Many of Dr. Buzby’s clients cook for their dogs. Done correctly, dogs can thrive! Done incorrectly, dogs can end up with life-threatening health issues. Board certified veterinary nutritionist, Dr. Jackie Parr, joins Dr. Buzby at the Uncharted Veterinary Conference to discuss dog nutrition and particularly the pros and cons of home-cooking for dogs. Dr. Parr helps us ensure our dogs are not only getting high-quality ingredients and extra love in their meals but also all the nutrients required for a happy, healthy, long life.
Find more from Dr. Parr at her website The Kibble Queen.

so my 1 year old girl dogs won’t eat dog food because I let her taste human food so she only eats like hamburger meat or chicken and white rice how do I stop her from eating human food and try to put her back on healthy dog food
Hi Cynthia,
I understand why you are reaching out as this can be quite the dilemma. Dogs are great at training us to do what they want! Please make sure your vet is aware of this issue as they can help guide you in the right direction. I can offer advice, but without being personally involved it is hard to know what is best for your pup. I usually recommend feeding a high-quality dog food with a little of the chicken and rice mixed in. You may have to play around with some canned food or adding water to the kibble or even warming it up slightly. This transition may require some tough love. Your girl may skip a meal or two before she gets hungry enough to eat what is offered verses what she prefers. This is where input from your vet is very important. While some dogs can miss a meal and not even blink an eye, other dogs may have health conditions that would make skipping a meal a detriment to their health. I am certain you can partner with your vet to make this change successful. Don’t give up. You can do this! Best wishes and good luck.
Hello I have a 4 year old West Highland Terrier that just started to get these crusty spots all over her back first then her tummy, inner legs, and now down her buttocks, can you help me?
Hi Tina,
I am sorry your Westie is having skin issues that are spreading all over her body. Without examining her myself, I cannot make specific recommendations. You have to find out what is causing these crusty spots so the appropriate treatment can be started. Your best bet is to schedule an appointment with your vet to have your pup evaluated. I am hopeful the right therapy will get things under control quickly. Best wishes for a full recovery for your sweet girl.