This Touching Dog Story Will Make You Cry Our ToeGrips friends and family mean the world to us. So when we received this touching video from dog owner Jamie documenting the story of her blind, three-legged dog named Kangaroo (her friends call her Roo), we were moved. If you’d like to watch the video of Roo’s […]
Blind Dog Odie Is An Instagram Star
If you’re a fan of Instagram you have probably met Odie, the little blind Shih Tzu who is on a mission to tell the world that dogs with disabilities can lead happy lives. This Instagram star with more than 16,000 followers on Odieseyes has become an inspirational icon who is spreading the motto: Love is […]
How Veterinary Rehabilitation Medicine Uses ToeGrips® dog nail grips
A conversation with Dr. Evelyn Orenbuch, DVM Dr. Evelyn Orenbuch, DVM has been an advocate for ToeGrips® dog nail grips since the company started three years ago and founder Dr. Julie Buzby personally stopped by to give a seminar and demonstration to the staff at Georgia Veterinary Rehabilitation, Fitness and Pain Management. At the time, a […]
IVDD in Dachshunds: Lady Penelope’s Experience
IVDD in Dachshunds: Lady Penelope’s Experience Lady Penelope (Penny to her friends) is a seven-year-old miniature Dachshund who lives in Australia with her owners, Sharelyn and Kane, and her Dachshund housemate, Gidget GoLightly. Penny and Sharelyn have become enthusiastic fans of Dr. Buzby’s ToeGrips® dog nail grips since the sweet dog, who suffered from IVDD, became […]