Sometimes determining if it is heat stroke vs. heat exhaustion in dogs isn’t black and white, especially for dog parents. To provide a quick reference guide to heat-related illnesses in dogs, integrative veterinarian Dr. Julie Buzby teamed up with emergency veterinarian Dr. Kathryn Williams. Dr. Williams explains the basics of heat stroke and heat exhaustion. And she shares when to go to the vet and how to prevent heat-related illnesses.
Common Dog Health Problems
Dog Nose Hyperkeratosis: 9 Causes
Dog nose hyperkeratosis (which shows up as a dry, crusty, and/or cracked nose) can be unsightly and sometimes even uncomfortable for affected dogs. Integrative veterinarian Dr. Julie Buzby takes a look at nine reasons a dog may develop nasal hyperkeratosis and discusses how best to help soothe and moisturize your pup’s sniffer.
Prednisone for Dogs: Uses, Side Effects, Helpful Tips
Horner’s Syndrome in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment
In Horner’s syndrome, dogs have a collection of eye-related symptoms, including a constricted pupil, droopy eyelid, sunken eye, and/or elevation of the third eyelid. Integrative veterinarian Dr. Julie Buzby explains the anatomy and physiology behind Horner’s syndrome. And then she discusses the symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis for Horner’s syndrome in dogs.
Vestibular Disease in Dogs: Doggy Vertigo
When your senior dog suddenly acts strange and out-of-sorts, it is unnerving. The good news is that dramatic symptoms don’t always mean a devastating diagnosis. Dr. Julie Buzby, integrative veterinarian and founder of Dr. Buzby’s ToeGrips®, shares her experience diagnosing old dog vestibular disease, a condition with symptoms that can rattle even the most dauntless pet parent…but usually ends in happily ever after. Read on to learn more…