‘Why didn’t you tell me?!?’ is something you can’t say after this episode. Dr. Buzby shares the specific causes and dangers of rabies in dogs, along with some great examples of parenting teen boys with specificity.
The benefit of rabies vaccination for dogs is huge, but the real advantage of widespread vaccination is the effect it has on human exposure to this deadly virus as Dr. Buzby illustrates. This episode also covers titers. What they are as well as what they can and can’t signify. So, listen up and don’t say we didn’t tell you so!
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First podcast I’ve listened to with my dog, Halo, who barks at everyone’s voice, but layed quietly next to me and listened to you. We live on a golf course and several homes this summer have been inundated by bats. It’s been a crazy summer, houses are “treated” and the bats just move to the next house. We are being proactive and having a company come out and do what is necessary to keep bats out of our home. Thanks for your podcast it was very informative. Glad your son got treatment and is okay…boys will always be boys, sometimes we can only do “clean-up”. I have a daughter who wanted to save every lost animal in the world, no matter how many times I told her not to get close to strays, she did, she picked them up, brought them home, found the owners…or kept them as her/our own. We were lucky, she was never bitten and we ended up with the most amazing pets:)
Hello Alison,
Your daughter sounds like a gem! Thanks so much for your kind words about my podcast! I’m so honored that Halo approved! 🙂