While peppermint in some forms and in small amounts may not cause issues for dogs, peppermint oil—especially when undiluted or in large quantities—can be problematic. And peppermint candies that contain xylitol or chocolate? They are downright dangerous. Keep your dog safe and get clear answers to questions like, “Can dogs have peppermint?” and “Is peppermint oil safe for dogs?” from integrative veterinarian Dr. Julie Buzby.
Happy, Healthy Dog Care
How Do I Find Veterinary Specialists Near Me and What Do They Do?
Googling “veterinary specialists near me”? If so, you’ve come to the right place. In this guide to veterinary specialties, integrative veterinarian Dr. Julie Buzby explain how a specialist differs from a general practice veterinarian, and what each specialist does. Plus, she provides a link to the searchable database for each specialty, making it easy to locate a particular specialist near you with just a few clicks of your mouse.
How To Comfort A Dog in Pain: 9 Vet-Recommended Ideas
Wondering how to comfort a dog in pain? You’ve come to the right place. Integrative veterinarian Dr. Julie Buzby explains how to recognize the signs of pain and provides nine great ways to provide comfort and reassurance to a painful dog. Some ideas involve her favorite products. Others are as simple as snuggles. But all nine are sure to help comfort a dog in pain.
Dog Car Sickness: Why Do Dogs Get Car Sick?
Dog car sickness can put a damper on car trips. Your poor dog feels nauseous and anxious. And if your dog vomits in the car, you are left with clean-up duty. To help remedy this problem, integrative veterinarian Dr. Julie Buzby wrote this two-part series on dog car sickness. In part one (this article) she discusses the factors that contribute to dog motion sickness, the symptoms to watch for, and what to do if your dog gets car sick. Then, in part two, she provides a multitude of dog car sickness remedies.
How To Keep Dogs Cool in Summer: 17 Ways to Beat the Heat
Figuring out how to keep dogs cool in summer is important not only for their comfort, but also for their health and wellbeing. Sadly, heatstroke claims the lives of hundreds of dogs each summer, and it is largely preventable. To help you figure out how to keep your pup cool, comfy, and safe this summer, integrative veterinarian Dr. Julie Buzby provides 17 cooling strategies.