Hearing a diagnosis of bladder cancer in dogs can be distressing as a dog parent, but integrative veterinarian Dr. Julie Buzby is here to help. Learn the signs, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis for the most common type of bladder cancer, transitional cell carcinoma in dogs. Armed with that information, you will be ready to help and support your canine companion in his or her battle with bladder cancer.

Sally was a twelve-year-old female spayed Scottish Terrier who had been the picture of health. But now she was asking to go outside more often, straining to urinate, and had left a large puddle of bloody urine on the kitchen floor. Her family was worried, so they brought her to see me.
I diagnosed my Scottie patient with what I thought was going to be a run-of-the-mill urinary tract infection. However, unlike most UTIs that significantly improve within a few days of starting antibiotics, Sally’s problems persisted. After a urine culture, which ruled out ongoing bacterial infection, I moved on to a bladder ultrasound to try to get to the root of my canine patient’s problem.
Unfortunately, the ultrasound revealed a large mass in the dog’s bladder that extended down into the urethra. So I had to break the devastating news to her family—their dog had bladder cancer.
What are the types of bladder cancer in dogs?
The term “bladder cancer” refers to any sort of cancer that grows in the urinary bladder.
Of the different types of lower urinary system cancers in dogs, transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) is by far the most common. It accounts for up to 90% of all bladder tumors.
The other 10% consist of many other types of tumors, including:
- Leiomyosarcoma
- Adenocarcinoma
- Lymphoma in dogs
- Fibrosarcoma
- Squamous cell carcinoma
- Hemangiosarcoma in dogs
- Infiltrative prostatic carcinoma
What is a transitional cell carcinoma in dogs?
Since the vast majority of bladder tumors are transitional cell carcinomas, let’s take a closer look at this tumor type.

In this case, the tumor arises from transitional cells, which are the specialized cells that normally line the inside of the bladder. When some of these cells become neoplastic (i.e. cancerous), the result is a transitional cell carcinoma. Sometimes a TCC is also called a urothelial carcinoma (UC).
The most common place for a transitional cell carcinoma to occur is in the trigone region of the bladder. This is the area at the neck of the bladder where the ureters—which connect the kidneys to the bladder—enter the bladder and the bladder narrows into the urethra. Unfortunately, a tumor in this area cannot be removed surgically.
Which dogs tend to get bladder cancer?
There are several factors that may make a dog more likely to develop bladder cancer. In general, TCC is most common among middle-aged or older female dogs. However, it can occur in dogs of any age and gender.
While transitional cell carcinoma can occur in any breed, certain dog breeds are at a higher risk. There is likely a genetic predisposition for developing TCC, as evidenced by Scottish Terrier dogs. Scotties are twenty times more likely to develop TCC than other breeds with the same environmental risk factors.
Breeds of dogs at risk for TCC include:
- Scottish Terriers (the most common breed to be diagnosed with TCC)
- Shetland Sheepdogs
- West Highland White Terriers
- Fox Terriers
- Airedales
- Beagles
- Collies
Dogs that have been exposed to herbicides and insecticides also have a higher risk of developing TCC. Obesity is also a risk factor. It is thought that components of these herbicides and insecticides accumulate in fat tissue.
Chronic and recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs in dogs) also increase the risk of developing transitional cell carcinoma. Urinary tract infections are much more common in female dogs than male dogs. This may explain why females also seem to develop TCCs more frequently than males.
Administration of the chemotherapy agent Cyclophosphamide also has been associated with a higher risk of developing TCC.
What are the symptoms of bladder cancer in dogs?

As demonstrated by Sally’s story, the signs of bladder cancer and a UTI are often very similar. The symptoms might include:
- Straining to urinate
- Urinating more frequently
- Urinary accidents
- Blood in the urine
In more advanced cases, a bladder tumor may cause a complete obstruction of the urethra so the dog is unable to urinate. The bladder may even rupture.
If the tumor has metastasized (i.e. spread) to the local lymph nodes, the vet might notice enlargement of the inguinal or sublumbar lymph nodes.
Although it is a rare occurrence, TCC can trigger hypertrophic osteopathy. This is a reaction of the periosteum (outer portion of the bone) leading to bone thickening and pain. It most commonly occurs in the lower portion of the legs.
How is bladder cancer diagnosed?
As we established, urinary tract infections are much more common than bladder tumors, and the signs are almost identical. So unsurprisingly, a dog who actually has a bladder tumor often initially gets a presumptive diagnosis of a UTI.
To further complicate matters, many dogs with a bladder tumor will have a concurrent urinary tract infection. So when the vet sees blood, bacteria, and white blood cells in the urine, he or she would understandably initially diagnose this as a UTI rather than having a high suspicion of bladder cancer.
Many dogs with bladder tumors will initially improve on antibiotics, especially if the tumor is small and in the early stages. The clinical improvement may be due to the anti-inflammatory effect of some antibiotics on the bladder. It can also be due to the fact that some dogs do have a concurrent UTI that is contributing to the signs.
As in my Scottie patient’s case, the vet may first suspect bladder cancer when an older female dog has recurrent urinary issues that are not improving or quickly return despite appropriate antibiotic therapy. In many cases, the vet will be able to visualize a mass on ultrasound. However, the vet will need to be careful when interpreting the ultrasound. It is easy to mistake inflammation of the bladder wall for a tumor, especially if the bladder is small and fairly empty.

Avoid aspirates
Most of the time when the vet finds a tumor somewhere in the body, he or she will recommend an aspirate. This involves having the vet place a needle into the tumor, apply suction to remove some of the cells, and examine the cells under the microscope.
However, vets don’t recommend that sort of aspirate for suspected bladder cancer. There have been reports of “tumor seeding” with TCC after an aspirate. In other words, tumor cells followed the tract of the needle and started to grow throughout the abdomen. Therefore, other methods are recommended for collecting samples for diagnostics.
Cystoscopic biopsy
Instead of doing an aspirate, the vet can obtain a biopsy from the tumor through a cystoscope. This is a special scope with a camera that the vet slides up the urethra and into the bladder. As with aspiration, a surgical biopsy runs the risk of seeding tumor cells through the abdomen, so it is typically not a good idea.
Traumatic catheterization
Identifying neoplastic transitional cells in a urine sample is another useful diagnostic option, especially if the vet collects the sample through “traumatic catheterization.” Traumatic catheterization involves passing a urinary catheter and intentionally irritating the bladder tissue and tumor. This causes the tumor to release cells into the urine.
It is important to note that interpreting the traumatic catheterization sample is best left to a veterinary pathologist. This is because chronic inflammation of the bladder wall can damage the cells and make them appear neoplastic. A board-certified veterinary clinical pathologist should be able to distinguish between cancer and inflammation. But most general practice vets don’t have that level of expertise with cytology.
Recently, a new test has become available that makes the diagnosis of TCC much easier for the veterinarian and the patient. The test is called a CADET® BRAF test. Eighty-five percent of TCC tumors have a genetic mutation called the BRAF mutation. Finding cells with the BRAF mutation on a free catch urine sample can confirm a diagnosis of TCC. However, since only 85% of TCC tumors carry the BRAF mutation, it won’t find every case of TCC.

The good news is that now there is a CADET BRAF-PLUS test. It is able to detect approximately two-thirds of the TCCs the regular CADET BRAF test misses. Together, the BRAF and BRAF-PLUS can find 95% of TCCs. The BRAF test is easy to perform, non-invasive, and has a high chance of correctly identifying TCC so it is quickly becoming popular with veterinarians and dog parents.
What is the treatment for bladder cancer?
Once the vet has diagnosed your dog with bladder cancer, he or she will discuss the treatment options.
If the tumor is located in the apex (i.e. top) of the bladder, a skilled surgeon may be able to remove a portion of the bladder wall along with the tumor. However, since most TCCs occur in the neck of the bladder where the ureters and urethra are located, surgical removal is usually not an option.
If surgery is not an option, or the vet performs surgery and there is evidence of spread to other parts of the body, medical therapy can extend a dog’s life significantly.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications, especially Piroxicam, are the mainstay of treatment for TCC. Piroxicam reduces the tumor volume overall and reduces the clinical signs associated with bladder tumors.
Dogs may sometimes need chemotherapy in combination with Piroxicam or instead of Piroxicam. It is best to consult with a board-certified veterinary oncologist to determine which chemotherapy agents would be best based on your dog’s history, overall health, the location of the tumor, and other factors. In general, the more common chemotherapeutic agents for TCC are Mitoxantrone or doxorubicin. Palladia is also another option.
Researchers at Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine also are studying a novel delivery system for chemotherapy that uses nanoparticles. It would allow veterinarians to effectively deliver chemotherapy directly into the bladder to target the transitional cell carcinoma. This approach also has applications for treating human bladder cancer.
Comfort measures
Making a dog with bladder cancer comfortable is important too. Since these dogs are prone to UTIs, the dog parent should monitor for worsening of urinary signs or other indications of infection. Treating infection with antibiotics can help the dog feel better.
If the bladder cancer has progressed to the point it is obstructing the urethra, some dogs may be a candidate for laser ablation of the mass or balloon dilation to temporarily improve the obstruction. Placing a urethral stent can also help if the tumor is obstructing a ureter and keeping urine from reaching the bladder.

What is the prognosis for bladder cancer?
As you can imagine, the outlook for dogs with bladder cancer varies depending on the type of tumor present, the location, and if the tumor has spread. Unfortunately, without treatment, most dogs with bladder cancer are euthanized within two to four months of diagnosis due to the progression of lower urinary tract signs.
In cases of transitional cell carcinoma, the median survival time (i.e. the length of time after which 50% of affected dogs are still alive) with Piroxicam, or other NSAIDs, is four to six months. With the combination of NSAIDs and chemotherapy, the median survival time is nine to twelve months.
How does bladder cancer progress?
Because transitional cell carcinomas are usually located at the neck of the bladder, urinary obstructions are common as the tumor progresses to the final stages. The tumor may block a ureter so urine from the kidney cannot enter the bladder. Or the tumor may block the urethra so that the patient cannot urinate.
A urinary obstruction can quickly become a life-threatening emergency. If at any point, you think your dog cannot urinate, please make an emergency vet visit immediately.
In other cases, the tumor causes so much inflammation and irritation that it affects the patient’s quality of life. Sadly, I euthanized one of my canine patients a few months after diagnosis because she felt like she had to urinate every twenty minutes. She was so uncomfortable that she wasn’t able to sleep.
Some patients may also become sick because of metastatic spread of disease to other parts of the body. TCC can metastasize to lymph nodes, the lungs, bone, and prostate. In the final stages of metastatic bladder cancer, you may see pain, breathing problems, or swelling of limbs due to blockage of the lymphatic vessels.
Back to my Scottish Terrier patient
Due to the tumor’s location near the ureters and urethra, surgery was not an option for Sally. Her family did not want to pursue chemotherapy but were hoping to keep her comfortable as long as possible. We started her on a daily dose of Piroxicam. While on Piroxicam, we checked her blood work every two months to make sure the medication was not damaging her kidneys. We also checked her urine for secondary infections and treated with antibiotics when needed.

Sally lived another nineteen months after I diagnosed her with a bladder tumor. Unfortunately, her tumor eventually grew into a blood vessel, causing blood loss. Her family knew it was time to consider preparing for dog euthanasia when the bleeding became severe enough that she was anemic and weak. While they were sad to lose their beloved dog, they were also so thankful for the time they had with her after her diagnosis.
Pearls of wisdom about bladder tumors in dogs
I know it can get overwhelming when you and your sweet dog are facing a scary diagnosis like bladder cancer. So let me leave you with a few parting pieces of advice from my years as a veterinarian:
- You know your dog. If your vet is treating your dog for a UTI and it doesn’t seem like your dog is getting better as fast as expected, reach out to your veterinarian. Let him or her know what you are seeing. Be willing to do more diagnostics to get to the bottom of the issue.
- If your veterinarian suspects a bladder tumor, ask about a CADET BRAF test. It is probably the least stressful way to diagnose a TCC and will find 85% of tumors (or 95% if you do the CADET BRAF-PLUS too).
- Although treatment for transitional cell carcinoma is rarely curative, medications such as Piroxicam and/or chemotherapy can help your dog have a good quality of life for many more months.
- Stay in close contact with your vet during the treatment period. Ensure you keep him or her informed of any changes with your dog.
- If you have a high-risk breed of dog such as a Scottie, ask your vet if it would be wise to run the CADET BRAF test as a screening tool every four to six months. Early detection of a TCC allows you to start treatment sooner.
Finally, don’t lose hope. I know that no one wants to hear the word “cancer” in reference to their sweet dog. You can’t change the fact that your dog has bladder cancer. But you can try to enjoy every remaining day together to the fullest.
Has your dog been diagnosed with bladder cancer?
Please share his or her story below.
My 9 1/2 year old female Great Dane started showing signs of what we thought to be a UTI a few weeks ago (going more than once and blood droplets at end of urination).. A urinalysis was done and we were called next business day which was Monday as she was seen on a Friday. Results were negative for UTI; however, our Veterinarian stated she was concerned she may have stones or TCC in the bladder as there were a few small crystals and epithelial cells were also present in the urine. I took her to vet after I got off of the phone and she had X-Ray and US done. No stones were found; however, she stated she saw what seemed to be a small mushroom size tumor in her bladder on the US. She examined her and felt her bladder and Sadie-Mae showed pain and discomfort when she was feeling the bladder. Our Veterinarian stated her bladder felt tight and hard. She stated that she could not confirm her diagnosis of what she believes to be TCC without doing a biopsy. After discussing this we decided to start her on piroxicam. She has been on 15 mg piroxicam once a day for a little over a week now and for last 3 days she has gone from some blood in the urine to what appears to be nothing but blood. I’m going to call Vet first thing in morning to report the changes in her urine and see what she wants to do. What’s frustrating is Sadie Mae acts normal and doesn’t seem to be in any pain as she acts like a 2 year old galloping around the yard when I let her out to potty but the realistic side of me knows she she has to be in some pain or have discomfort but at what level I don’t know. She has never been a whiny dog and always playful. Truly only time she whines is to let me know it’s breakfast or dinner time. Hopefully find out more tomorrow when I speak with our Veterinarian but I just feel like I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Dear Chad,
My heart goes out to you as you face this unknown situation with Sadie Mae. I understand your concern with the amount of blood that is in her urine. I agree this warrants a phone call to your vet ASAP. I would talk with your vet about the possibility of sending off the BRAF test to try and get a definitive diagnosis. Also, it may be a good idea to consider a consultation with a specialist. Hoping you can find a way to give your sweet girl relief. Praying for healing and a clear path forward. Bless you both. ♥
Thank you for this article. While I’m sorry that your dog also suffered from TCC, it’s been helpful reading your experience as well as others. My 13 year old American Bulldog, Cali, was diagnosed with inoperable TCC in November of 2023. We started her on Piroxicam, which has helped delay the growth of her tumor. She’s a sensitive girl and a great communicator, so I know that she’ll tell us when it’s her time. In the last week, we’ve noticed the tumor causing more bladder pressure causing her to squat more often. She also leaves drops of blood around the house and while this is said to see, she’s still her same silly self. While we really try to stay on top of cleaning the floors, it’s not always possible to clean them right away, especially with two small children. I was wondering if you had any insight about diapers and dogs with TCC. I wasn’t sure if she’d be at risk for infection given that the diaper would be absorbing blood and not urine. Any insight or opinions would be so helpful.
Dear Amy,
I am sorry Cali has received this difficult diagnosis. I am glad that despite her condition she is happy and enjoying life. As far as diapers go, I think they are a great idea! Some dogs don’t tolerate them well and end up chewing them off. But for those that will leave them on, they can be a lifesaver. I don’t think the risk of infection is any higher when dealing with blood verses urine. Do whatever you can to make caregiving easier to manage and less stressful. You want to enjoy the time you have and not be consumed with cleaning and other tedious tasks. Wishing you and Cali all the best and give your sweet girl a hug for me. ♥
Thank you for the information in this article. We were just told yesterday that our 6 year old chocolate lab Mollie has a mass in her bladder that is more than likely TCC. She started having issues in Aug 2024 & we took her to the vet & he treated her for a uti. It seemed to clear up for a bit but she started getting up through the night to use the bathroom & I noticed she would try to go two or three times & nothing would come out. I took a urine sample & took it to our vet. The color of her urine was pretty much brown & our vet advised she had a staph infection. 14 more days of medication & she seemed fine for a couple of weeks. It didn’t last long & she was back to getting up through the night & straining to pee. I took another urine sample (which was pretty much all blood) & took it to the vet. They gave her another prescription & an x-ray which showed nothing. This time the medication didn’t work at all & her urine is pretty much pure blood. I called them & they took her in yesterday to do an ultrasound a took cultures & that’s when they told us the news. They are waiting for the test results to come back to get more details on the mass, but they have said surgery can be an option. She is not acting any different than she usually does. She is playing with her brother, eating & drinking & hasn’t lost any weight (she’s 100 pounds).
I’m not sure what surgery will do to help her or prolong her life or what quality of life she will have post surgery. We just don’t want her to suffer at all but we are just devasted because she seems happy & healthy so its a very hard thing to come to terms with.
Dear Melanie,
My heart goes out to you as you try to navigate this difficult path. I am sorry Mollie is facing this tragic diagnosis and understand your concern and worry. If you need more information about the surgery or other treatment options, don’t hesitate to ask for a consultation with a specialist. How are things today? Hoping you were able to find the answers needed to make the best choice for everyone involved. Praying for healing and comfort for your sweet girl. Bless you both.
Hi Dr. Buzby,
Thank you for writing this blog. It’s both comforting and inspiring to read stories similar to ours, and the information you share is invaluable.
I’m so sorry for the loss of Sally. She was a beautiful Scottish Terrier, and it’s incredibly encouraging to know she was with you for nineteen months after her diagnosis.
Our story is heartbreaking. Ten years ago, I brought my Scottie girl to a highly recommended breeder. She had champion Scotties and extensive experience in breeding. We were blessed with seven puppies. We kept a boy and a girl and gave one to my father, while the other four went to loving homes.
In December last year, my father’s Scottie, Monty, began urinating in the house—a behavior he hadn’t exhibited since he was a puppy. The vet conducted blood tests and an ultrasound, diagnosing him with TCC. He started on Metacam (we live in the UK, where Piroxicam isn’t typically prescribed). Sadly, in January, his condition worsened rapidly. He stopped eating and drinking, was panting, and was clearly in pain. We made the heart-wrenching decision to let him go peacefully.
In February, my girl Scottie, Bonnie, was also diagnosed with TCC after similar tests. Her tumor is in her urethra, affecting her ability to pass urine. She started on Metacam, which has helped reduce accidents in the house, but urinating is now a slow process as it trickles out. Despite this, Bonnie remains her playful, joyful self, which is a blessing.
In April, her brother Archie began showing blood in his urine. An ultrasound revealed a 2cm mass in his bladder, confirming another TCC diagnosis. We were devastated—three out of three puppies from the same litter have TCC. I haven’t reached out to the owners of the other four puppies, as I don’t want to alarm them unnecessarily.
Archie and Bonnie are still with us, but it has been a challenging journey. Archie has suffered from haemorrhagic gastroenteritis (HGE) twice, requiring hospitalization and intravenous fluids. Last weekend, he became very ill again—unable to eat or drink, lethargic, and crying out from stomach convulsions. We thought his time had come and considered letting him go. However, the vet gave him an anti-sickness injection and suggested waiting 24 hours. To our immense relief, after 18 hours, he began drinking water, the convulsions eased, and he eventually started eating again. Today, he’s back to his usual self, enjoying food and walks. I’m so thankful we gave him that time.
I cherish every moment I have left with Archie and Bonnie. My goal is to keep them as happy and comfortable as possible for however long they’re with us.
Dear Sandra,
My heart aches for you as you face this devastating disease in both of your pups at the same time. I know you don’t want to cause panic, but I think contacting the owners of the other pups is very necessary. This is not a coincidence but is genetic and it is probably only a matter of time before the other 4 pups develop this tragic condition. You could offer them the ability to catch this early and intervene to give those dogs a longer life. I will keep Bonnie and Archie in my prayers and hope you can make the most of the time you are gifted. Wishing you all comfort and peace as you navigate this emotional path. Bless you.
Hello! My sweet Winston who is 13 YO is waiting for his 2nd BRAF test to come back. LAst September, he had an acute liver issue and during US they saw a very small 8mmx8mm mass in his bladder. We did a BRAF test then and it was negative. The vet was still concerned and wanted to possibly biopsy it IF we decided to do liver biopsies for his liver issues. At the time, I was most concerned with resolving his liver issue but decided not to put him through an extensive liver biopsy because even if they had known what it was the treatment options did not sound good for him. Luckily for us the liver issue was acute and his liver is in tip top shape now! However, I sadly put the small mass on the back burner at the time and because the BRAF test was negative, I felt comfortable that maybe it was just a benign polyp. Well about 2 months ago, Winston started having accidents inside and could not hold his pee. He was also peeing blood. We took him in and treated him for UTI. when that still didn’t resolve, they did an US and we saw that the tumor had grown to 4cmx4cm, so significant growth from last September. What is perplexing is, if it is TCC, how it did not take him out sooner as it’s been over a year since the mass was first identified. The location of the tumor is not at the neck, it’s in the apex. We put him on Piroxicam but he could not tolerate it and we had to treat him for an ulcer. when I brought him in, the tumor has grown slightly despite being on piroxicam. We took him off Piroxicam and he just went back in today after being off Piroxicam for a few weeks and the tumor has actually shrunk a little (so odd). We have decided to try MIroxicam to see how he tolerates that. We are waiting for the 2nd BRAF test to come back but still treating for TCC. It’s so odd, he has a TON of energy, eating great, playful, hiking many miles still with us. He does still have blood droplets at end of emptying his bladder but he doesn’t seem to be in pain. I cannot understand how this tumor if it is TCC grew so slowly. Stay tuned for BRAF test and we shall see! I want to continue to give him good QOL. I have hope after reading your 19 month survival of Sally!
Hi Erika,
I am so sorry Winston is facing this potential diagnosis. I am glad he is still feeling well and able to continue enjoying his life. Did you get the BRAF test results? Hoping you have the answers you need to give your boy the best care possible. Praying for many happy days ahead. Bless you both.
Thank you for your website and for sharing these heartfelt stories. Like others here, my beloved Gwinn (11 y/o dachshund mix) was just diagnosed with TCC based on a BRAF test and ultrasound, and was previously diagnosed with insulin dependent diabetes in Feb ’23.
Due to her diabetes I was regularly sampling her urine with “CheckUp Testing Strips” (from Amazon) and noticed an increasing reaction for blood in her urine although no blood was visible, which led to a visit with her vet, treatment for a UTI, and diagnosis of TCC.
Your comments on Piroxicam are very positive, how do you feel about combination of Mitoxantrone and Piroxicam?
Also, there are several scientific papers on the use of Ivermectin in the treatment of cancer; including but not limited to a 2024 study “Ivermectin Inhibits Bladder Cancer Cell Growth and Induces Oxidative Stress and DNA Damage” (PubMed PMID: 38375808), Do you see any role in the use of Ivermectin in the treatment TCC (or other cancers) as either a first line treatment, or used in combination with other approaches?
Thank you so much any insights, and for your help to all of us who treasure our fur babies.
Hi Freedman Family,
So sorry to hear your sweet Gwinn was recently diagnosed with TCC. In some ways, the diabetes may have been a blessing in disguise because the frequent urine monitoring may have allowed you to catch the TCC a lot earlier than you otherwise would have. But it is still hard to receive that sort of news. I haven’t personally treated a TCC case with Mitoxantrone and Piroxicam but have heard from colleagues that they have had some good success with this protocol at least stopping further tumor growth, and sometimes even shrinking the tumor a bit. Mitoxantrone can cause some bone marrow suppression so you do have to watch out for that. If this is something you are interested in, I’d recommend consulting with a veterinary oncologist so that they can give you the pros and cons to this combination for Gwinn specifically.
Regarding the use of ivermectin for treating TCC, the paper does look like it could be a promising option, but it is always hard to know for sure how it will work in real life. If she can tolerate it, I would probably lean towards a more proven treatment such as piroxicam and mitoxantrone. But if you do consult with an oncologist, it is certainly worth getting their take on ivermectin as well. It does seem like ivermectin is being investigated as a treatment for more and more types of cancer, so it will be interesting to see what happens with that in the future.
I hope you are able to find a treatment approach that helps Gwinn feel like her wonderful self for as long as possible!
Thank you so much for your reply, as an update Gwinn’s oncologist preferred to stay within the parameters of standard treatments and believes, subject to more imaging, she is still at T0.
For those reading these posts looking for treatment options to discuss with their vet, it may be of interest to consider the detailed treatment plans based on ivermectin and/or panacur that Dr Jones (vet on YouTube) outlines in his videos on cancer treatments, including his recent one:: “A Newly Published Cancer Treatment is Turning Heads: Animal Dewormers?”, here is the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWUCZoVwyvw
Hi Freeman Family,
Thank you for the kind words and for the update. Hoping all goes well with Gwinn’s treatment and I pray she has many happy days ahead. ♥
My 12 year old Poodle was diagnosed with TCC about 6 months ago. Since then, he has been on proxicam and luckily, he is still active, has good appetite and seems to have no or little trouble urinating. There is no sign of blood. The problem is because his tumor size has increased slightly, my vet recommends stopping pifoxicam. In her opinion, the increae in tumor size is a sign that shows proxicam does not work or ineffective in treating his cancer. He has not suggested any other specfic medication so far. Should I stop feeding him proxicam ?
Dear Cathy,
I am so sorry your Poodle’s tumor is growing, and you are facing some difficult days ahead. Without playing a personal role in your pup’s medical care it is hard to make specific recommendations. I would have to lean on your vet’s expert opinion and say to discontinue the piroxicam if they think that is the best course of action. If you wanted to continue giving the medication, talk to your vet about the benefits and risks and make sure they are aware you want to continue to pursue palliative care. Hoping you can find a clear path forward and praying for many happy days ahead for your sweet boy.
My 8 year old Aussie was going through multiple vet visits (about 6 different appointments) from October 2023 – March 2024 with a suspected UTI. She was put on prescribed food and antibiotics multiple times, until one doctor stepped in and said “we’re going to figure this out.” That’s when he ran an ultrasound, gave her fluids, and ran the TCC test. Unfortunately, she was diagnosed with cancer and prescribed peroxicam. It is now almost November 2024 and she is in obvious pain with panting, sudden urge to urinate whilst resting, and frequent attempts at passing stool/urine. I got all the fluffs a new toy this weekend and she’s been excited about it. She’ll bring the ball to me to throw, catch it a few times, then lie down. My heart is aching because I don’t know when is a good time to euthanize. Selfishly, I’d say never and I want her to pass on her own, but seeing her go from happy to hurting is breaking my heart. Has anyone else experienced this? If so, when did you know it was time? This is my best friend and she’s only 8. I’m so sad that she won’t be spending the holidays with me one last time.
Dear Stephanie,
My heart aches for you as you face these last days with your beloved girl. It can be hard to know when to say goodbye, but in general I would rather let go one day too early than one day too late and allow unnecessary suffering. It is ok to say goodbye before all joy is lost and the only thing that remains is pain. I will attach links to other articles with more information and great advice from other readers as well. Continue to make the most of the time you are gifted and lavish your girl with love. Wishing you both comfort and peace. Bless you.
1. Using a Quality of Life Scale for Dogs
2. Signs A Dog is Dying of Cancer (Plus Advice for 8 Common Cancers)
3. How Will You Know When It’s Time to Euthanize Your Dog? 5 Caring, Heartfelt Messages
4. Preparing for Your Dog’s Euthanasia: 10 Thoughts for Peace
Is it true that Any NSAID can help similar to piroxicam?
My dog can’t tolerate piroxicam.
She has HMD ( liver disease )
I just want to make her comfortable the best I can until she says it’s time.
I don’t see it’s time yet.
But wondered about other options for liver disease dogs with TCC
Hi Vanessa,
I am sorry you are facing this difficult situation with your pup. While all NSAIDs offer anti-inflammatory benefits, piroxicam has been studied and shown to be the most effective for TCC. If you can’t use piroxicam, I would definitely give another NSAID a try. Please be aware that all NSAIDs can cause liver issues. So, if the issue is not piroxicam specific but rather due to its effects on the liver, then I am not sure another NSAID would be recommended either. Hoping you can find a way to extend your girl’s life and maintain her comfort. Praying for strength and peace as you navigate this tricky path.
Thanks for the article. It’s so heartbreaking to read all these stories and learn there are so many people going through this situation with our beloved dogs.
My 9 years old Westie Coco was diagnosed with this type of cancer a couple of weeks ago. Last week she had a surgery where h they removed one of her kidneys and they placed a stent for her to pee easily, as she had about 3 days where she couldn’t pee at all. She has been eating well. I have been emptying her stent every 7 hours for the first days, but this last two days she has been trying to urinate almost every hour. It breaks my heart to see my dog partner suffering and not being herself, the funny stubborn Westie we love. We have an appointment with an oncologist this week, so hopefully we can have options for a treatment, as long as it provides quality of life to my little Coco.
Sending all my best wishes to all the dogs and their humans going through this hard situation.
Ps: happy to have found this as there is not a lot of information in Spanish. We are in Mexico City.
Dear Patty,
I am sorry Coco is battling this difficult disease. I am hoping the oncologist will have some good recommendations and you can find a way to restore Coco’s quality of life. Thank you for sharing your experience with our readers. Wishing you all the best and praying for a positive outcome for your sweet pup.
I was so happy to find this website and comments during our Yorkie Tucker’s 9 month illness with TCC. At a senior dog wellness check after reporting that he had been drinking lots of water and constantly licking the couch, our vet found UTI and suspected TCC. it took a few months of antibiotics and tests, including BRAF to finally get the diagnosis. He was often not feeling well, and having more frequent accidents., but the Piroxicam really helped, and later gabapentin really helped with discomfort. We decided not to do chemotherapy for our by then 14 year old dog. Several times he would pant in the middle of the night and cry, as he did his last day, but other than that and slowing down, he was a tough guy right up to the end.
Dear Jenny,
I am sorry for your loss of Tucker. What a blessing your vet was able to make a definitive diagnosis and start treatment so quickly. I am glad he remained comfortable until his very last day. Thank you for sharing his story with us. Wishing you comfort and peace. Bless you. ♥
This website is an answered prayer for me and my Meesha. She’s a 15 year old smooth blonde dachshund. We got the diagnosis of 2 tumors on the bladder right at the bottom of the urethra. My vet suggested we don’t do surgery. I wasn’t going to anyway..
I feel horrible because she had been trying to pee a million times for a month before I realized something was wrong. The vet gave us a round of antibiotics. She said that it would clear up, well it didn’t.. So we did another round of antibiotics. That helped for awhile. Went back to the vet, she was going to draw a urine sample straight from the bladder. She used her sonogram first. She came in showed me where both of the tumors were. She went through the options of what we could do. Surgery, Chemotherapy, or just take care of her at home. That’s what I’m doing.
She’s show signs of the cancer attacking her body already. This is Friday November 6,2024. On Sunday she started vomiting bile, then it was just foam, then it was pink foam. I was reading that indicates internal bleeding. I finally got a Zofran in her.
Her pee had been clear until Wednesday November 4, Now it’s bloody and she’s peeing every 2 minutes. She is drinking water fairly good, but she won’t eat her dog food. I fixed chicken and rice for her and she ate that for about four day Then she didn’t want it anymore. She won’t eat hardly anything. She did partake in some of the ham and Turkey from Thanksgiving for a few days. Last night I fixed her a scrambled egg. I had to hand feed her to get her to eat it.
Do you have any suggestions about what I might try feeding her?
I would greatly appreciate it!
Thank you Kim
Hi Kim,
I’m so sorry to hear that your beloved Meesha was recently diagnosed with a bladder tumor and is not feeling well. You are doing a good job of thinking of foods to try to feed her. If you haven’t already, maybe try some meat baby food or a small amount of cottage cheese (if she tolerates dairy well). Or you could try warming up whatever you are feeding her so that it has a stronger smell. Sometimes that can be enticing to a dog who doesn’t want to eat. I do wonder though if nausea is a big part of her not wanting to eat. Have you been giving her Zofran every day? Or just the day that she was vomiting? It is possible that switching to a different medication such as Cerenia, which has anti-nausea effects and may also relieve organ pain, could help her feel even better. I would recommend checking in with your vet to see if he or she thinks another antinausea medication or other type of medication would be worth a try. You may also find the article linked below to be helpful. I hope that you are able to find some solutions to help her feel better for a bit longer! Please feel free to give us an update.
Here is that article: How an Appetite Stimulant for Dogs Can Help Your Pup
My 11 1/2 year old Siberian Husky was diagnosed about 6 weeks ago with TCC after noticing on a hike he could not pee. We have started him on Chemo and Rimadyl together and he is doing pretty good so far. He has only had 2 treatments, but how this cancer works is absolutely crazy to me. He couldn’t pee so we rushed him to the vet and now he pees uncontrollably while still straining all the time. He still wants to go on hikes and loves to run around and play with the cat. He now has to wear a diaper inside because he leaks, but then can’t pee outside. I don’t fully understand how that is possible. Round 3 of chemo is in 2 more weeks and we may do another ultrasound at that point to make sure the tumor has not grown, but all in all he has not had any side effects to the chemo and he still has a pretty healthy appetite and energy level. Praying for a miracle in doggy form.
Dear Crystal,
My heart goes out to you as you try to navigate this difficult path with your senior guy. I am glad you were able to get a definitive diagnosis and start treatment quickly. Hoping for favorable results at the next recheck in 2 weeks. Feel free to keep us updated on how things go. Praying you can make the most of the time you are gifted and wishing you and your sweet boy all the best. ♥
Hello, Dr. Buzby,
Holly my little Westie has had two UTIs since May. Her current one is very resistant to most antibiotics. She is not urinating or drinking more then normal. Her urine is cloudy and smells very bad. We tried amikacin for 6 days but it’s still very bad. She has been put on Doxycycline for four weeks. A culture was taken and amicasin and doxycycline were surseptible. Personally I don’t think 6 days was enough. My vet also dropped a hammer down and said she could have bladder cancer. her bladder wall is very thick. There are no signs of stones, tumors, masses when doing a ultrasound. Me personally thinks it’s from this nasty UTI she has. I would think her bladder would be angry. She says it’s 50/50 on if she has cancer. The thickness has stayed the same size from her last check 2 weeks ago. They don’t see anything abnormal besides the wall being thickened. Can you give me any insight on cases you have seen? I’m just beside myself right now. I don’t know what I did wrong for her to have all these issues. I feel so guilty.
Thank You,
Randy & Holly Bruski
Hi Randy,
This just breaks my heart. Poor Holly has been through so much (so have you and your other pup too). You haven’t done anything wrong and have gone above and beyond to ensure Holly lives the best life possible. If your vet is suspecting bladder cancer but a tumor isn’t visible on ultrasound at this point, I highly recommend asking about sending off the BRAF test. It may be able to make a diagnosis very early in the disease process and allow you to intervene quickly. Praying for you as always and please let me know what you find out!
Hollys UTI came back clean. The vet now isn’t thinking it’s cancer. She says her bladder wall might just be thicker from all the issues shes had. They didn’t find any blood in her urine or white blood cells. She’s now saying she wouldn’t do the Braf test unless I notice something. ex. drinking more water, peeing more, straining. I thought it would be a good idea to do it to catch it early. She really doesn’t think she has cancer now for some reason. little perplexed. Her kidney’s did show some slight damage. However the vet thinks those will return to normal.
Hi Randy,
Well, I’m glad Holly’s urine is normal, and things are looking better. Just remember, even if your vet doesn’t think the extra testing is needed, you can still ask for it to be done. I’m not sure if it would be helpful but I know enough about your story to know you don’t need any “what ifs” lingering in your mind. Hoping things will start to calm down and this will just be another issue of the past for your girl. Praying for clarity and peace of mind. Keep up the good work!
I’ll ask about the Braf test when she goes for her second shot of that new joint medicine. It’s really helping. She’s going on full walks now without me having to carry her. She wants to keep going.
First of all thank you all for such a honest and detailed set of comments and thank you Doctor for this blog. For me it’s a bit of a comfort, if not a slap of direct truth! My beautiful best friend Coco (mixed terrier) has recently been diagnosed with a tumour on the bladder. I howled. I cried until the neighbours got worried. Everyday I read the diagnosis hoping that the words will change to something more Postive.. It doesn’t. But yet several times a day I read and hope I’ve read it wrong! She’s 10 years old now and for the last 3 months she has become slower and has had blood in her urine. About a week ago I took her to the vets after seeing pure blood!!.. Once again they wanted to give her more antibiotics, I stood my ground and said I want a proper check on her. He was actually upset with having to touch her. How can any vet sit at a computer and diagnose any pet???!!!. This left me furious. I got to understand they were short of staff. Nevertheless with great reluctance he finally felt her belly. His face looked shocked and immediately booked her in for an emergency ultrasound. So on Friday they took her in and hours later it was diagnosed she had a Tumour on her bladder. I’m still in shock. I’m reading every article I can find because I still don’t know 100% what they found and if they are sure. They sent me home with a letter explaining the outcome of the ultrasound and some doggie paracetamols. The nurse said to me ‘Just love her everyday’. I’ve always loved her, but now I spoil her, every minute.
I’ve just spent the last 10 minutes playing balls with her, she still runs after rats, cats and squirrels.. She is still eating, still wagging her tail and still pushing over the bin to eat it’s contents.. I’m actually glad to see that!!.. I’m glad to see her roll in foxes poo and wee. Bless her. I’m glad she’s alive and amazing. I know this is terminal but I’m still optimistic of her having a fairly good life till the time comes.
Dear Melissa,
I am so sorry Coco has received this devastating diagnosis. I understand your emotions and the heartbreak that comes with somethings like this. I agree, make the most of the time you are gifted. Do all the things that bring her joy. Praying for your comfort and strength as you navigate this difficult path ahead. Bless you and your sweet girl. ♥
Hello Dr.
I just took my dog to the vet as i noticed she was squatting a few times to pee and the last time she had a blood clot. when i got to the clinic i got a free catch sample which the blood was obvious but there was also a white tissue like piece in the pee. Is that seen in TCC or could it be from a bad infection. her bladder was small when they did the US and they thought they saw a mass. the urine test showed lots of crystals and infection. she was started on and SO food for the crystals and metacam and antibiotics for the infection. they are sending the urine sample away to get the correct antibiotics to fight the bacteria. please tell me the tissue and what they think they saw could just be from a very inflammed bladder . I have hardly slept this is my baby.
Hi Jenny,
I understand your concern for your pup with these worrisome results from her bladder ultrasound and urine testing. It is possible everything is related to a bad infection and could resolve with the right medications. I do think it would be best to pursue more in-depth testing to rule out a mass or bladder cancer. How are things going today? Have you received any new information? Hoping all is well and praying for favorable results for your sweet girl. Feel free to leave an update if you have a chance.
My beautiful baby Peach has struggled with recurring UTIs and associated issues for the past 6 years. She had a recessed vulva that was catching and holding urine, leading to yeast and bacterial problems. In fall 2023 she was being treated for her recurring UTIs and the vet began to suspect TCC. There was a visible mass on an abdominal ultrasound in the trigone area. BRAF testing confirmed in Jan 2024.
She was prescribed Piroxicam to inhibit tumor growth and help with pain. Peach was responding to treatment and it seemed the tumor was shrinking in March! We were hopeful that we would get another 6 months with her. In April she was straining and struggling to urinate, vet found bacteria and blood in her urine. We went through 4 rounds of antibiotics but nothing seemed to be working. Pain seemed. to be increasing so we added Gabapentin to regimen.
Juneteenth we started noticing increased discomfort at night time- panting, pacing, excessive licking, and night time accidents. She was very uncomfortable and needed to be close to her loved ones to an extreme degree. June 22 we noticed she was no longer able to produce urine beyond a few drops and was barking, panting, and pacing. along with a potbelly appearance. We took her to the vet but they said the tumor was completely blocking her from emptying her bladder. It would be possible to add a stent but that would only be a temporary solution. We chose to end her suffering and euthanized her. She only lived 6 months after the initial suspicion and diagnosis.
Dear J,
My heart aches for you with your recent loss of Peach. I can only imagine how much you miss her but feel certain she knew how much she was loved. What a blessing you were able to offer her a peaceful passing and spare her from unnecessary suffering. I hope with time your heart will begin to heal. Wishing you comfort as you continue life’s journey. Bless you and yours.
Oh gosh, finding this place has been so comforting to me. My heart breaks for everyone who is experiencing this but hearing so many stories that are similar to our is so comforting.
My little 15 yr old Chihuahua developed what I thought was a UTI almost 12 months ago which turned out to be a mass in her bladder. She also has a very unhealthy liver, so whilst I tried perioxcam, it was just making her really unwell. Even at as low of a dose as 0.25mg per day.
Over the last year, he decide has been slow and I am grateful for the time, but over the last month she has decline quicker.
Some nights she doesn’t sleep at all, just pacing around needing to urinate little amounts every 5-10 minutes.
But then some days she is much better and while she goes to the toilet more frequently, she is still able to go normally. And it’s this up and down that is making it so difficult for me to know when it’s time.
She’s currently on gabapentin and antibiotics but this is causing her stomach to be upset more frequently.
I think reading everyone’s stories has shown me that things can turn really quickly, and because I have a desire to say goodbye at home, and not in an emergency situation, I think it’s probably best it happens sooner rather than later 💔
Thank you all for sharing. It can be very distressing caring for an unwell dog and I don’t think it’s spoken about enough.
Dear Amy,
My heart aches for you as you face this difficult decision for your beloved pup. I am glad you were able to find some guidance and comfort from the article and in the words of other readers. I hope your girl will be able to maintain a good quality of life for a while longer. Praying for clarity to know when the time comes to say goodbye and for a peaceful passing. Bless you and your sweet girl. ♥
Our 11 yr 8 month old spayed Rottweiler/ Retriever mix. gal Sade-Mae was diagnosed with TCC 5 days ago, thought it was a bad UTI then a day after starting antibiotic she had no bladder control but still straining to pee, then suddenly we were just seeing blood on pee pads, rushed her to emergency vet, they did ultrasound and found a 3-4 cm mass in the trigone and “fingers” going to lumen (I have no idea what that last part means) but the emergency vet said she had a intraluminal bladder mass causing partial urethral obstruction – that she said was TCC, we asked for her bladder to be emptied, to give her comfort b4 the vet woke her up, she was started on Meloxicam and continued on her antibiotic although NO BACTERIA was found in two U/A’s and on urine from catheter, she is doing better 5 days later but she has finished antibiotic should ww refill it or is the other medication the one helping?
Hi Jude,
My heart aches for you as you face this devastating diagnosis in Sade-Mae. The “fingers” going into the lumen means they can see where the tumor is growing and has areas where it is branching out and extending into the middle of the open area of the bladder. It is likely the anti-inflammatory medication that is helping the most, but I would recommend you discuss with your vet the possibility of switching to piroxicam. It has been shown to be most effective at reducing mass size with this specific type of cancer. Hoping your sweet girl is still fighting and has been able to maintain her quality of life. Praying for comfort and wishing you the best as you make the most of the time you are gifted.
Dr. Buzby,
Thank you for your reply, I had not searched about our gals condition again because it was just too sad for me, her Vet has said it is very difficult to get the medication you mentioned, she was seen on May 23 2024 and ALL her blood work was PERFECT! We were concerned the medication was damaging her kidneys but all levels & CBC etc were great!! She has been really good with the exception of the difficulty with urination, her urine is still rust/brown colored many times but she is passing urine, drinking, eating, wanting to go for walks, playing some days, she has begun vomiting around 3 am every morning a small amount, not bile, I have begun giving her Prilosec so we’ll see how that helps besides that she is doing as well as she can given her diagnosis. If you have any advice at all that would be great as her Vet here is of little help, she no longer needs pee pads at all but does pass these blood clots with squishy white small “chunks” could that be some of the tumor?
Thank you again!
Hi Jude,
I am so relieved to hear that Sade-Mae is still with you and seems to be feeling well. What a blessing her lab work results were all normal! It sounds like you are doing just about everything you can to maintain her quality of life. She is a very lucky girl to have you advocating for her health and well-being. The only advice I have is to talk to your vet about using Cerenia to help with the vomiting. Cerenia is a potent anti-nausea medication but also has strong anti-inflammatory properties and might offer benefits for the bladder inflammation as well. Here is a link to another article with more information: Can Cerenia for Dogs Help Your Vomiting Dog?
I do think the “chunks” you are seeing could be bits of the tumor or even parts of the bladder lining. I encourage you to keep focusing on Sade-Mae’s comfort and quality of life and as long as she can still pass urine without much discomfort, you are offering great palliative care. Wishing you continued success and praying for many happy days ahead. Keep up the good work!
Thank you! I will ask about this medication!
Thank you for this article, I’ve been looking for all the information I can get. My 11 year old scotty has been having trouble peeing and has started having more and more accidents. Vet ultra-sounded and, based on the lump around the urethra, is 90% sure it’s bladder cancer. He’s been on Carprofen for a few weeks now and has started taking Gabapentin after the last ultra-sound. I’ve heard Carprofen isn’t that great of an NSAID so will have to see if I can get a Piroxicam prescription instead.
Right now I’m mainly wondering what I can do to make the rest of my dog’s life as enjoyable and pain=free as possible. Obviously lots of walks, treats and love but I’d be curious if you have any suggestions for making life easier for a dog with this specific ailment? Really appreciate any advice you can give on the matter.
Dear Jim,
I am so sorry your senior guy has received this devastating diagnosis. If you are focusing on palliative or hospice care, then it may be good to see if there is a vet in your area that specializes in this type of care. I am also wondering if it would be worth getting an internal medicine specialist to go over your boy’s case details. Since the lump is around the urethra, it would be good to rule out the possibility of a prostate issue. Other than that, it sounds like you are doing everything you can at this point, and I think discussing the change to piroxicam is a good idea. Hoping you can find the best ways to keep your sweet boy comfortable and happy for as long as possible. Praying for comfort and peace.
Great article on a tough subject. My 10y.o. sheltie Louie was diagnosed with inoperable tcc in January 2020. I made the excruciating decision to put him down six months later. I struggled with that decision, but reading the veterinarian’s oath ultimately helped reframe my thinking around euthanasia. He was in too much pain. I love what you said about enjoying the days we have left with these sweet creatures after the diagnosis. I let him do all the fun (and sometimes naughty) stuff like eat human foods and ride in the front seat and come to gatherings in his little diaper! I think those six months helped me grieve. My heart goes out to all the veterinarians and dog parents who are dealing with this ♥️
Hi Jenny,
Thank you for sharing Louie’s story with us. I love that you made his last days so special. I am sure he felt like the luckiest pup in the world. Wishing you all the best as you continue life’s journey!
We took our 9 year Staffy to the vet 10 days ago when we noticed her urine was red. Thinking it was a UTI, they ran the usual tests. However, the ultrasound uncovered a “large” mass in her bladder, They recommended getting a sample to send to the lab. Blood work came in all good and no UTI but the lab came back with the dreaded news, TCC. We just started her with Piroxicam and noticed her poop to be very soft. Other than that, she is still very playful and happy. I so regret not noticing the symptoms sooner. 2 yrs ago she got into fertilizer my husband spread under the citrus trees before the rain. She had diarrhea for 3 weeks and I only fed her rice and chicken to get her better. I’m just guessing but fear that is what triggered it. Since then, when eating grass she occasionally chews all the way down into the dirt and takes big chunks of grass out. FYI – she has never been a dog to throw up after eating grass. She seems to just like it. I feed her Blue dry dog food, but my daughter says I should feed her the refrigerated ‘real’ food for dogs. Will that really help her live a little longer and be more comfortable? Thank you for listening. I did not realize until now, how this is helping me confront this, as we love her so very much.
Dear Katie,
My heart goes out to you as you face this devastating diagnosis in your senior girl. I understand your concern and think it is good you are searching for ways to extend her life. I do think nutrition plays a vital role in health and can help with healing. I am not sure that switching to a refrigerated food is the answer. Most of the companies that produce the refrigerated foods do not have good quality control standards set in place and only a couple employ a board-certified veterinary nutritionist to formulate the diets. If you are wanting to feed natural whole foods, then I recommend you look into balanced home cooked diets. The website Balance.it does a great job of helping create a balanced diet that is nutritionally complete and not lacking any vital nutrients. You can also reach out to a holistic vet or one that practices Traditional Chinese Medicine for advice on supplements that could be helpful for your dog’s specific medical needs. Hoping your sweet girl can continue to fight and praying for many happy days ahead. Wishing you all the best. Bless you both. ♥
Hi Dr Buzby,
This forum is a reassuring resource as you feel less alone when learning about bladder ca.
My 9 yo kelpiexborder collie was diagnosed with a uti 2 weeks ago: urinary frequency didn’t respond to antibiotics and an ultrasound revealed a 5 x 3.5 cm mass above the trigome area sound more like back wall as mass is well away from uterers. In a medium sized bladder. A CT is booked for 3 days time as I want to know are there Mets And a BRAF TEST ordered today. The dog has been prescribed feldene tablets as a NSAID. I am reluctant to do surgery due to the size of the mass on ultrasound and I am reluctant to do chemotherapy without taking the surgery option as well. My dog is fit and happy but has lots of attempts to urinate I.e every 2 metres when we are out walking. Am I being too pessimistic? My pref is to keep the dog as comfortable as possible!
Hi Maria,
I am so sorry your girl is facing this difficult diagnosis. I am glad you decided to pursue more advanced testing to try and get all the details and understand the whole picture. I don’t think you are being too pessimistic at all! Palliative care is a great option. I tend to focus more on quality of life than quantity with my own senior dogs. Hoping the CT went smoothly and that you will get the BRAF results soon. Feel free to leave an update with any new information. Thank you for sharing your story with us!
My 11 year old Pitty went into the vet 4 days ago with what I suspected to be a uti. She was struggling to pee and started to pant, so I brought her in. While we were sitting in the vet she emptied her bladder and stopped panting. I assumed she maybe passed a small stone. The blood work showed no sign of uti according to the white blood cells. The xray was normal with no sign of stones. The vets concerns were possible tumor because her symptoms but not having a uti. I brought her back in for an ultrasound. No masses were found, just an irregular bladder wall. The vet did confirm this could be inflammation. I am waiting for her urine to be tested for cancel cells and have another appointment with a specialty to ultrasound her entire abdomen with a more sophisticated ultrasound machine. I am going crazy fearing it’s cancer. This sounds more like a stone that she passed and caused inflammation to her bladder. If there was a tumor that was preventing her from urinating wouldn’t it show on the ultrasound? Would love your thoughts.
Hi Elizabeth,
I am sorry you are facing this worrisome situation with your senior girl. I would think you could see a mass in the bladder on ultrasound, but depending on its size and location, it is possible it could stay pretty well hidden from view. If a stone had caused a blockage in the urethra, I would be surprised if there weren’t other stones still present in the bladder. The fact that bladder stones were not seen on ultrasound would have that much lower on my list of possible causes. Honestly, I am just as puzzled by all of this as you are. I think your vet has made a good choice in recommending a referral to a specialist for further testing. I hope you were able to get the answers you needed to ensure your girl remains happy and healthy. Feel free to leave an update and let us know how she is doing. Best wishes and bless you both!
My almost 15 year old girl was just diagnosed with a bladder mass. We will be starting with Piroxicam. Hoping it will work to help her out.
Hi Adriana,
Hoping the Piroxicam will offer your girl some relief and improve her quality of life. Make the most of each day you are gifted. Bless you and your sweet girl.
Hello Dr.Buzby,
Thank you so much for creating this space where we can come to share our furry loved one’s stories and learn from each other’s experiences.
My little Zippy who is almost 18 years old was diagnosed with HCC in his liver 12/22. He’s been taking sorafenib and it has kept his liver tumor stable. Unfortunately, in mid Feb 2024, we found out he has TCC. It appears to be near his prostate and in an inoperable area per my internist. We currently have him on Piroxicam for the TCC.
Recently, we noticed that after his initial full pee, he strains 6-10 times. He will want to go out and pee multiple times within 45 minutes. I am wondering when it’s possibly time to send him to doggy heaven so he’s not suffering. I am thinking that as the frequency of straining and duration increases, that will be a sign. He has a healthy appetite and so far we haven’t seen any blood in his urine. If you have any advice as far as what signs to look for, that would be greatly appreciated. I am not sure how many times is too much within a day or if he’s suffering. I have a call with his oncologist in a week. She’s out of town for a week so I am hoping to find out more information about TCC in the meantime. Thank you
Dear Joy,
I am so sorry you are facing yet another type of cancer in your senior boy. The signs to watch for would be general signs of declining health such as lack of appetite, lethargy, pain, and discomfort. Additionally, as you mentioned, you should monitor for blood in the urine and also any sign of a blocked and distended bladder. Your vet may be able to teach you how to feel for Zippy’s bladder so you can monitor its size. I hope you were able to talk to Zippy’s oncologist as they would have the best information and can help guide you in this process. Wishing you both nothing but the best and praying for comfort and peace.
My 12 year old Australian Shepherd, Ava, was diagnosed with TCC in March of 2023 but she exhibited signs in December of 2022. I took her to the vet Jan of 2023, treated like a UTI but didn’t go away so we did an ultrasound and tested for TCC. It came back positive and saw a mass in her bladder. We started Piroxicam. Fast forward to this year, January 2024. She seemed happy and great, no other symptoms except blood in her urine. Then she started to have to squat for longer times and get really low. The urine was still coming out but not full force. I also called my vet because she had her first not so great episode 2 weeks ago. She loves going on walks and I noticed as we started our walk that her rear legs looked wobbly and we didn’t end up walking. Then she also started not wanting to eat for about three days. I could get her to eat steamed rice and chicken though. Then she seemed better but now currently we are in another not so great episode. She still seems happy, legs are back to normal but her tummy is upset (making noises and diarrhea) and she will only eat rice and lean ground beef. She is licking herself in her private area too. I’m sure the time is coming shortly. As my vet explained, when the bad days out way the good it’s time. I’m thankful the Piroxicam gave us this extended time because I was devastated when we got the diagnosis and expected only 4 months and we are now at 13 months. I’m glad I stumbled upon this page too! It’s a great forum of information!
Dear Angie,
My heart goes out to you as you face these final days with your beloved pup. What a blessing you were gifted with an extra year of quality time together. Hoping you will be able to keep Ava comfortable and wishing her joy in each day. Bless you and your sweet girl. ♥
Thank you! Yes it really is a blessing of time🙏🏼🩷
This sounds really similar what our Baker (11 1/2 year chocolate lab) is going through. We removed a small mass is right leg about 4 years ago, tested it and it was positive for cancer cells. We did not drain his lymph nodes, which was an option, and wondering if that was a mistake and hard on myself about that lately.. noticed blood
In urine in April 2024, then blood out of his mouth a month later.. saw growth in mouth and tried to have it removed, but once he was under and they did the cray they said they were not prepared to remove it because it appeared much larger.. then in late May 2024 he was having more issues with urinating and blood in urine, so got an ultrasound that showed a fairly larger tumor in his bladder and did a catch test of urine which showed transitional cells and likely cancer as prognosis. Started on piroxicam and he was doing pretty good until about 3-4 weeks ago, when he wanted to stay outside in the dark and rain and didn’t want to eat his dog food, and was really having to squat all the time, and was vomiting in the mornings every other day… I knew I must be painful but he is such a tough dog and loyal his family, he is a trooper.. then things got a little better, then a little worse.. I really don’t want it to get really bad at the end, his tumor is large but not at front of bladder so not blocking urine, so not as much risk of going septic, but his mouth is also really concerning and he has lost about a 1/3 of his weight now and looking really skinny… but he still wants to go on walks and will beg for food at the dinner table like a true lab.. I scheduled a peaceful passing last week for this Friday but I am really struggling with this decision, seems like he could go on like this for a few more months, but it will get worse and not get better.. I want his last days to not be the rally bad ones, I want him to know it’s ok to let go, but he won’t do that… I’m so conflicted and stressed out, I hope
I am Making the right decision
Hi Brian,
So sorry to hear that Baker is declining and that you are approaching time time to say goodbye. Based on what you said in the post, I agree with you that euthanasia is the kindest choice because it allows him to skip over some of the hardest days that are yet to come. Thinking of you in this difficult time. ❤️
Hello – our 12 year dog was just diagnosed with bladder cancer today via CT scan. Involvement of the bladder, urethra, and iliac lymph nodes. I am still trying to decide if it’s worth getting the BRAF test. We do not want to pursue chemo or other invasive treatments. We just want her to be comfortable. They also found a tumor in her mouth which they were unable to aspirate because it was so hard they could not get the needle into it. The surgeon suspects it’s an aggressive form of primary mouth cancer that will require surgery, possibly removal of her lower jaw. Without a biopsy, we will not know. On top of that, she has Cushings, hypothyroidism, IBD, and chronic pancreatitis. We have been battling chronic diarrhea for almost 5 months trying all sorts of prescription foods that have not helped thus far. Our goal is to keep her comfortable. I’m on the fence whether we should do the BRAF test to diagnose TCC. Could the antiinflammatory be used for comfort measures and not necessarily treatment? I’m nervous with her chronic diarrhea and IBD, it will only exacerbate those symptoms.
Dear Rachael,
I am so sorry your girl is dealing with so many issues at once. Honestly, her case is very complicated, and I would be reaching out for advice from a specialist on what to do for treatment. You may be at a point where the focus needs to shift to palliative care or hospice. I wish I had some great advice, but all I can offer you is my heartfelt sympathy and prayers for strength and comfort. Hoping you can find the best way to give your sweet girl some relief. Bless you both as you walk this difficult path. ♥
Hi Dr Busby,
My sweet Lily, 12 yr old Havanese had been diagnosed with TCC. This had absolutely shattered me. She had suffered from UTIs but our OLD vet never suggested possible cancer. After returning home from a week away with military service, I noticed she struggled to urinate. Unable to get into our regular vet, we went to another vet that would accept us as I felt it was an emergency. He exrayed her and flume her bladder full. After catherising her, he told me the devastating news. Saying that she possibly had only days to live. He said he’d help make her comfortable and sent us home with the following medication.
Prazosin 1 x morning and night.
Clavilox 3/4 tab morning and evening.
Microlone 2x tabs morning and night.
Urocarb 1/2 tab every 12 hours.
After 3 days Lily appeared comfortable. albeit heavy panting.
After a blessed 10 days with Lily urinating slowly but effectively getting it out, the Vet changed her meds to. 1 x Prazosin morning and night.
weening off Microlone, and continuing with
1/2 Urocarb every 12 hours.
and 10 must Metacam at night.
I’m ready you suggest a different medication..
Lily is still giving so much love, wagging her tail, she appears comfortable enough… though drinking a fair bit, but has a great appetite and I’m now feeding her only cooked chicken breast and rice.
Our new Vet, says its a rare cancer not seen often.
After and internal he says it feels like a meaty mass around her utherea. That the inflammation has settled and as long as she can urinate and is comfortable we can have time with her.
can you give me some advice, and do you think the meds will continue to work..
How long, do you think we have a we don’t know how long our old vet missed diagnosis.
I’d value your advice.
thank you from Brisbane Australia
Hi Cindy,
I am so sorry Lily has received this tragic diagnosis. What a blessing she is still feeling ok and is fairly comfortable. It sounds like you are doing everything you can to maintain her quality of life. I am not sure I have and additional advice or guidance other than to encourage you to make the most of the time you are gifted. Enjoy each day you spend together and spoil your girl with love and affection. Wishing you strength to face the difficult days ahead and wishing you both comfort and peace. ♥
Hi Dr. Buzby,
My sweet Ripley was diagnosed with TCC last week, she is an 11 year old mini Aussie, The sweetest little girl. She is still happy and very active and able to go potty but with blood in her urine :(. We aren’t planning to pursue chemo and we are giving her a daily does of Meloxicam recommended by our dear vet. We have also changed her to a homemade diet of chicken breast and added supplements, low carb fruit such as blueberries and sweet potatoes to her chicken/and or beef. In your opinion is piroxicam a better choice in drug to help with the inflammation? I’m really glad I came across your page when I was researching this.
Dear Carol,
I am sorry Ripley has received this difficult diagnosis. I do think Piroxicam is a better choice as it has been shown to have the most beneficial effects on this specific type of cancer. You are doing a great job with the nutritious foods you are offering your pup. She is a very lucky girl to have you taking such good care of her. Hoping her body will respond favorably to the treatment and she will be blessed with many happy days ahead. Wishing you both the best and give Ripley a hug for me! ♥
Our sweet girl Nuala has been diagnosed with bladder cancer. She is a beagle and American bulldog mix. The bully mix has made it tricky giving the inflammatory medications as she has a very sensitive belly. We’ve been giving her Piroxicam every third day to start and she’s been doing well with that. She’s still urinating, eating and drinking as normal. She still loves her walks and going to work with me. We’ve switched her food to a grain free diet to help keep inflammation down as well as adding a wet food along with her kibble to give her that bit more liquid to help keep her system flushed – to keep UTI’s at bay.
Nuala is very good at letting me know when things aren’t good. When she gets a bit uncomfortable she gets som paracetamol and so far that’s worked a treat. The only thing – I mean other than the fact I’m losing her to cancer at some point – is how much she’s licking herself after peeing. I’m wondering if anyone has tried coconut oil or something like that to ease any external comfort issues. I should mention my girl has a hooded vulva. We have another appointment next week and will be upping how often she gets her Piroxicam and will be talking about another drug to help keep the tumours at bay for as long as possible. I won’t let her suffer so I know we are on borrowed time. I’m just hoping I can borrow a bunch.
Dear Hephzibah,
I am sorry Nuala has received this tragic diagnosis. I am glad the piroxicam seems to be helping and she has remained fairly stable. I would not recommend applying anything topically to her vulva as she will probably just try to lick it off. You can try cleaning the area daily with warm water on a cloth or a baby wipe (unscented), especially after she urinates, to see if that decreases the licking. I hope her recheck goes well and you can find out what the next step in treatment will be. Make the most of every day you are gifted. Wishing your sweet girl all the best.
My sweet baby girl Lola (9 yr old French bulldog….just turned 9 on Dec 24) was unfortunately diagnosed with TCC bladder cancer on June 23. We started her on piroxicam and IV chemo(first Vinblastine then had to switch to mitoxantrone due to manufacturing issues shortage with Vinblastine. She had 8 chemo treatments and all ultrasounds stayed stable until the last one when it showed a 33% growth! This was only 5 weeks after her last one. Needless to say I was in shock and still am, I’m devastated and my heart is broken. We are looking at trying SRS radiation. It’s very expensive but we have good insurance for her luckily. I’m torn because I hate to put her through the stress and go under anesthesia a few days for this plus any potential side effects etc. I don’t know anyone who has done this type of radiation especially after tumor has grown, do you have any info on this or know anyone? I need some guidance and clarity here on what to do and what’s best for my sweet baby girl. Other than urinating frequently she is 100% herself! She goes a lot maybe 60 times a day she still has a good strong streak at first then lots of little ones and drops etc to follow as I know the tumor is pressing on her bladder making her think she has to go again and again etc. Goid news is she sleeps 6 hours in a row at night then wakes to go potty, no accidents in bed. So grateful for this! She is also on Prazosin more recently but doesn’t seem to help lessen the frequency. Any guidance, help, insight here is greatly appreciated..
Thank you.
Hi Lara,
I am sorry Lola is battling this terrible disease. She is very lucky to have you taking such good care of her and advocating for her health and well-being. I did some research, and it seems as though radiation is the best way to fight TCC, but that SRS may not be the best type of radiation to use. Here is a link to NC State College of Vet Med’s page on radiation oncology treatment: https://hospital.cvm.ncsu.edu/services/small-animals/cancer-oncology/radiation-oncology/bladder-and-prostate-cancer/
Specifically, the section titled “types of radiation therapy” seemed informative. I hope you can find the answers you need to make a decision in which you can be confident. Wishing you and your sweet girl all the best and praying for a positive outcome.
My pups (9 y/o in a few weeks golden doodle) was diagnosed a few weeks back. But it appears had symptoms (urinary incontinence, going inside, going frequently) in January but I thought it was just a spell and it stopped. In May we noticed drops of blood on the floor when he would come back in from the bathroom. Tried UTI meds and all the things, the ultrasound showed a mass. . It took some time to get the Braf cadet test specimen cup in but as soon as we did got him tested and got the results of TCC a few days later.
He has been on piroxicam since then and it definitely helped for the first few weeks but the last few days the blood has been really bad and started passing clots (long worm like ones)
He is due to start radiation next Wednesday and will have 5 treatments a week for a total of 18 treatments. He will have to stay at the clinic which will be sad without him but I’m happy to know he will be cared for and around the vets all the time if anything happens. . They will begin chemo concurrently and he will like continue that for a few more weeks. My main goal is to shrink the tumor especially in the urethra so he isn’t bleeding all the time causing discomfort. I can also tell the bladder tumor is causing discomfort in its hard to lay on the belly. Luckily his CT scan yesterday showed that the cancer had not spread to the lungs so hopefully the targeted radiation plus chemo will help contain the spread.
Unfortunately I think he is pretty far along (if the January symptoms were related) but hoping an aggressive form of treatment will lead to providing the most relief and quality time.
Dear SMM,
My heart goes out to you as you face this difficult diagnosis in your pup. I am glad you have a good plan for treatment and am hopeful it will offer the benefits you seek. Thank you for sharing your experience with us as this may offer comfort to others as they face a similar situation. Wishing you all the best of luck and praying for healing for your sweet boy. ♥
Hi Lara,
My little Yorkie, Eloise, was diagnosed with TCC the very end of June, 2023. We opted for surgery because the ultrasound looked as though the tumor was at the apex of the bladder. Unfortunately, when the surgeon was in there, she found that it was at the trigone and was so large that it extended to the apex. After surgery, we started chemo. She didn’t seem better at all after 3 treatments, and my gut told me to get another ultrasound. Sure enough, the cancer had spread. I immediately suggested radiation. She completed her radiation successfully on November 22nd. with only one problem being that because she is so small and her bladder is small, they accidentally radiated part of her small intestine and she had a colitis for a few days. We let her heal and then completed the radiation. Three weeks later we resumed chemo with a different drug and she completed that the end of January 2024. She is due for a follow-up ultrasound in a week. She made it through all of the treatments with flying colors (except for the one episode mentioned above) I would definitely do it again for her even though I did NOT have insurance and I am now heavily in debt!! Every time I look at her sweet face and see her so happy, I know it was worth every second and every penny. She is also on Piroxicam and Misoprostol and a Chinese Herb regiment. Please pray that her followo-up ultrasound is good! Good luck with your sweet Lola!
Hi Jean,
I am glad to hear that Eloise is doing well and made it through treatment with minimal issues. What a blessing you have gained so many extra months with your sweet girl. Hoping her follow up ultrasound will show favorable results. Thank you for sharing your story and for offering encouragement to others. Praying for healing and wishing you all the best.
Hi Dr Buzby, .
I’m not sure you’ll remember me and my little old lady staffy from earlier in the year. She was diagnosed in March, although I suspect she’s had this cancer since June ’22 when a polyp was misdiagnosed. It’s been a road of ups and downs with her but she’s still here enjoying life!! She had a nasty UTI a few months ago that appeared 48hrs after finishing antibiotics and unfortunately it spread to her kidneys causing irreversible damage, she’s now stage 2 kidney failure. She’s now on antibiotics longterm as both myself and my vet agreed she wouldn’t be able to cope without them (she proved that) as we almost lost her to the last infection, she was so poorly.
She’s been taking Chlorambucil for a few months now, no side effects whatsoever apart from a liver spike the first week which settled down. Her last scan 3 weeks ago showed her tumour had potentially grown (her bladder was empty so was difficult for him to be certain) and her iliac LN’s were enlarged, I asked if we could maybe up the dose of the oral chemo as she was on a really low dose, he agreed and she’s been on the doubled dose for 3 weeks and doing really well! She passed a clot a few days ago with a whitish component to it, I’m thinking it was part of the tumour. We’re back next week for a repeat scan and bloods to see if the doubled dose is managing the cancer. Her last bloods did show her CREA is now WNL’s but still classed as stage 2.
I’m in complete awe of her and how she copes with everything, she’s still my happy, cheeky and stubborn girl. Her birthday is 3 weeks today where she’ll be 13, at the start of the year I would never have thought we’d be here now with her but she’s such a tough little cookie.
My vet did say around 7 weeks ago that he thinks we only have around 12 weeks left with her and maybe that’s true, nobody has a crystal ball though and she’s doing well, her quality of life remains good so we’ll keep fighting alongside her until she shows any sort of decline, then i’ll break my own heart to save her any suffering.
She shows no signs of the kidney failure and the only signs she shows of the cancer are she’s a little incontinent. She does have other health issues too but if we could just make her birthday and then maybe one last Christmas with her it would be the best news!
For now though we’re enjoying each and every moment with her.
I just want to thank-you again, what you do with your site is an amazing thing and taking time out of your busy days to respond to people like me means more than you’ll ever know, so thank-you!
Hi Mrs,
Yes, I remember you and your sweet girl! Goodness, she has been through just about everything in the last year. I am glad her quality of life is maintaining well for now and she is tolerating the treatments. Thank you for the update. I appreciate you sharing her story with us. Praying for her last days to be full of happiness and comfort. Wishing you all the best. Bless you both. ♥
My Great Dane was diagnosed with TCC in July she is 11 years 9 months old which is old for Great Dane, she is on strong painkillers but nothing else, she is eating drinking still going for little walks, vet is amazed by how well she is given the size of her tumour my concern is how will we know when the time is right for euthanasia don’t want her to suffer
Dear Lynn,
I am so sorry your big girl is nearing the end of her days. Deciding when to say goodbye is difficult and different for every dog. I will attach links to other articles with more information and great advice from other readers. The main thing to watch for is a decline in her quality of life. If she is no longer happy or wants to do the things that bring her joy it may be time to let go. When her day-to-day routine is more work and stress than rest and peace then I would think it might be time. Willingness to eat and drink is not a great indicator of the level of suffering present. Some dogs will continue to eat until their last breath despite extreme pain. Don’t forget you can lean on your vet for advice and support. They can periodically evaluate your sweet girl and let you know if letting go is the most loving option. I hope you can find the answers you need to navigate this unknown path ahead. Wishing you strength and comfort. Bless you both. ♥
1. Using a Quality of Life Scale for Dogs
2. Signs Your Dog is Dying: A Caring Message to Bring You Peace
3. How Will You Know When It’s Time to Euthanize Your Dog? 5 Caring, Heartfelt Messages
4. Preparing for Your Dog’s Euthanasia: 10 Thoughts for Peace
My 16 and a half years Westie was diagnosed with bladder cancer 2 months ago. He did 1 chemo session/week for 6 weeks. He is also on pills for pain, urinary tract and liver. For now he is still a very happy dog, playing, eating. However, he started again to urinate with blood and very often. Our vet does not know why he started urinating with blood again. I am affraid that his condition is getting worse, even if there is no other symptom for now. Is this something normal?
Hi Ana,
I understand your concern for your senior pup with this recent change in his urine. Without examining him myself, I can’t tell why the blood is present. The most likely cause is either an infection or the return of the cancer. Have you had your dog evaluated by your vet since the blood started again? They may want to do some follow up testing on his urine or schedule an abdominal ultrasound. You can also ask for a consultation with a specialist if one is not already involved with your dog’s case. Hoping you can get some answers and find a clear path forward. Praying for a positive outcome.
Wow, an amazingly comforting article; thank you Dr. Buzby!!
Chlo, my 15 yr old Cushing’s beagle, has been experiencing “uti symptoms” with urinalysis’ showing no identifiable infection for nearly 6 months. An ultrasound identified a larger mass in the best end of the bladder.
We know our time together is limited, and now the challenge is assessing pain/discomfort levels. I am hesitant to try Piroxicam, as she has a history of gastro-intestinal upset. For many years experienced a noisy sensitive stomach. She already has been inconsistent about eating meals with sometimes no appetite for food she gobbled down the day before. Very inconsistent.
Now facing the gut-wrenching decision of quality of life. I’ve already earmarked a number of articles here in your blog about this, and just want to thank you SO much for listening and offering answers/comfort to loving dog parents.
Thank you so much for all you do!!
Dear Tracy,
Thank you for the kind words. I am glad the article was helpful, and you have found others that may offer guidance as you navigate this unknown path ahead. My heart goes out to you and your sweet girl. Praying her final days will be peaceful and full of love. Wishing you strength and comfort for your heart. Bless you both. ♥
Thank you for this article. Mickey, our 12+ yo Dachsund (we didnt know for sure how old he is as we rescued him 3 years ago on the road), was having traces of blood in his urine for about a month. After several vet visits, they finally found mass within his bladder. As we live in Indonesia, it seems that the CADET BRAF test isn’t available here and we found out there’s TCC through catererization (cytology) last week. The vet quickly gave us piroxicam to start and it was all fine. Howecer after 5 days my dog started vomiting after his meal and his appetite seems to be decreasing by a lot. Is this a known common effect of piroxicam? I’ve stopped giving him piroxicam for now as I couldn’t bear to see him vomiting all the time after meal time and he doesnt seem to be vomiting and able to eat for now (it has been 2 days)
Unfortunately not many vets here are experienced and aware of TCC and the ones that do, need bookings weeks ahead and ours are booked for next week.
Just wondering if it’s ok to stop piroxicam or if there’s any other alternative.
Thank you so much
Hi Artista,
I am sorry your senior dog is dealing with urinary issues and a bladder tumor. I am glad you were able to get him scheduled for the traumatic catheterization procedure to obtain a cytology sample. Unfortunately, vomiting is one of the most common side effects of any anti-inflammatory medication like piroxicam. I am glad you have discontinued it for now and think you should let your vet know right away. In rare cases, NSAIDs like piroxicam can cause stomach ulcers or irritate the intestines causing major issues. If there is any chance this is happening to your pup, your vet would want to completely stop this medication. There are definitely other alternatives but piroxicam has demonstrated the best results for Transitional Cell Carcinoma. I hope the catheterization procedure goes well and you get the answers you need. Praying for good news and a clear path forward. Feel free to leave an update when you get a chance.
Thank you for this helpful blog. Our 14-year-old lab/collie mix has bladder cancer and we are trying to guage our summer travels around her prognosis (we travel half the year in an RV). She has been drinking frantically since January and was treated twice by out-of-town vets for a UTI to no avail. We are home and had a sonagram/ultrasound which confirmed a mass about 3 cm x 1 cm and suspicious spots on other organs. Other than peeing a lot and intermittent shallow breathing, she seems fine, but we’ve decided to postpone traveling with her until she needs to be euthanized (because we don’t want to scramble to find a vet in aa rural area if her urethra closes up). We’re not doing chemo but hope to start her on a NSAID or steroid (we’re talking to her vet tomorrow). Based on my description, would you think her prognosis is weeks or a few months? We’re trying to figure out cancelling reservations.
Hi Scott,
I’m sorry that your beloved dog was recently diagnosed with bladder cancer. Although I didn’t see this in time to be able to give you recommendations for your summer travels, I think your plan of staying at home until it is time to say goodbye is a good one. Unfortunately I can’t really give you a good estimate on how long she might have because a lot depends on how the tumor responds to the NSAIDs or steroids, when/if it obstructs the urethra, and how significant her clinical signs become. I hope that your appointment with the vet went well and that you were able to find a plan to keep her comfortable for as long as possible.
Hello, my 13 year old lab was just diagnosed last week with a mass on the outside of her bladder. She started on Piroxicam 5 days ago and she was voiding better the first two days, she now is hesitant to void again like it hurts so she doesn’t want to go. How long after starting the Piroxicam do you usually start to see any improvement? I hate the idea of my girl being in pain, I just want to prolong her suffering and I don’t know if it is time to say goodbye. Thank you
Hi Angela,
So sorry to hear that your lab was diagnosed with a bladder tumor. While Piroxicam seems to work well in many causes to help control clinical signs and possibly shrink the tumor, it isn’t always effective or tolerated. I did some research to try to determine how quickly the Piroxicam should work, but I couldn’t find anything specific in the literature. Unfortunately I also don’t know that I can give you a concrete answer based on my experience since each dog and tumor is a bit different. The anti-inflammatory effects should kick in pretty quickly, but the tumor-shrinking effects take more time. Since your pup got better for the first two days then started acting uncomfortable again, I would say it is definitely worth checking in with your vet to get a better idea of what is going in. Hopefully you were able to find some clear answers about how best to help your dear girl. Praying for you!
Hello my 11 1/2 rescue dog (chi mix) has been diagnosed with bladder cancer located in the bad place sadly. Started the Piroxicam & Dr has recommended chemo also. Oral chemo is Trametinib tables & IV chemo is mitoxantrone. Since we live an hour away from treatment center, I’m leaning toward the tablet. I’m just wondering if we would get the same results/benefits from the tablet. I do want to give her the best treatment possible to ensure a longer quality of life. Thank you for your help and info!
Hi Janett,
I am so sorry your senior girl has received this devastating diagnosis. I am not sure whether the tablet or IV chemo has demonstrated better results. That would be a great question for a veterinary oncologist. Please make sure your vet is aware of your concerns and they should be able to guide you through this decision-making process. Praying your girl will respond favorably to the treatment and you can gain some extra quality time to love on her. ♥
My 12 year old heeler was recently diagnosed with bladder cancer. We started him on Piroxicam about a month and a half ago and he is feeling a lot better, although recently started to hold his leg up to pee for long periods again. This originally started over a year ago. My vet originally suspected beginning stages of kidney failure based on his bloodwork and urine tests. We also found out during that time he has Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy – which makes surgery not an ideal option for him. Our plan is to just enjoy the time we have and use Piroxicam and antibiotics when needed.
Dear Polly,
I am sorry your senior guy has received this difficult diagnosis. I am glad to hear that the Piroxicam is working well, and he is feeling so much better. Thank you for being willing to share your experience with us. It is very helpful to others to know they are not alone and that they can still have good quality time with their beloved pups even after this is diagnosed. Praying you have many happy days ahead to continue making memories. Give your sweet boy a hug for me!
Good day. My Yorkie female, nearly 14 years old has been diagnosed with a tumor in her bladder (about one third the size of het bladder) a month ago. Vet did a scan but said there is no treatment for it. She has blood in her urine, urinating very frequently. Vet said it will grow slowly. I can see it is getting worse, she has wet her bed last night. How worse will it get and how soon?
Hi Henrihet,
I am sorry your little pup has received this devastating diagnosis. Unfortunately, cancer can do some strange things and there is really no way to know exactly how things will progress. You may start to see blood in her urine and there may come a point where the tumor blocks the outflow of urine. If a urinary blockage occurs, this would be an emergency situation. Sometimes saying goodbye is the most loving option and only way to prevent unnecessary suffering. I hope it will be obvious when the time comes to let go. Praying for your strength and comfort for your heart. Wishing you the best as you navigate this tough road ahead.
Hello, my 13yr staffy was weeing blood and clots 5wks ago. the vet was reluctant to scan him as he suspected a UTI or kidney stones. but I pushed for a scan and they foind a large tumour starting in the trigone area and filling two thirds of his bladder 🙁
We started Piroxican staggered due to side effects and are currently on every other day.. it’s all about quality if life for him now and we take each day at a time. some days he is like a puppy doing zoomies and other days he is quiet and tired. I’ve done a lot of reading and I’m aware of the final days will probably be him not weeing one day and then the decision will be taken out of my hands. I’ve read lots of papers on the amazing properties of Piroxicam even though it causes other issues and wonder if it could shrink my boys tumour by much or because its already so big thats not possible, does this mean we have even less time than the average given? I wish they looked a year ago when I first spotted blood and he had problems with his anal glands 🙁
I know he is already an old boy and he had had an amazing life but saying goodbye to him will be so hard :'(
Dear Nadia,
I am sorry your senior boy has received this devastating diagnosis. Bladder cancer can act very different from one dog to the next. So, there is no way to know for sure how the size of this tumor will affect your dog’s survival time. Try to make the most of the time you are blessed with and enjoy every moment. Praying you will know when the time to say goodbye is near and your boy’s passing will be smooth and peaceful. Wishing you the best.
My 13 year old female yorkie was diagnosed with urethra tumor, inoperable. she was just peeing often in little amounts. now there is blood in most urine and I have also seen a clot. prescribed prilosec and Piroxicam. how will I know it’s time to euthanize (if she is in pain) I don’t want her to suffer.
Dear Carole,
I am sorry you are in this situation with your Yorkie. Knowing when to say goodbye is so hard. You can talk with your vet, and they can do a quality-of-life evaluation to let you know if your pup is struggling. I always think it is better to let go one day too early rather than one day too late and allow unnecessary suffering. While saying goodbye will break your heart, it also may be the only way to give your sweet girl peace and rest. By making the choice to let go before her quality of life has deteriorated, you can ensure her last days are happy and her passing is peaceful and smooth. I will attach links to other articles with more information and advice. Praying for your heart and for clarity to know what is best. Bless you both. ♥
1. Using a Quality of Life Scale for Dogs
2. Preparing for Your Dog’s Euthanasia: 10 Thoughts for Peace
3. Signs Your Dog is Dying: A Caring Message to Bring You Peace
Hi my 12 year old dachshund has just had a scan on her bladder after repeated UTI’s it showed a mass in her bladder. My vet said it could either be a tumour or polyp as I can’t afford hefty vet bills my vet has prescribed antibiotics and anti inflammatory meds but she has started leaking blood from her vulva.and is constantly licking herself. She is otherwise eating and drinking ok but I’m now getting worried about the blood. I’ve bought doggy nappies and it seems there’s more blood every day
Hi Joanne,
My heart goes out to you as you face this difficult situation with your senior Dachshund. I am sorry the bleeding has increased but glad to hear your pup is still feeling ok. I understand there are financial limitations, and you cannot pursue the advanced testing that would be needed for a definitive diagnosis. If your dog is not currently taking Piroxicam, maybe you could discuss this with your vet and see if treating for TCC would help ease your dog’s symptoms. Don’t forget that palliative/hospice care is always an option. I hope you can find the best ways to keep your sweet girl happy and comfortable for the time she has left. Wishing you strength and comfort for your heart. Bless you both.
My 12 year old boxer mix has just been diagnosed with an operable bladder tumor. What is the prognosis for her if the tumor is confined to the bladder? The type of cancer has not yet been determined.
Hi Brenda,
I am so sorry your girl has received this difficult diagnosis. What a blessing your vet is optimistic about her being a good surgical candidate. Unfortunately, without a definitive diagnosis there really is no way to know what her prognosis will be. Different types of tumors have very different outcomes. You will probably have to wait for the pathology report after surgery to get more information and determine what the future will look like for your pup. Best wishes to you both!
Thank you so much for such an informative article. My little old lady staffy (12 years old) was diagnosed with potential TCC 5 days ago, we’re currently awaiting test results to confirm. Our vet did an FNA sample but everything I’m reading says he shouldn’t have done this as it runs the risk of seeding the malignant cells. She had other health conditions but she isn’t in any pain, had good quality of life and is still her cheeky self. She’s had a suspected UTI for a couple of months now but I knew something was amiss when it just wouldn’t clear fully for her, then she dribbled blood I got her booked in the next day for an ultrasound which has shown a mass in her bladder that fills two thirds of it. The placement I think is “favourable” as it’s not in the neck of the bladder and the trigone is ok. I know we haven’t got long left with my old lady so we’re enjoying each and every moment with her while we can. I think the plan is to start on Piroxicam once results are back in. Any thoughts would be appreciated xx
Dear Mrs,
My heart goes out to you as you face this difficult situation with your senior girl. I hope she is able to avoid a diagnosis of TCC but sounds like that may be where this is headed. I think you are doing everything right and right now it’s just a waiting game for the pathology results. Hoping your sweet girl is feeling ok. Praying she has many happy days ahead so you can continue making memories together. Feel free to leave an update if you have a chance.
Hi, I’ve found myself re-reading your article and realised I’d commented on this one too (also the anaesthetic one). The pathology report couldn’t diagnose TCC but the fact she has the mass in the bladder and along with symptoms that remains the diagnose. She’s been on Piroxicam now for a couple of weeks and no side effects from that (thankfully). She’s currently being treated for UTI (synolux for 10 days) and is on day 6 of those now. She’s urinating more frequently and leaking while asleep which has blood that varies, some has hardly any visible and others has a large volume. She’s still herself, eating normally but is drinking a little more than usual. While she’s still herself then I’ll keep going right alongside her, but I do worry about her constantly and watch her like a hawk 24/7. For now we’re enjoying whatever time we have left with her.
My main question I think is how long should we wait to rescan her to check the tumour, or do we not rescan now? The placement is favourable as it’s in the apex area of her bladder as opposed to the neck of the bladder (for now at least). It’s been a little over 3 weeks since her last scan and I just want to try and do my absolute best by my little old lady like she deserves. X
Hi Mrs,
I am sorry the pathology report couldn’t give you a definitive diagnosis, but I agree I would assume TCC until proven otherwise. I am not sure there is much to be gained from another ultrasound other than to know how the tumor is changing. While knowing the current state of the tumor may offer peace of mind, it probably would not change the course of treatment. If you are interested in a follow up scan, don’t hesitate to ask your vet. How is your sweet girl feeling today? Hoping she is still doing well and finding joy in her days. I will continue to pray for you both and keep you in my thoughts. As always, feel free to keep us updated. ♥
Good afternoon, it’s me again. I didn’t see your reply and have actually come on to give you an update and saw it then, I sooo appreciate your prayers and thoughts for my little old lady. We’re a little over 7 weeks now since her scan and the assumed diagnose of TCC was made. She’s still on piroxicam and is still doing really well all things considered! She has a lot going on alongside the TCC, her Cushing’s, slipped disc and over the last couple of weeks a mild case of pancreatitis (no vomiting but diarrhea). She was originally booked in next week for a rescan but I’ve postponed until another month so I can get her on denamarin and then the vet can check her liver/gallbladder etc at the rescan too, she’ll have been on the piroxicam for 3 months give or take so can hopefully see some improvement in size. I did think we had potential kidney involvement so we got some bloods done with the sdma added on but thankfully those came back within normal levels. In herself she’s still happy, wanting food and more importantly treats! Drinking normally and definitely isn’t ready to go anywhere just yet.
The one question I do have and hoping to get your professional opinion on is clots, she has very very small clots (no bigger than a few mm at a time) and most are almost string like in appearance. I’ve seen differing opinions on this, some say it’s a positive sign, others negative and others say it’s indifferent but normal. They’re intermittent and not every time she has a wee and the most there’s been in one go is 5. Any opinion or insight would be absolutely amazing to hear from you.
Hi Mrs,
I am glad your girl seems to be doing well on her current medications. Praying her recheck in June will give you some good news. As far as the clots are concerned, I would expect to see them, especially as things progress. I would monitor your pup for changes in the frequency or amount of clots present. If you suddenly start to see a dramatic increase in the amount of blood your dog is passing, you would need to inform your vet. Thank you for the update! Keeping you and your sweet girl in my thoughts. ♥
Thank-you so much. The clots are still very small but she’s had quite a few the last 72hrs along with passing a lot more blood in her urine. She’s still acting normally, bright and alert, interested in food and enjoying life. I’m going to give my vet a call this morning as I am concerned that we’ve stopped her latest antibiotic course and within 24hrs the blood in her urine seems to be an awful lot more.
I just want to thank you again for not only composing such amazing blogs that are informative and to the point for people like me, on a range of different topics. Also for taking time out of your no doubt busy life to respond to me along with others. For this I am so thankful.
Hi Mrs,
I am glad I can offer a listening ear and maybe some emotional support as you navigate this difficult road. Hoping your vet can find a way to keep the bleeding at bay and maintain your sweet girl’s quality of life for as long as possible. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and watch for your next update. ♥
My 11 year old Yorkie-Poodle mix has just been preliminarily diagnosed with TCC. She also is being treated for diabetes and we just finally got her leveled as she was diagnosed. Is Piroxicam appropriate for dogs with diabetes? I think so because it’s not a steroid, correct?
Hi Charissa,
I am sorry your senior girl has received this difficult diagnosis. Yes, Piroxicam is ok for dogs with diabetes. But honestly, I would be much more concerned about the TCC than about possibly upsetting the balance with her diabetes and blood sugar levels. I hope the treatment will improve your sweet girl’s quality of life. Bless you both. ♥
My 3 year old American bully mix was just diagnosed with TCC bladder cancer. She has been sick for about 3 months. we treated her for a uti and inflammation and her symptoms continue to worsen. she has been urinating frequently, blood and clots in urine, accidents in the house, and some kind of white inflammatory shedding in her urine. she has also lost 28 pounds in the past 3 months. she is on pain medicine and antibiotics and we are just loving her while she still has time with us.
Dear Nicole,
My heart goes out to you as you face this devastating diagnosis in your pup. I hope her final days are filled with love, and she is surrounded by those she cares about most. Praying for your strength and comfort. Give your sweet girl a hug for me. ♥
Hello, thank you for your article. It is very informative and I wish I would have found it sooner so that I could have asked my vet about treatment with Piroxicam. I was hesitant to treat my Scottish terrier with chemotherapy fearing side effects and limited improvement of prognosis. My Scottie boy turned 10 just 3 months before his bladder cancer diagnosis. Inititially he was being treated for UTI and bladder stones, but the vet picked up a mass and swollen lymph nodes at the base of his bladder during his bladder stone treatment. Because he was getting sonograms every 2 months to monitor the bladder stone improvement (a restrictive diet,) they discovered the tumor fairly early. However, it had already become a large mass with inflamed lymph nodes by the time it was detected. Our vet followed up with the urine test you mention in the article to confirm the diagnosis. His treatment was rimadyl and amoxicillin . He lived a very normal healthy life for about 3 months from his diagnosis. Sadly, approximately 4-5 months after the tumor started growing, he started to decline, was urinating every hour, wasn’t sleeping well, lost most of his appetite for food and for going on his walks, and I knew it was time, He was the best dog, it’s a loss I won’t ever fully get over.
Dear Kerry,
My heart goes out to you with the loss of your Scottie. What a blessing you gained 3 extra quality months with your sweet boy before his health started to decline. Thank you for being willing to share your story with us. I am certain it will offer comfort to other to know they are not alone. Praying for healing and peace for your heart. May the memory of your beloved pup bring you joy and stay with you always.
Howdy. Thank you for the informative article.
I’m an Aussie needing some assistance. I have a 16 month old spayed female,she is a Chihuahua cross staffy. Around four months ago she had a uti and it cleared up with antibiotics. Vet did an ultrasound saw thickening on the bladder.
Let’s skip to this week: she has been urinating a lot,vet expressed her bladder to get a sample for the urinalysis. Results came back saying there is inflammation and some blood was found (vet thinks it’s because of the method to get the urine) no bacteria,no crystals we’re found. Was prescribed CystoPro. If there are no improvements,have to get an ultrasound and blood test done.
She thinks it could be stones.
What do you think it could be? Isn’t it rare for young dogs to get the big C?
Hi Charbel,
I am sorry your young pup is having so many issues with her bladder and urination. You are correct that cancer is more common in older dogs, but it is still possible for it to occur in young dogs as well. Since I have not personally examined your dog, I can’t make specific conclusions. Stones are definitely a possibility to rule out. It might be a good idea to schedule a consult with a specialist if the testing doesn’t give you clear results. I hope you can find the answers you need to restore your dog’s health and wellbeing. Praying for a positive outcome.
Thank you for this article. My 13!year old beloved Maltese has been diagnosed with TCC and Cushings. She had an ultrasound because we were suspicious about her large belly. It confirmed the Cushings but unfortunately a small tumor in the apex of her bladder was found. TCC was confirmed using the BRAF test. We are now waiting for her Piroxicam to arrive. I have a question…has anyone ever had any results with ivermectin’s cancer treatment? Also someone suggested fenben and bloodroot. Is there a diet that you’d recommend?
My primary goal is to make her comfortable….and educate myself to do what I can for her.. Thank you.
Hi Laura,
I am not personally familiar with using ivermectin as a cancer treatment. Many of the heartworm preventatives we commonly prescribe for dogs have ivermectin as the active ingredient. I did some research and found a couple articles that looked at ivermectin as a cancer treatment when combined with other chemotherapy drugs. Also, these studies were not aimed at TCC and rather were treating mammary cancer and transmissible venereal tumor. I did find mention of ivermectin as a cancer treatment in humans, but here again it was combined with other chemotherapy drugs. While I believe many conditions can be treated and improved with a good diet, I do not have any specific diet recommendations for TCC. There are some veterinary prescription diets that are used for urinary tract health. I am not sure they would offer a benefit, but they might be a good idea to try. I am sorry your senior girl is facing such a difficult diagnosis. I hope the piroxicam will help shrink the tumor and allow her to have many happy days ahead. Make the most of the time you are blessed with. I wish you both the best. ♥
Thank you for the article. My 13 year old shih tzu (who has also had cushings for about 3 years) began showing blood in urine in December and antibiotics did not resolve the issue. In early January a sonogram and braf test confirmed the TCC, another course of antibiotics and started Piroxicam. He was doing well until last week, when blood began to show in urine again. He also started having some episodes of repeated coughing/almost choking that last for several minutes and happen about 3-5 times a day. He is otherwise acting like himself, playing and eating, etc. Vet started antibiotics again and did not see any signs of respiratory issues but said antibiotics might help with cough. We are just on the second day of antibiotics so we will see what happens. Vet agreed with our decision not to do chemo as it requires vet visits which cause him a lot of stress (we have a home vet for regular visits), and his tumor is large (although not positioned to cause blockage). I’m just watching and waiting and making sure he is comfortable and enjoys every day. The intermittent cough is concerning, but the vet did not really have any guidance on what it would be (he is a pretty hefty boy (Cushings) and has breathing/snoring issues (shih-tzu)), so he has occasionally done the same cough/hacking thing over the years but not for several minutes at a time. The vet said I could take him for a scan, but I’m really not sure how that would help him or benefit anything with respect to current treatment.
Hi Christine,
I am sorry your senior guy has received this difficult diagnosis. I am glad he is feeling ok despite this new coughing issue. Since I have not examined your dog myself, I can’t make specific conclusions or recommendations. But I am curious to know where you are located and if his coughing started around the same time as when the pollen appeared with the warmer weather. If there is any chance his cough could be allergy related it might be worth discussing an over-the-counter allergy treatment with your vet. It might also be a good idea to think about chest x-rays or the scan your vet mentioned just to make sure nothing cancerous has spread to his lungs. I hope you find the best way to keep your sweet boy happy and comfortable. Best wishes to you both.