Wondering “Can dogs get a cold?” If so, you’ve come to the right place! Integrative veterinarian Dr. Julie Buzby discusses the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention for canine infectious respiratory disease complex (CIRDC), which is the doggy equivalent of a human cold.

If you are sniffling and sneezing due to a cold and find yourself snuggled up under a blanket with a box of tissues and your dog at your side, it may lead you to wonder if your canine companion can also suffer from a cold.
Can dogs get a cold?
In short, the answer is yes, dogs can get an upper respiratory infection that is similar to the colds that plague humans. However, instead of calling it a “cold,” your veterinarian is more likely to call it canine infectious respiratory disease complex (CIRDC).
What causes canine infectious respiratory disease complex?
Canine infectious respiratory disease complex (CIRDC) is a catch-all term for a group of highly contagious bacterial, viral (and occasionally fungal) conditions that cause cold and flu-like symptoms in dogs. Some of the most common pathogens implicated in CIRDC include but are not limited to:
- Bordetella bronchiseptica
- Mycoplasma species
- Streptococcus equi (subspecies zooepidemicus) in dogs
- Canine distemper
- Parainfluenza
- Canine influenza
- Respiratory coronavirus
Additionally, certain environmental factors like crowding in shelters or boarding facilities can make dogs more likely to catch a cold. And stress can also be a factor due to its negative impact on the immune system.
While CIRDC can affect dogs of all ages and breeds, younger dogs are more likely to develop it. This is the case because their immune systems are not yet fully developed.
How are colds spread from dog to dog?
Canine infectious respiratory disease complex (CIRDC) is primarily transmitted from dog to dog through particles released into the air. These infectious particles can come from coughing, sneezing, and sometimes saliva and other mucosal secretions. Plus, some bacteria and viruses can exist on solid objects (toys bedding, water dishes, clothing, hands, etc.) for several hours. This is how dogs in single-pet households can become exposed.
Dogs can shed bacteria and viruses for 5-10 days once symptoms start. But they can also start transmitting the pathogens that cause respiratory illnesses before clinical signs ever appear. Plus, for diseases like Bordetella, Mycoplasma, and distemper, the shedding period can extend well past when the dog recovers.

Do colds spread between dogs and humans?
Lest you worry, typically dogs can’t get a cold from humans or cats, and humans can’t get a cold from dogs. Different organisms cause the common cold in humans and CIRDC in dogs (with the exception of Bordetella, which can technically infect dogs, humans, and cats).
Does being cold cause a dog to catch a cold?
It isn’t actually true that being wet and cold causes cold-like symptoms in dogs. However, prolonged exposure to inclement weather or poor housing conditions can weaken a dog’s immune system. This then can predispose him or her to developing CIRDC.
Is kennel cough the same as CIRDC?
As a point of interest, many experts in the veterinary field used to refer to upper respiratory illnesses as “kennel cough” because symptoms usually affected dogs in closed, confined quarters (the perfect environment for transmission). Plus, vets sometimes associated the term “kennel cough” with Bordetella infections. Overall, kennel cough became an umbrella term for upper respiratory infections in dogs, even if the dog had no recent exposure to kennels.
However, as you have learned, “kennel cough” is a misnomer. Kennels are not the sole source of transmission for dog colds. Thus, there has been a shift toward using “CIRDC,” which is a more accurate term.
What do colds (CIRDC) look like in dogs?
Once a dog comes in contact with the viral or bacterial particles, it typically takes a couple of days before cold symptoms start to show. One exception is canine distemper virus infections, which can take up to five weeks for dogs to develop clinical signs.
Dog cold symptoms include:
- Fever (especially in more severe cases)
- Runny nose
- Watery eyes
- Nasal discharge
- Eye discharge
- Sneezing
- Coughing (which may sound harsh or like a honk)
- Harsh sounding breathing
- Being a lethargic dog
- Decreased appetite (more common in severe cases)
Healthy adult dogs who come into contact with the organisms that cause CIRDC may show mild to no symptoms. This is especially likely to be the case if they are up to date on all recommended vaccinations.

However, young puppies or dogs with compromised immune systems are at a higher risk of experiencing moderate to severe clinical signs. And they are more likely to have systemic signs like fever or lack of appetite. Also, since brachycephalic dogs (those with short noses and flat faces) have smaller nasal passages and more trouble breathing in general, CIRDC may hit them harder.
CIRDC can also predispose the dog to developing pneumonia in dogs in some cases. Affected dogs generally seem sicker (e.g. lethargic, fever, poor appetite, dog breathing fast, etc.) than those with just a cold.
Additionally, dogs with canine distemper may end up developing gastrointestinal or neurological symptoms. Sadly, sometimes canine distemper can ultimately be fatal. Also, Streptococcus equi (subspecies zooepidemicus) can cause hemorrhagic pneumonia in dogs, which is often deadly.
Do I need to take my dog with a cold to the vet?
As you can see, sometimes a cold is mild and self-limiting. This means that the cold will go away on its own. But other times colds can make a dog pretty sick. If your dog is only showing mild symptoms and still eating, drinking, and acting normally, you may be able to watch your dog carefully for a day or so rather than heading right to the vet.
However, if your dog is feverish, lethargic, not eating well, breathing abnormally, having a dog nose bleed, or you have other concerns, please make a vet appointment promptly. And should your dog be struggling to breathe or collapsing, make an emergency vet visit immediately.
How does the vet diagnose a cold in dogs?
There is a great deal of overlap between the symptoms of the various infectious agents. This makes it difficult to pinpoint which organism is causing the CIRDC based on symptoms alone. Thus, the vet will generally say that your dog has a cold, CIRDC, or “kennel cough” rather than naming a specific agent.
In some cases (e.g. an outbreak in a facility, severe clinical signs, poor response to treatment) your veterinarian may recommend additional diagnostic tests. They include blood tests for dogs, culture and sensitivity, and PCR testing (a test that can detect the genetic material of particular organisms).
Additionally, since heart disease in dogs, collapsed trachea in dogs, heartworm disease in dogs, and chronic bronchitis in dogs can cause some of the same symptoms, the vet may also run tests to rule out those conditions.
How do you get rid of a dog cold?
While waiting for test results to come in (or if no tests are indicated), your vet may start treatment based on your pup’s symptoms and the most likely causative organism(s).
Without a definitive diagnosis, whether or not to prescribe antibiotics comes down to a judgement call on your vet’s part. If they suspect a bacterial infection with Bordetella or Mycoplasma, the vet may prescribe an oral antibiotic like doxycycline. But even if he or she is leaning toward a viral cause, sometimes the vet still recommends antibiotics. This is the case because viruses can increase the risk of secondary bacterial infections. However, in other situations, the vet may determine that antibiotics are not warranted.
To help keep the dog comfortable, the vet may also prescribe cough suppressants. Additionally, more severe cases of CIRDC sometimes require steroids (e.g. prednisone for dogs) and/or hospitalization.
How can you keep a dog with a cold comfortable at home?

In addition to veterinary treatment, there are also things you can do at home to help your dog feel better. Warm humid air is often soothing for dogs who have a cold. Thus, you may want to either run a humidifier where your dog tends to spend time or put your dog in the bathroom while you shower (but don’t put your dog in the shower).
While the dog is recovering, it is also important to ensure he or she always has access to fresh clean water. Plus, you should continue feeding your dog a complete and balanced dog food. Keeping your dog calm, minimizing barking, and using a harness rather than a collar can be helpful too. And your dog should be allowed to rest as much as he or she wants.
How can you keep your dog from getting a cold? 5 Tips
Just like with colds in people, it isn’t possible to eliminate the chances of your dog catching CIRDC. However, there are measures you can take to decrease the risk.
1. Keep your dog up to date on his or her vaccinations
There aren’t vaccinations to help prevent all the agents that cause CIRDC. But it is possible to vaccinate your dog against canine distemper, parainfluenza, Bordetella, and canine influenza (H3N8/H3N2 strains).
When considering which vaccines are necessary for your dog, it is important to remember that the Bordetella and canine influenza vaccines are usually classified as “risk-based” or “non-core” vaccinations. This means they are ones that your vet may suggest based on your dog’s risk factors, rather than being standard for all dogs.
On the other hand, canine distemper is part of the core vaccinations (those recommended for all dogs). If your dog is up to date on vaccines, he or she most likely is protected against canine distemper. The tricky one is Parainfluenza. It is often a component of the core vaccine but can also be included in the formulation of some Bordetella vaccinations.
Your vet can let you know what vaccination type and schedule are right for your dog.
2. Minimize situations where your dog mingles with dogs with an unknown vaccination or health history
It can be fun to take your dog to the dog park for a romp. But you don’t have any idea if the other dogs in the park are healthy or sick. And you also don’t know if they have been vaccinated against some of the causes of CIRDC. If your dog plays with a sick dog or one that is shedding the agents but not sick yet, this could put your dog at risk of getting a cold. So could drinking out of the same water dish or playing with the same toys.
3. Stick to doggy play dates with healthy, well vaccinated dogs
Instead of risking the unknowns of the dog park, opt for letting your dog play with a friend or family member’s healthy dogs who are up to date on their vaccinations. And host the playdate at someone’s house, rather than a public area like a park. This lets your dog have fun with his or her pals in a way that decreases the risk of catching a cold.

4. Keep your dog (and yourself) away from other dogs who are sick
If your friend, family member, or neighbor mentions that their dog is coughing, sneezing, or has discharge from the eyes or nose, don’t let your dog interact with their dog. And try to keep them from sharing toys, dishes, or other objects. Plus, since some organisms can linger on your clothes, if you are around a sick dog, it is best to change your clothes and wash your hands before you greet your dog.
5. Consider hiring a pet sitter rather than taking your dog to the kennel
Spending time in areas where lots of dogs are housed together, such as a boarding kennel, increases the risk for respiratory diseases. Thus, to cut down on the chances your dog will catch a cold, you could consider hiring a pet sitter to stay at your house rather than bringing your dog to the boarding kennel.
Don’t let a cold get your dog down
Dogs can get a cold, or rather CIRDC. But the good news is that with a few exceptions, dogs with colds typically recover well and never look back. Even so, if you have any concerns about your dog’s health, it is best to check in with your veterinarian. Together you can take whatever steps necessary to help your dog feel better and to hopefully keep him or her from catching a cold again.
Has your dog ever had a cold?
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