If your dog is limping on a back leg, one of many different conditions could be to blame. To help you navigate this situation, integrative veterinarian Dr. Julie Buzby invites rehabilitation veterinarian Angela Youello VMD, PhD, CCRT, CVA to the blog. Dr. Youello discusses 14 reasons a dog is limping on a back leg and when to head to the vet.
Common Dog Health Problems
Stomach Ulcers in Dogs: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Hypertension in Dogs: What’s Normal, What’s Not, How to Help
Hypertension, or high blood pressure, in dogs is a common warning sign and complication of many canine diseases—but recognizing the signs can be tricky, especially as your dog ages. Dr. Julie Buzby, integrative veterinarian and founder of Dr. Buzby’s ToeGrips®, gives you the reassuring facts you need to best care for your dog with hypertension.
Carpal Hyperextension in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment
Can Cerenia for Dogs Help Your Vomiting Dog?
Cerenia for dogs is a great medication for pups who suffer from motion sickness or are nauseous for various reasons. Plus, it has some exciting bonus uses. Integrative veterinarian Dr. Julie Buzby explains how Cerenia works and what it is used for, provides dosing and administration guidelines, reviews Cerenia’s safety and contraindications, and discusses a few alternatives to Cerenia.