Deciding when to euthanize a dog with hemangiosarcoma can be incredibly difficult. Take it from Dr. Erica Irish, a veterinarian who lost not one but two of her beloved dogs to hemangiosarcoma. On the invitation of integrative veterinarian Dr. Julie Buzby, Dr. Irish wrote this blog to share her experiences and expertise with other dog parents who are facing the same heartbreaking decision.
Our Blog: The Buzby Bark
Searching for a trusted resource on senior dog care, dog wellness, and dog health issues? As an integrative veterinarian with 20+ years of experience, Dr. Julie Buzby shares comprehensive information on canine topics you care about. From senior dog health problems like canine arthritis to everyday dilemmas like stopping a dog's nail from bleeding, no dog health topic is too big or small. Find thoughtful answers, delivered with a healthy dose of encouragement, in Dr. Buzby's award-winning dog blog.
Torn ACL in Dogs: Signs, Symptoms, Surgery Options
A torn ACL in dogs (technically called a CCL or cranial cruciate ligament) is a common condition. However, that doesn’t make it less scary when it’s your dog who is limping. Integrative veterinarian Dr. Julie Buzby shares signs, causes, surgical treatment options, and post-operative recovery for ACL injuries. Learn the facts in this comprehensive guide that includes images of dog ACL X-rays and video of a veterinarian checking the health of a dog’s CCL.
Fecal Test for Dogs: 10 Myths Dispelled
Heartworm Disease in Dogs: The 10 Deadly Myths
PRP for Dogs: How Platelet Rich Plasma Can Help Your Dog
PRP for dogs (i.e. platelet rich plasma) is a promising therapy for dogs with orthopedic problems ranging from tendon or ligament strains to osteoarthritis. To teach you more about how PRP works and if it could be right for your dog, integrative veterinarian Dr. Julie Buzby invites canine rehabilitation specialist and PRP expert Dr. Britt Carr Benson to the blog.