Knowing how to wrap a dog’s paw is an important skill for dog parents. Integrative veterinarian Dr. Julie Buzby lists the necessarily supplies, gives detailed instructions about how to wrap a paw, and includes some bandaging tips.
Our Blog: The Buzby Bark
Searching for a trusted resource on senior dog care, dog wellness, and dog health issues? As an integrative veterinarian with 20+ years of experience, Dr. Julie Buzby shares comprehensive information on canine topics you care about. From senior dog health problems like canine arthritis to everyday dilemmas like stopping a dog's nail from bleeding, no dog health topic is too big or small. Find thoughtful answers, delivered with a healthy dose of encouragement, in Dr. Buzby's award-winning dog blog.
Benadryl for Dogs: How, When, and Why it Works
Benadryl (also known as diphenhydramine) is extremely safe for dogs. Unlike many other human medications that have marked potential for causing harm, oral Benadryl has a wide margin of safety. And even though it’s not a drug I administer or prescribe often, it’s safe and helpful for treating several conditions in dogs.
9 Reasons a Dog Keeps Licking the Base of the Tail
If it seems like every time you turn around (or try to fall asleep) your dog keeps licking the base of the tail, this article is for you. In it, integrative veterinarian Dr. Julie Buzby discusses the top nine reasons a dog may incessantly lick the base of the tail. Plus she explains how you and your vet can work together to help your dog feel more comfortable again.
Glaucoma in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Can a Dog Live Without A Spleen?
Can a dog live without a spleen? Yes, he or she can! As integrative veterinarian Dr. Julie Buzby explains, while the spleen has many important roles in the body, it isn’t necessary for survival. Dr. Buzby also helps ease the minds of dog parents whose beloved pup is facing a splenectomy by discussing why dogs might need a splenectomy and what to expect after the surgery.