If your older dog is losing teeth, it’s often an indicator of periodontal disease. Dr. Julie Buzby shares the signs, symptoms, and treatment options for dental disease in older dogs. Learn how early intervention and preventative treatments can help your dog live a healthier, happier (and pain-free) life.
Senior Dog Care
Signs of Dementia in Dogs: Stages, Symptoms & Treatment
Signs of dementia in dogs can be distressing to notice. After all, we want our grey-muzzled companions to be mentally sharp and happy for as long as possible in their golden years. Integrative veterinarian, Dr. Julie Buzby takes an in-depth look at the five common signs of doggie dementia and explains how to help your dog with dementia keep living the good life.
10 Signs of Arthritis in Dogs
Signs of arthritis in dogs can start subtly. Even the most proactive pet parent may chalk symptoms up to normal aging or “slowing down.” But as the condition progresses, the symptoms progress too, and end-stage arthritis can be completely debilitating. Integrative veterinarian Dr. Julie Buzby sheds light on the the signs of arthritis in dogs—from early to late-stage arthritis—so you’re prepared to work with your vet and help your dog.
Vestibular Disease in Dogs: Doggy Vertigo
When your senior dog suddenly acts strange and out-of-sorts, it is unnerving. The good news is that dramatic symptoms don’t always mean a devastating diagnosis. Dr. Julie Buzby, integrative veterinarian and founder of Dr. Buzby’s ToeGrips®, shares her experience diagnosing old dog vestibular disease, a condition with symptoms that can rattle even the most dauntless pet parent…but usually ends in happily ever after. Read on to learn more…
How to Make an Old Dog Comfortable: 15 Tips From a Vet
How can you keep your old dog comfortable as he or she ages? Integrative veterinarian Dr. Julie Buzby shares 15 practical senior pet care tips that you—as your dog’s biggest advocate—can put in place now. Making small changes around the house can have a big impact on your dear old dog’s happiness and comfort. Although […]