How do you know when to euthanize a dog with liver failure? Making that decision can be incredibly difficult. But end-of-life care veterinarian Dr. Dawnetta Woodruff, friend of integrative veterinarian Dr. Julie Buzby, is here to help. Dr. Woodruff explains the stages of liver disease (including the symptoms of end-stage liver failure). Then she provides practical and heartfelt advice about when to euthanize a dog with liver failure.
Common Dog Health Problems
Zonisamide For Dogs: A Helpful Medication For Managing Seizures
Zonisamide for dogs is an anticonvulsant (i.e. medication to control seizures) that veterinarians may use by itself or in combination with another anticonvulsant. Learn more about this medication, which is gaining popularity in veterinary medicine. Integrative veterinarian Dr. Julie Buzby explains the mechanism of action, uses, side effects, contraindications, and drug interactions for zonisamide for dogs.
Low Platelets in Dogs: Thrombocytopenia
Low platelets in dogs (i.e. thrombocytopenia in dogs) can be a symptom of many conditions—some more serious than others. Integrative veterinarian Dr. Julie Buzby explains the symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis for low platelets in dogs. Armed with this information, you will know what to expect should your dog have a low platelet count.
Liver Cancer in Dogs: Types, Treatment, and Prognosis
Liver cancer in dogs is a diagnosis no dog parent wants to receive. Yet a variety of cancers can, and sometimes do, affect a dog’s liver. To help you navigate your dog’s liver cancer diagnosis, integrative veterinarian Dr. Julie Buzby explains the types, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis for liver cancer in dogs.
Dog Car Sickness Remedies: Medicines & Natural Remedies
If you are searching for dog car sickness remedies, look no further. Integrative veterinarian Dr. Julie Buzby provides practical, easy-to-follow steps for reducing car-related anxiety. Plus, discover dog car sickness natural remedies and dog car sickness medicines (over-the-counter and veterinarian-prescribed).