Team ToeGrips Helps Senior Dogs from The Mr. Mo Project
Team ToeGrips is all too familiar with the problem of senior dogs slipping on hard surface floors. Due to muscular weakness, joint disease and slower reflexes many older dogs struggle to stand up and walk on slick floors. They simply cannot get a good grip like a younger dog. So when the team heard about three adorable senior pugs from the Mr. Mo Project who lost their confidence to walk, they immediately offered to help.
Meet Malcom, Winston and J.J., Senior Dogs
Malcolm (pictured above) and Winston were rescued from shelters by volunteers with The Mr. Mo Project. The rescue group was founded by Chris and Mariesa Hughes with the goal of saving older pups nationwide. The organization is named in honor of their beloved senior dog, Mr. Mo.
Too often, grey-faced senior dogs are abandoned by their owners or sent to shelters after they’ve come down with a long-term illness or terminal disease. The Mr. Mo Project ensures that every dog in their program receives veterinarian medical bill assistance for the rest of their life.
Dogs rescued by The Mr. Mo Project are placed in foster homes until they are healthy enough to be adopted. Malcolm and Winston were recently placed with their foster mom, Shawna McAlearney, and a former foster Pug named J.J. The family lives in the Boston area. Shawna specializes in fostering Pugs and has opened her home to dogs in need for the past nine years. She’s volunteered with The Mr. Mo Project for nearly one year.

Her dog J.J., who is 12 years old, suffered a stroke either before or after he was relinquished to a shelter. One of his front legs atrophied after the stroke and had to be amputated. With love and assistance from Shawna, J.J. is now a cherished pet who has earned his certificate as a therapy dog. He and Shawna regularly visit patients in the hospital so J.J. can cheer them up with his funny personality.
J.J. has also become the official greeter for new foster dogs in the McAlearney home. Malcolm and Winston are his latest housemates.
Malcolm is a 14-year-old pug who suffers from severe arthritis. Shawna said the poor little guy slides on her hardwood floors all the time.

Winston is a 10-year-old pug who is paralyzed from the waist down. He was abandoned at a New York City apartment after his family moved away without him. When Winston was rescued, a quad wheelchair cart was donated to help him get around, but his front paws still slip on slick floors and surfaces.
Team ToeGrips is happy to assist foster dog moms
Team ToeGrips is donating a set of non slip grips to each of the dogs so they will be able to gain the traction they need to stand up easily and walk around on Shawna’s hardwood floors. Team ToeGrips is proud to assist foster moms like Shawna, and organizations like The Mr. Mo Project that work hard to save the estimated 7.6 million companion animals that enter shelters nationwide every year.
So many wonderful things to help keep ur older dogs safe & happy
I so enjoyed hearing how Toegrips is helping these sweet pups who need help!