughs and hilarious fun he brings to me and my family is astounding and we are so happy to call him ours. \Thanks Dr Buzby, from all of us. You changed ours and his life for the better. —Emma Garrett
“The change was instant.”
I cannot thank you enough for what you have done for Timber! The change was instant. At 13, we were prepared to just accept the fact that he is getting older and he just cannot walk like he used to. We noticed he was having trouble just 2 weeks ago, and literally the next day I saw your ad on facebook. It was as if God sent you to help Timber. And you did! Timber says … THANK YOU! —Kathy Martinez
“If i could be a saleswoman for your company, i would travel the world singing of the greatness of this product.”
I wanted to thank you for such an amazing product. I have a 13 year old rottie who has cancer that we are trying to make comfortable until he tells us it’s his time. He was falling 5-6 times a day on our hardwoods, and it was seriously breaking my heart. I work at an animal hospital and had another client recommend your product that was offered to her through her holistic acupuncturist. I thought, “well this couldn’t hurt to try” I’m so glad that I did. He is a different dog now. He is so confident, and knows he’s not going to fall. He actually comes running now to get his breakfast and dinner, and greets me at the door with his bone every night when i come home from work. He hasn’t done that in months, and this was the best money i’ve ever spent. I was so happy with your product, that I’ve convinced my veterinarians to start providing them here at our practice. They came in the mail today, and we put them on 4 dogs in one day. If i could be a saleswoman for your company, i would travel the world singing of the greatness of this product. Thank you so much for these wonderful grips and giving my chubby mcbutterpants his life back!!! —Mandy Hemmings
“Thank you for a great product that deals with the issues of dog nail slippage in a practical and cost-effective manner…”
Paddy was diagnosed with Fragmented Coronoid Process at 11 months old and our vet at the time thought that he would probably only make it to 3 years old before the resulting arthritis would necessitate him being put down. However, we found the simply amazing Noel Fitzpatrick ( ) and although Paddy had to undergo surgery and a lengthy recuperation, he has made it to 10 years old with few complications.
Recently though, Paddy had been increasingly struggling with the oak floors and stairs of our converted chapel and had become very resistant to attempting the stairs at all….a real issue as our garden is accessed from the stair landing. I came across your website through Google and reckoned there was nothing to be lost and possibly much to be gained from giving Toegrips a go. The results within just a few days were astounding! Paddy is now completely reassured and happy to canter up and down the stairs at will, as well as chase his treat ball around on the wooden floors. It really has been a transformation and I would happily recommend Toegrips without reservation.
I am however glad I followed the measurement process as it turns out that Paddy has some nails that are Large and some suitable for Extra Large Toegrips and I would recommend that people do the same.
Thank you for a great product that deals with the issues of dog nail slippage in a practical and cost effective manner…we are sure we can look forward to paddy’s remaining years being much enhanced as a result.
Attached is an action photo taken today of Paddy showing off his new stair decending skills J
Regards, Graeme Phillips Wadhurst, UK
“I was able to pick up 5 throw rugs!”
Ginger is almost 13 years old. She’s doing so much better with the toe grips. I was able to pick up 5 throw rugs! The throw rugs work but are constantly getting pulls from her nails. Fact is, she pushes the rugs out of her way because she prefers the cool floor to lay on. Thank you so much for such a great product!
—Amy Kobb
Before ToeGrips® dog nail grips, Cocoa, a senior dog, struggled to stand on hardwood floors.
Wearing ToeGrips® dog nail grips, Cocoa rises and walks on slippery hardwood floors.
“The ToeGrips have made all the difference in the world!”
I wanted to tell you how much of a difference ToeGrips have made for our two 13-year-old dogs. Slater, our Catahoula Leopard dog, had surgery on both knees when he was a young boy, and as he got older, walking became more and more of a chore. He has lost most of the strength in his back legs, and so has a very difficult time walking on surfaces that he can’t get a grip on. Our vet, Dr. Donna Shipley, of The Animal Medical Center of Labelle” recommended I try Dr. Buzby’s ToeGrips shortly after she learned about them, and I ordered them the same day. They arrived only a few days later, and Slater has worn them ever since (I believe that’s going on two years). The ToeGrips have made all the difference in the world! He can now walk across linoleum, hardwood floors . . . anything! And now that he’s used to them, he patiently waits while I tend to them, making sure they’re positioned correctly, and replacing those that have become too worn to stay on. With so much success for Slater, we quickly decided to use them on our 13-year-old Black Mouth Cur as well. He has enjoyed the same benefits as Slater. Wherever we go, people seem to notice the ToeGrips. One man even commented, “I like his green toenails!” As soon as someone mentions them, I tell them about Dr. Buzby’s ToeGrips, and hope they take my success story to heart and try them for their own senior dogs.
—Debbie Kapp-Beasley
ToeGrips provide confidence to Benjamine following knee surgery!
Thank you Dr. Buzby for developing your toe grips products. Benjamine has had knee surgery and we have been quite concerned about his safety when walking on tile or wood floors since. I did not expect Benjamine to take to the toe grips so easily. Although he does not like his feet groomed, he did not resist your toe grips, or try to remove them. He loves them. We feel much more confident that he is safer for having them on. —Dr. Gillen
“…the results were immediate and profound!!!!”
Dear Dr. Buzby- Where do we begin?. Our 15 year old black Lab Guiness, was having all sorts of difficulty on our hardwood and tile. He actually pinched a nerve “swimming” to get up. He always finds the cool tile and hardwood more comfortable than the carpet runners we put out throughout the house for him. It’s been a real frustration to say the least. We were given a sample of your Toe Grips at C.A.R.E. (Calif Animal Rehab) in Santa Monica. The world’s best Vet, Dr. Heather Oxford, asked us to try them as they had just been sent to her as a trial sample. Well, the results were immediate and profound!!!! Though Guiness occasionally loses one, the Grips stay on great. He has virtually eliminated the “swimming” needed to gain traction on slippery surfaces.
We don’t often take the time to endorse a product but we felt this product is different. We HIGHLY recommend Dr. Buzby’s Toe Grips. Please have anyone contact us at the email above or phone number below if additional info/feed back is sought. Just when you think everything in the world has been invented, A life-saving, flash of brilliance occurs!!
Heartiest congrats and continued success, Erin and Brad Kaplan (and Guiness)
“…she started running around the house and cornering around furniture on the hardwood floors.”
My pitbull mix recently had her front limb amputated due to osteosarcoma and was doing well but balked at going up and down my hardwood stairs at home. I had been using the balloon booties which were pretty labor intensive as they would constantly rip and she wasn’t thrilled about me putting them on her. Quite honestly no one really thought the toe grips would work because they didn’t make sense. But darned if she not only started going up and down the stairs w/o any assistance, she started running around the house and cornering around furniture on the hardwood floors. I now have to stop her from running too much to keep her from injury to her remaining front limb.
Thank you… Laurie
“Thanks SO much…hoping this gives us even more time together.”
Hi! I received Brady’s toe grips in the mail today and have already put a few on him. Brady is an almost 13 yr old yellow lab, and a retired Leader Dog for the Blind. I was his puppy raiser and when his partner passed away, he retired to my home in IL. Brady has had rear-end weakness for a couple of years now…on medication as well as monthly laser treatments. The laser treatments have literally saved his life and given us an additional 8 months together as I was ready to say good bye to him. But, I continue to see his slowly declining and having more trouble walking on my laminate flooring. I was so anxious to try the toe grips. Unfortunately, I was able to get only 2 grips on each foot. He’s been dragging his feet on the ground and you can easily hear it….so the 2 middle nails on each foot are too short for any grip at all. Is there anything I can do to protect those 2 inner nails for them to grow longer and to attach a grip? With just the two on each foot, it’s already made a difference!! Can’t imagine how good he’d be with all 20 on!! Thanks SO much…hoping this gives us even more time together! ~Janice and Brady
ToeGrips in snow!
Dr. Julie,
I am very happy to report that your ingenious invention is working wonders for Pepper, our cancer survivor. I’m attaching photos, but I’m not a great photographer (point and shoot) so I’ll continue to shoot more to better capture the great performance of Toe Grips.
The indoors photo shows him in the kitchen, along with his brother T-Bone, waiting for the carrots they’re about to receive. He’s a cautious walker on the hard floor, but I think he’s showing more confidence now. As you can see, we placed the toe grips only on his hind leg, but since he’s about to turn 10 years old, his aging bones will make hopping on three legs more difficult, and we’ll be using toe grips on all three legs in the not-too-distant future.
In the photo of the dogs running, you can see that Pepper is having a great time. I watched him carefully this morning for the full 80-minute walk, and was amazed at his ability to stay upright…he never fell once!! I knew all the slick spots and watched him yesterday (without the toe grips) and his poor hip bones went crashing to the ground every time that hind leg slipped. Today, with the toe grips, he rarely slid, and never fell. When he walked over pure ice, his foot would begin to slide, then the grips “gripped” and kept him upright!
I should clarify my use of the terms “ice” and “icy”. The best analogy is to compare it to skiing. If you ask an advanced skier about snow conditions, they might refer to “hard-packed snow” as icy, but of course, it isn’t ice, it’s snow that is slick enough that carving a turn is challenging. An experienced skier might suddenly encounter a spot of real ice—frozen water—and be skilled enough to “float” over it in order to stay upright; a less skilled skier will encounter real ice and simply crash and burn, because you can’t ski ice. So when I use the term “icy” it means hard-packed snow, and “ice” means water that froze overnight. Today, I saw a patch of ice and walked around it; Pepper walked right over it, started to slide, then got a grip…that is amazing.
Pepper has been falling on the icy hard-packed snow, and now he is not! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I am so grateful for your willingness to send the grips to me free of charge, but obviously, I’ll now be a regular paying customer. Please let me know of anything you’d like me to do; I’ll continue to shoot more pictures, because these are not the best. In the meantime, THANK YOU!!
“She went from lethargic to zippy in a nanosecond!”
Dear Dr. Buzby,
My sister-in-law works for the state’s largest veterinary hospital. I laughed when she brought your ToeGrips to our home. As a man, this is difficult to say, but after we put the ToeGrips on our 14 year old Schnauzer, Heidi…. I cried. She went from lethargic to zippy in a nanosecond! She dances and prances like the days of old! I know for a fact that the ToeGrips will give her a better quality of life and in turn it allows me to enjoy my best friend and seeing her happy.
Warmest regards, Deron Goolsby
Poh the Dog slipped on hardwood floors until his owner found ToeGrips® dog nail grips. Watch the transformation.
Peanut, a 12-year-old Chihuahua dog, can’t walk on hardwood floors until conquering them with ToeGrips® dog nail grips.
“They are truly amazing.”
We had the honor of Dr.Buzby making a housecall to measure our ten year old Golden’s toe nails and to personally attach the remarkable ToeGrips.. Our Isabelle no longer does “The Watusi” when trying to get up from the hard wood floors. They are truly amazing.
Thanks Dr.Buzby for your dedication to making life easier for our senior pets.
—Lynne Droze Betty
“My therapy dog was able to return to school for Halloween because of ToeGrips.”
He started not wanting to walk on the school floors as of last June and I thought his career was done at 10. With ToeGrips he marched in the 4K parade through every classroom in the elementary that I teach at. This was so much fun. Thank you for extending his career. —Patricia Ottaway
“Just wanted to tell you how much we love the toe grips.”
I have a 17 year old border collie named Sue. She is a retired sheep dog and agility dog and due to her age she is quite frail. Her mind is still fine and she has lots of things she wants to do. Now thanks to the toe grips she is now secure enough in her footing to happily and comfortably negotiate my hardwood and linoleum floors. Her quality of life is so much better! Thank you! —Meagan Skelton
“Huge, huge thanks for the awesome customer service!!!”
I ordered Barley’s first pair Saturday morning (over the holiday) and they arrived Monday. Although he was a pill letting me put them on, they really seem to be helping him on our wood floors. At 9 y/o and 132 pounds, he needed the extra stability. Thank you!!! —Eric Davis
“ToeGrips are the best!”
Dee has been wearing them since last Oct. and she is doing so well with them. At the National Specialty she ventured out to play with a 9 month old stud and never fell over once! She is almost 15 yr. The other day, she bumped into the dishwasher while I was loading it and lost her balance. You could see her thinking about her feet and how to get them in place for the toe grips to work. Amazing! Before toe grips she would have been on the floor. —Terri Gedek
ToeGrips provide stability on hard floors
Hi Dr Buzby MAC has trialled your ToeGrips for the last few days. They have dramatically improved his stability on our timber floors. No more slipping or sliding. The slipping caused back pain which required anti-inflamatories. Hopefully, with ToeGrips the anti-inflamatories will no longer be required. Will keep you posted. Thanks MAC PS: ToeGrips were really easy to fit given your excellent video and instructions.—Mac McAuliffe
“I am smiling!”
It is difficult to see the green grips on Cassie, but I am so happy for her! We rescued her a year ago and she haas been slipping and falling on our wood floors ever since. After an easy application, she is walking around like a champ. I am smiling! Thanks. —Michelle DuPuis