Wondering how to feed a dog with vestibular disease? When your dog’s world is spinning, eating tends to be a bit difficult for him or her. But these tips from integrative veterinarian Dr. Julie Buzby might be just the thing you need to get your dog’s recovery started off on the right paw.
Common Dog Health Problems
Dental Disease in Dogs: Why Prevention Is the Best Medicine
Did you know that some form of dental disease in dogs affects 80% of dogs by the age of two years? Integrative veterinarian Dr. Julie Buzby teams up with veterinary dental specialist Dr. Heidi Lobprise to explain the causes, treatment, and prevention of dental disease (i.e. periodontal disease in dogs).
Heart Murmur in Dogs: The Facts About This Sometimes Scary Sound
Why Is My Dog Breathing Fast? 10 Conditions to Consider
“Why is my dog breathing fast?” is a fairly common question from dog parents. Sometimes rapid breathing can be normal, but other times it may signal a problem. Integrative veterinarian Dr. Julie Buzby puts your mind at ease by explaining how to tell if your dog’s breathing is normal and discussing 10 conditions that may cause your dog to breathe fast.