Wondering if Pepto-Bismol for dogs is a safe way to soothe your pup’s upset tummy? Unfortunately, the answer is typically “no”. Integrative veterinarian Dr. Julie Buzby explains how a seemingly innocent Pepto-Bismol tablet almost led one of her patients to have an unnecessary surgery. She also discusses 6 other reasons to avoid the temptation to give your dog Pepto-Bismol.
Common Dog Health Problems
How to Feed A Dog With Vestibular Disease: A Comprehensive Guide
IBD in Dogs: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Dental Disease in Dogs: Why Prevention Is the Best Medicine
Did you know that some form of dental disease in dogs affects 80% of dogs by the age of two years? Integrative veterinarian Dr. Julie Buzby teams up with veterinary dental specialist Dr. Heidi Lobprise to explain the causes, treatment, and prevention of dental disease (i.e. periodontal disease in dogs).