I know firsthand having a thirteen year old Kuvasz, keeping her mind fit is so important to her overall quality of life. Just as with many aging humans, senior dogs often develop dementia. There is no cure, but there are some things pet parents can do to slow the process. At Katie’s age, it is […]
Spleen Cancer in Dogs: My Miracle McGuire’s Story
Spinal Stroke in Dogs: How Love and ToeGrips® Dog Nail Grips Helped Ozzy Recover
How Love and ToeGrips® dog nail grips Helped Ozzy Recover from a Spinal Stroke Fibrocartilaginous embolism (FCE). Spinal stroke in dogs. It may sound like a gloom and doom diagnosis, but most dogs can improve over time. Meet Ozzy and read the heartwarming story of his recovery. Then read integrative veterinarian Dr. Julie Buzby’s summation […]
7 Reasons I Love ToeGrips® Dog Nail Grips For My Senior Dog
Charlie Mae’s Incredible Life
This story began as a ToeGrips® dog nail grips testimonial after pet parent Lauren Skarnulis wrote to let us know how much ToeGrips® dog nail grips helped give Charlie Mae, her little miracle dog, stability for her weak legs. Sadly, after battling immune-mediated hemolytic anemia and then an in-operable tumor, the story turned into a tribute for […]