If your dog recently started taking gabapentin and you are wondering about the gabapentin side effects in dogs, this article is for you. Integrative veterinarian Dr. Julie Buzby discusses what side effects to watch for, and how those side effects can be minimized or managed. Plus she answers seven gabapentin FAQs.
Senior Dog Care
When Is a Dog Considered a Senior?
When is a dog considered a senior? Integrative veterinarian Dr. Julie Buzby offers insight on when you can confidently welcome your dog into the prestigious “silver senior dog” club. Plus, get highlights on some common health issues you might encounter on the journey through your dog’s golden years.
14 Vegetables Dogs Can Eat (And May Just Love)
It can be overwhelming to know which foods to feed your beloved senior dog. And while there are some fabulous commercial foods out there, you can easily supplement your dog’s diet with whole foods that pack a nutritious punch. On the blog this week, Dr. Julie Buzby, DVM, shares what a high-quality diet should look like and nine vegetables dogs can safely eat.
When Caring For A Sick Pet Becomes Too Much: Pet Caregiver Fatigue
Pet caregiver fatigue, which happens when caring for a sick pet becomes too much, is sort of the elephant in the room. No one wants to admit they are struggling with the demands of caring for a sick or elderly dog. Yet, as end-of-life care veterinarian Dr. Dawnetta Woodruff explains, feeling overwhelmed and frustrated in those situations is normal. But there are some steps you can take to combat those feelings.
Older Dog Losing Teeth? What You Can Do About Tooth Loss
If your older dog is losing teeth, it’s often an indicator of periodontal disease. Dr. Julie Buzby shares the signs, symptoms, and treatment options for dental disease in older dogs. Learn how early intervention and preventative treatments can help your dog live a healthier, happier (and pain-free) life.