MCT oil for dogs has been gaining popularity recently. But what exactly is this supplement and how might it help your dog? Integrative veterinarian Dr. Julie Buzby explains the science behind MCT oil, its benefits and uses, how to select an MCT oil supplement, and why she thinks it is a promising supplement for dogs—especially those with dementia or epilepsy.
Senior Dog Care
Cushing’s Disease in Dogs: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Medications
Is your middle-aged or senior dog drinking and urinating more than usual? Does your dog have a pot-bellied appearance? These are just a few signs of Cushing’s disease in dogs (also known as hyperadrenocorticism). Integrative veterinarian Dr. Julie Buzby shares symptoms, diagnosis, medications, prognosis, and life-expectancy for Cushing’s disease in dogs.
CBD Oil for Dogs: Facts, Benefits, Concerns [2024]
What are the benefits of CBD oil for dogs? What are the concerns about CBD and dogs? CBD oil has become an increasingly hot topic in human medicine and veterinary medicine. Integrative veterinarian Dr. Julie Buzby breaks down the pros and cons. Get the latest facts, concerns, and benefits that dog parents need to know.
Spondylosis in Dogs: Symptoms, Treatment, Causes
Spondylosis in dogs is a common condition often seen in older pets. Integrative veterinarian Dr. Julie Buzby describes risk factors, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options for spondylosis in dogs. By knowing what to watch for and what to do if spondylosis develops, you will help your senior dog continue to thrive.
Dog Arthritis Treatment: 8 Ways to Help a Senior Dog at Home
If your dog’s muzzle is getting grey and arthritis pain is threatening to steal the joy from those golden years, you want to ensure your home is a safe and supportive environment—especially for senior dogs with mobility challenges. Integrative veterinarian Dr. Julie Buzby draws from her many years of loving and caring for senior dogs to share these eight practical ways to help your dog with arthritis at home.