If you’re searching for answers to the question, “Why is my old dog not eating?” help is here. With a combined 30+ years of experience caring for senior dogs, veterinarians Dr. Erica Irish and Dr. Julie Buzby share helpful, actionable tips along with underlying causes for an older dog’s loss of appetite.
Senior Dog Care
What Age Should I Feed Senior Dog Food? (And 9 More FAQs)
Wondering what age to feed senior dog food to your beloved grey-muzzled friend? Worried you aren’t feeding your senior dog the right type or amount of food? If so, you aren’t alone! Integrative veterinarian Dr. Julie Buzby knows how daunting those decisions can be, which is why she created this handy senior dog feeding guide.
When to Euthanize a Dog With Arthritis: A Vet’s Heartfelt Advice
Deciding when to euthanize a dog with arthritis can be difficult and devastating. To help provide clarity and comfort, integrative veterinarian Dr. Julie Buzby invited end-of-life-care veterinarian Dr. Dawnetta Woodruff to share some heartfelt advice from her years of supporting families and their beloved dogs through that final farewell.
Subcutaneous Fluids for Dogs: A Detailed Guide
If you are new to administering subcutaneous fluids for dogs (i.e. SQ fluids), you may be feeling a bit overwhelmed by the process. But help is here. Integrative veterinarian Dr. Julie Buzby provides detailed step-by-step instructions (complete with pictures) and answers some common FAQs to empower you to confidently give your dog subcutaneous fluids.