Vestibular disease in old dogs can look very scary. A senior dog appears to go from perfectly healthy to completely off kilter in a moment, usually with no warning signs. Integrative veterinarian Dr. Julie Buzby shares her experience diagnosing old dog vestibular disease, and how dramatic symptoms don’t always mean a devastating prognosis.

Working as a veterinarian, my days are full of ups and downs—sometimes even in back-to-back appointments. My passion for working with senior dogs means I deal with a lot of very serious health conditions in my patients.
Sometimes, however, dramatic clinical signs are not necessarily an indication of a severe underlying problem. This was the case for one of my very first patients, Lola. She was the first dog I diagnosed with old dog vestibular disease when I was a newly-minted veterinarian 25+ years ago.
Meet Lola: A senior dog with old dog vestibular disease
Lola, a 13-year-old Blue Heeler, arrived at my clinic with very serious symptoms. She was lovingly cradled in her dad’s arms with her head tilted distinctively. Her eyes were rapidly scrolling back and forth over and over again, like something you’d see in a Looney Tunes character.
Lola’s parents explained the events of the past few days and how suddenly Lola’s symptoms had developed with no apparent explanation. Now she could hardly stand up without falling to one side. At 13, they feared that their sick dog would not be going home with them that day.
I gently scooped Lola from her dad’s arms and performed a physical examination and then a neurologic examination. Despite initial fears that this appointment would end in euthanasia, I then knew I could offer Lola’s parents a glimmer of hope.
A surprising prognosis
Although we still needed to do some diagnostic testing to rule out more serious conditions, I was able to offer Lola’s parents some hope that their senior dog would recover with minimal long term effects and possibly none.
Lola was suffering from a common canine condition known as “old dog” vestibular disease, also called idiopathic vestibular disease. Idiopathic simply means the disease’s origin is unknown—we really don’t know for sure why it happens. The key part of the syndrome’s long name is the word “vestibular.”
What is the vestibular system?
“Vestibular” refers to the vestibular system—a complex network of structures located in the dog’s inner ear. The vestibular system perceives the body’s orientation with respect to the earth’s gravitational field and facilitates normal movement. The brain, eyes, and body use the information gathered by the vestibular apparatus to maintain proper posture and balance.

What are the symptoms of old dog vestibular disease?
Because the vestibular system is in charge of balance, dogs with vestibular disease often experience dizziness and have difficulty walking in a straight line. If you’re thinking “that sounds a lot like vertigo in humans,” you’re on the right track. Old dog vestibular disease can be likened to vertigo in humans, and symptoms of doggy vertigo are similar to symptoms of vertigo found in people.
In dogs, classic clinical signs of vestibular disease include:
- Abnormal posture, especially standing with legs spread wide
- Head tilt
- Impaired coordination
- Loss of balance
- Rapid eye movement when awake, called nystagmus

What causes vestibular disease in old dogs?
By definition, the word “idiopathic” means we don’t truly know what causes old dog vestibular syndrome.
As an aside, some other conditions can affect the vestibular system and clinical signs for these conditions are similar to those of vestibular disease. These conditions can include:
- Ear infections
- Hypothyroidism in dogs
- Trauma
- Tumors
- Tickborne diseases
- Toxin or drug side effects
What dogs are at risk for vestibular disease?
Idiopathic vestibular disease can happen in dogs of any breed, size, or gender. It is most common in senior dogs, and occurs more frequently in German Shepherds and Doberman Pinschers.
Can vestibular disease be prevented?
As the exact cause of idiopathic vestibular disease is unknown, we don’t have an effective way of preventing it. Old dogs develop this condition seemingly randomly, out of nowhere. The best thing you can do for your senior dog is to be aware of his or her overall health and notice any changes so they can be addressed quickly.
How is old dog vestibular disease diagnosed?
At your dog’s veterinary appointment, your veterinarian most likely will give your dog a thorough physical and neurologic examination, evaluate your dog’s medical history, and have routine bloodwork checked. This is usually enough to make a diagnosis of exclusion, meaning the veterinarian has ruled out other causes of the symptoms and is left with a diagnosis of canine idiopathic vestibular disease.
Old dog vestibular disease vs. stroke
The most common concern that my clients share with me when their dogs develop vestibular disease is this, “I think my dog had a stroke.” Indeed, with sudden onset of a head tilt, nystagmus, and lack of coordination, the comparison we could reasonably draw to human conditions is signs of a stroke.
Fortunately, strokes are much less common in dogs than in people. Age of onset of these signs is also significant, as canine strokes tend to happen in younger adult dogs. In a senior dog presenting with these clinical signs, idiopathic vestibular disease is much more likely than stroke.
How is vestibular disease treated?
The treatment for canine vestibular disease includes inpatient or outpatient supportive care for the symptoms, lots of TLC, and sometimes alternative treatments like acupuncture for dogs. I also make sure to prescribe anti-nausea medication (like Meclizine for dogs), even in dogs who are not vomiting. That unrelenting dizziness can cause debilitating nausea. (Having personally experienced a period of such dizzying vertigo that I couldn’t safely stand up, I’ve developed new sympathy for dogs with vestibular disease.)

It’s important to note that idiopathic vestibular disease affects the peripheral vestibular system (inner ear) and not the central system (brain stem). Because of this, you shouldn’t see mental dullness or generalized weakness. If those are present, your veterinarian will likely be thinking about other causes for your dog’s clinical signs.
I expect my patients with old dog vestibular disease to maintain their overall strength and mentation even though their balance and equilibrium are terribly out of whack.
Home remedies for vestibular disease
If your veterinarian has diagnosed your dog with vestibular disease, you may be wondering what you can do at home for your dear dog. In addition to following your veterinarian’s treatment plan, you can make sure your canine companion is comfortable and safe. Here are several things to consider:
- Make sure you have soft, padded bedding for your dog to relax on.
- Keep your dog away from potential hazards like stairs or swimming pools.
- Some dogs with vestibular disease can have a hard time eating or drinking and may need their food bowls brought to them or even hand fed. (Need more tips? Check out my article on how to feed a dog with vestibular disease.)
- Using a sling or towel under your dog’s abdomen when he or she walks can prevent falling.
- Certain physical therapy exercises for dogs with vestibular disease may also help.
Additionally, dogs with vestibular disease have trouble rising and are unsteady on their feet. Our company’s signature product, Dr. Buzby’s ToeGrips® dog nail grips, can improve traction on slippery floors for these dogs and may also provide increased proprioceptive stimulus—improving the dog’s overall stability through neural pathways to the brain.

What is the prognosis for vestibular disease in dogs?
Fortunately, despite the dramatic clinical signs, canine idiopathic vestibular disease has an excellent prognosis—prospect of recovery. This non-painful condition is usually self-limiting, meaning it will resolve on its own—generally within one to two weeks. In fact, improvement of symptoms within the first 72 hours also helps confirm the veterinarian’s diagnosis.
In many cases the head tilt (a classic sign of old dog vestibular disease) does not go away. But this does not negatively impact a dog’s quality of life. Also, dogs who have recovered from idiopathic vestibular syndrome do not typically experience it again.
Old dog vestibular disease does not impact a dog’s lifespan, and patients go on to live out the rest of their days as if this scary episode never happened.
As a veterinarian, I often half-joke with my clients that the whole ordeal takes years off the parents’ lives though!
Lola’s happy recovery from vestibular disease
To this day, Lola holds a special place in my heart. She was the high point of my first year as a veterinarian.
Don’t get me wrong. I was sad to see Lola and her owners endure a few tough days, but the outcome was far better than my clients’ initial expectations.
A few days after her initial examination, Lola strolled out of our hospital, tail happily wagging. A slight (and endearing, if truth be told) head tilt was all that remained as a reminder of her bout with vestibular disease. Lola and her family went on to share many, many more happy and healthy days together.
Knowledge is power
If your older dog experiences symptoms like Lola’s, get to the vet as soon as possible, but proceed with hope. Odds are, your dog can rebound and recover from what can be a dizzying, but not devastating, disease.
Has your dog experienced canine vestibular disease?
Share your story with us!
Thank you so much for explaining this. I just spent a few hours at the emergency vet with my 15 years old sweet old lady Ayla and she was diagnosed with this. It breaks my heart to see her like this and I was very scared but your words really helped me. Thank you so much from Ayla and I.
Hi Luisa,
Thank you for the kind words. I am so glad the article was informative and helped give you some peace of mind. I encourage you to read through our other two articles on vestibular disease as they may offer some great tips as you navigate this tricky path (I will link them below). Try not to let the hard days be discouraging. You can do this! Praying your sweet girl makes a speedy and full recovery.
1. How to Feed A Dog With Vestibular Disease: A Comprehensive Guide
2. 10 Tips and Exercises for Dogs with Vestibular Disease
hi! my dog is almost 15 and just got diagnosed today! it’s been so scary n sad. is ur baby doing any better? is she taking anything? I hope ur baby recovers soon. our vet said the first 48 hrs are the most severe. we came home w nausea n dizziness meds. hoping for improvements in a few days.
Hi Danae,
I hope you will start to see improvements very soon. Wishing you both all the best and praying for a full recovery for your senior pup.
Thank you for your post. I spent entire day searching the internet. I have a 21 year old dog. Fluffy.It would seem things always get worse not better. I know she has age related problems and like people more than one. But , Thank you very kindly
Dear Robert,
I am sorry Fluffy is struggling, but I am glad you found the article to be helpful. Hoping things will start to improve and wishing you both nothing but the best.
Thank you or this information, Dr. Buzby! Our Boston Terrier, Coco, just turned 15. she is deaf and blind from a cataract (she only has one eye). She was still happy, playing and wanting to walk up to 3 weeks ago. She was wobbly on her feet and her head tilted to the left so she was started on 12.5 mg of meclizine. But over the past 3 weeks, she has started to pace for hours in the evenings, doesn’t seem comfortable when trying to sleep during the day and even more unsteady on her feet (falling backwards on her back when trying to poop). She also peed in the house for the 1st time ever and marked the front deck twice. Now she is starting to shiver a lot. Your article mentions that vestibular disease goes away on its own, but it’s been over 3 weeks now. Like Lola’s parents, we are wondering about her quality of life if the vestibular disease is not going away 🙁
Dear Geraldine,
I am sorry your senior girl is struggling with these ongoing vestibular symptoms. While vestibular disease does resolve on its own, some dogs continue to have some mild issues. With what you describe, I am suspicious there may be something else contributing to this problem. Many of the signs you mentioned are associated with dementia or canine cognitive dysfunction and all of these symptoms are possible with the formation of a brain tumor. Without more testing and being able to personally examine your girl, it is hard to offer specific conclusions and recommendations. I will attach links to other articles with more information and great advice from our readers. Hoping you can get the answers you need to find the best path forward. Wishing you and your sweet girl comfort and peace.
1. Signs of Dementia in Dogs: Stages, Symptoms & Treatment
2. Signs of a Brain Tumor in Dogs: 16 Symptoms To Watch For
3. Using a Quality of Life Scale for Dogs
4. 10 Tips and Exercises for Dogs with Vestibular Disease
sorry I also meant to add that she is back on her food eating happily, I’m giving her wet food to make it easy to digest.
I’m also giving her a few days of antibiotics (amoxicillin) in case she has an infection or something.
she won’t even go up the 3 steps to my balcony now, it’s as if she understands that she’s too wobbly to risk it.
thanks so much for any help, you are so kind to reply to all these comments ❤️
Thanks for this! I live on a small island in Thailand without a vet. I care for some of the semi wild beach dogs.
I went to the mainland for a few days only to hear that ‘my’ dog was off her food, wobbling about and falling over. head tilt etc.
we saw that her upper claw had grown into her pad and it was very inflamed. I’d been trying to cut it for some time but she wouldn’t let me.
anyway today we cut and removed it (with help from a lady who runs a dog sanctuary).
She seems better, no more shaking legs, but still wobbly and as if she can’t see (or maybe coordinate?) properly, when I put a treat down it’s like she can’t find it so quickly.
she is old (maybe 11? we don’t know) but has always been very healthy.
she came on a walk with me not long after with her usual joy for life.
anyway my question is could the pad injury have triggered this condition do you think? or something else?
if she doesn’t get better soon we will try to bring her to the mainland but this will be stressful for her as she’s never been before.
thanks 🙏🏼
Hi Louisa,
Thank you for caring for these pups and especially your sweet senior girl. ♥ From what you describe, I do think this could be vestibular disease. I would not expect the paw pad injury to cause these types of symptoms, but I guess we can’t completely rule out the possibility. If the injury were contributing, I would think an infection was to blame. It is great you are covering her with antibiotics! Honestly, if your girl is eating and drinking well, feeling ok, and otherwise seems normal, I would probably give this more time. If your situation was different, I would normally recommend having her evaluated by a vet as soon as possible just to err on the side of caution. But I understand how things are a bit different when living in a remote area and dealing with a semi wild dog. How are things today? Hoping you are seeing a gradual improvement and praying your girl can make a full recovery. Wishing you both all the best and feel free to keep us updated on any progress.
thanks so much for your reply. she’s doing a lot better but still a bit wobbly. she can’t go down stairs any more, it’s like her brain can’t figure it out and she has to jump down if she does want to go up and down 2-3 stairs. (the max she can do).
but she’s still Sharp in other ways mentally.
the one odd thing is when I put down her food she kind of has to kind of wave her head to find it. if you or anyone knows what this means, please comment
***important for other owners and vets!! I’ve been giving her b complex as recommended by some and I feel there is an improvement with every pill.,****
idk if it’s this disease or something else. it’s sad that she can’t be the alpha that she was but she seems generally very happy and still eating well. thanks for caring 🙏🏼❣️
Hi Louisa,
I am so happy to get this positive update! Thank you for sharing the information about the B vitamins! I am not sure why you are seeing the strange behavior when she tries to eat. It makes me wonder if her depth perception or sense of smell has been affected. Wishing you both many happy days ahead and keep up the great work!
My Paige has all the signs of vestibular disease. Her first bout was stressful for her and the family. It disappeared after 3 days. About 3 weeks later it came on once again. Same symptoms with a calmer dog… almost like she knew “oh,!it’s this again”.
My concern is it continues to return about every 2-3 weeks. Feels too frequent.
Wondering how you feel?
Hi Brenda,
Poor Paige! That does sound like it would be quite stressful for her and for you. While typically old dog vestibular disease does resolve, occasionally (in about 17% of cases) there is a recurrence of clinical signs. However, before assuming she falls into the category of unlucky dogs who get old dog vestibular disease repetitively, I think it would be worth checking in with your vet and/or a veterinary neurologist to ensure there isn’t something else going on that is precipitating the signs. I hope you are able to find some answers and relief for her!
Do they ALWAYS have the rapid eye movements, when they have a vestibular issue?
I thought my 15+year old Bennie was having hind leg weakness, but I’m starting to believe this is a vestibular episode, instead.
Because of his legs seeming weak and the fact that we both spend far too much time just lying around, I vowed to take him on more frequent but shorter walks today (our heat has returned, which makes it harder) but he started experiencing apparent dizziness along with less control of his legs. I had to wrap a towel around him to keep him upright, and he kept listing to his left. I did get him to walk out to the kitchen for a little snack and some water, but he was so wobbly we just put him back on the bed. Earlier in the day, while lying down, he shook his head (as dogs do) and that kind of flipped him over onto his side – not sure if that was pain or massive dizziness. He isn’t yelping or whimpering – just frustrated and confused. He does tremble, a bit, when he’s trying to stand and walk. Though he seems to be holding his head to one side (bending to the left, a bit), there’s very little head tilt and no eye movements that I’ve seen.
He’s experienced VERY short episodes (seconds) of this earlier this summer – both times after coughing or retching, so his vet thought it might’ve just been a very temporary loss of oxygen causing dizziness. This current episode has lasted over half the day so far, though.
Unfortunately, Bennie is both kinds of incontinent so, when he can get outside or really even get up by himself we have hygiene issues.
I’ll be calling his vet Monday and watching him like a hawk until then, but getting him to potty or into the car to go to the vet is proving difficult – so I’m hoping for some reassurance that this *could* be vestibular.
Hi Cara,
I am sorry Bennie experienced these worrisome symptoms and understand your concern. This could be vestibular disease, but other more serious conditions definitely need to be ruled out first. Were you able to have him evaluated by your vet? What did you find out? Hoping all is well and your boy has made a full recovery. Feel free to leave an update if you have a chance and wishing you both nothing but the best.
I am so happy I found this! I read so many articles and am grateful for this blog. I left a comment before about Cushings and you were very helpful.
These symptoms sound like my sweet Bear! Out of the blue Thursday, he began acting strange. A month before that, he had a sort of off balance stumbling gait and by time I rushed him to the Vet hospital in Asheville, it was over, and he was fine. Until last Thursday when he began to have these ‘episodes.’ the only thing no one has mentioned (that I’ve read so far) is Bear draws up his front paw and sometimes his left paw and he shakes (scared? pain?) and makes whimpering noises. I thought seizures but the vet and I aren’t sure about that.
He had an episode in the lobby of the veterinary and she said it wasn’t like a seizure – but she didn’t mention this possibility!
Since she is the emergency vet, I do have an appointment next week with my regular vet.
But emergency did do bloodwork and x-rays of the heart/lungs. All was fine except liver values (he has pancreatitis) but his liver values always seem to be off. His T4 test was low – so they did the more extensive one that they had to send off and I am waiting.
Could this vestibular disease cause the drawing up of his paws? Also, he hunches his back. I thought pain but he doesn’t flinch when I rub his belly or back.
ANd, in between the episodes, he’s completely normal! Except more sluggish. He wants to go for a walk.
His appetite is normal. No vomiting. Urinates outside. Defecates outside. Everything seems normal except when this “attack’ hits.
I have him on gabapentin right now in the case he is in pain, for the anxiety, and just in case this is a type of seizure (though it happens many times in a day).
This has made me so worried and sad. But if it is vestibular disease, maybe there is hope.
Hi Kat,
Goodness, you have been through so much with Bear over the past several months. I understand why you are worried with the emergence of these new “episodes”. From what you describe, this does not sound like vestibular disease, but without examining your boy myself it is hard to make specific conclusions. It may be a good idea to ask for a consultation with a veterinary neurologist. Hoping the gabapentin will help keep things under control. Thank you for the update! Wishing you all the best and praying for a clear path forward.
Thank you for replying, if you could allow me one more comment.
After doing more research and watching his ‘episodes’ over and over I do believe it is something else too. He just had one. I haven’t been picking him up or holding him close, so I can watch better.
He puts his head on the floor and his body is tensed up –the paw drawing up is if he is on his side, but if not, he’s almost flat to the floor except maybe the hunched back- and he makes a strange whimpering sound not like a ‘normal’ whimper, and while he doesn’t seem unaware, he’s also a little far away eyed. He will shake but that could be fear or pain. It lasts anywhere from seconds to several minutes, then it is like nothing happened. Now I am second guessing that this isn’t a type of seizure.
He has had unsteady gait – wobbly hind legs – and last night he was walking sideways – though that could have been the gabapentin (last time he was on it, he didn’t have this happen though).
I will wonder if the Rimadyl did this as he was not having this prior to Rimadyl. Though it could be coincidental.
The emergency vet has no idea or clue what it is and likely too busy with emergencies to dig into this. But, I’ll see what his regular vet thinks when he’s back from vacation.
Breaks my heart. He has been though so much and is such a tough little guy.
Thank you – it helps to write it out.
I know you can’t diagnose but maybe some of this sounds familiar. Like when you wrote about Liver failure and how they can have the ‘praying position’ – but he had a liver biopsy in October 2023 and it was okay.
Hi Kat,
You are always welcome to submit as many comments as you like! Sometimes they get backlogged, and it takes me longer to respond but I will eventually get back to you. I agree, what you describe makes me suspicious about seizure activity. If you can catch one of these episodes on video, it could be very helpful to you vet when you see him after he is back from vacation. The gabapentin could be to blame for the wobbly rear legs, but this could also be associated with this mystery neurological issue Bear is dealing with. Hoping your vet will get back soon and can start to investigate the situation. Praying for answers and a clear path forward. Feel free to keep us updated on how things go. ♥
I thought I’d give an update – maybe it’ll in some small way help others who may have a similar situation to mine.
For the last 2 days (unless it happens when I am asleep but before it was happening often during the day), there have been no more of those ‘episodes’ of whimpering, head lowered, staring. Over the week, they grew less intense from the very intense ones.
And, in fact, he’s looking bright-eyed again. He’s doing things he’d stopped doing a little over a week ago, like following me into rooms, or sitting by the stairs wanting to go to the lake for a walk. Today he wanted to run up my driveway for his “lunch” like he used to do. He even jumped up all excited knowing food was coming (he never lost his appetite during all of this though!). He did lose his balance when he happily ‘stood’ on hind legs but he was happy and excited!
There is still back leg weakness but he’s walking better.
The other day, I took him off the gabapentin for 36 hours just to be sure the weakness wasn’t the gabapentin but he still had it after 36 hours, so I continued the gabapentin but I’m not giving the full dose – I decided to try some different doses and times with the gaba so he’s not sedated or feeling too tired on it and so I can watch how he progresses.
Just in case this was spasms, I have massaged his back. I walk him but not far so he can gather strength, and not be depressed that we aren’t going anywhere (for me too!).
He’s looking more like the Bear I know. But I am being cautiously optimistic, since this may be the start of some problems – worsening of old or beginning of new. However, I am hoping this was “just” a reaction to the Rimadyl. I won’t give him any more of that as a precaution.
As an aside, I did show the emergency vet a video I took but she was still baffled.
Once I have those liver comparisons from October’s numbers/biopsy to the other day, and one the thyroid numbers come in from the outside lab, maybe I’ll have another picture.
I don’t know if this will help anyone at all but I want to say that sometimes with time things do resolve – or at least resolve to a comfort level that’s not alarming. And sometimes you have to try different things I guess.
thank you for this blog – I read everything that comes in my inbox, and more.
Hi Kat,
I am so glad to hear Bear is doing better! Hoping the biopsy results will come back quickly and offer some clarity to the situation. One thing to note is that many internal medicine specialists have found that gabapentin causes less of the ataxia side effects at higher doses. So, while it may seem counterintuitive, if you increase the dosage, you may see an improvement even if this is due to the mediation. Of course, I would never recommend changing the dosage of any medication without consulting with your vet. They need to be aware of the details so they can monitor things closely. Thank you for the update. I will continue to pray for a full recovery for your boy. Bless you both!
Hi Kat!
I’m so glad you wrote this. My dog has the exact same thing. Head tilt, hunched back, walking to the side ( off balance) and whimpering. I’ve noticed that he has these “episodes” usually right after he jumps off the couch. I’m not sure if it’s the impact of the jump, but he’s no longer allowed on the couch/bed for that reason. We’ve gone to the neurologist, did a brain scan, and about 4 different Veterinarians. Showed multiple videos of his “episodes” but nobody has an answer for me. I’m still hoping to find some more information to help my dog. I hope you find out a little bit more information about your pup and thank you for sharing your story!
Hi Erika,
Wow, that is so strange! I am sorry that despite all the testing and vet visits you are still left with more questions than answers. I can only imagine how frustrating that must be. Hoping as you continue advocating for your boy you will find the answers you need. Praying for healing and a clear path forward.
Our 14 year old mixed breed dog, Daisy has been wretching and dry heaving several times a day for over 6 months. She still
appears alert, has a great appetite and walks 2 miles a day. Many trips to the vet left everyone clueless. In the last several weeks she has had two episodes of disorientation and drifting off to one side. Urgent care vet diagnosed her with vestibular disorder. She prescribed Cerenia and that seemed to stop the wretching and dry heaves. But symptoms would return once we stopped the meds. I also tried NausX which does the same thing but a lot less expensive. Is one better than the other? Can either one be used on a daily basis indefinitely?
Hi Patty,
I am sorry Daisy is dealing with ongoing retching and dry heaving. While vestibular disease is definitely a possibility, this may need some more in-depth investigation. Has your girl had any lab work done recently? If not, that would be a good place to start. Cerenia and NausX have two different active ingredients and they work on different receptors in the body. Some dogs do better with one or the other but in general, Cerenia is considered to be more effective. Neither one of these medications is labeled for indefinite use, but honestly, if you are facing a palliative care situation or end of life care, the benefits may outweigh any risks of long-term use. Hoping you can find what works best for your girl and brings you peace of mind. Wishing you both comfort as you navigate this unknown path. Bless you.
My little Molly is 15 years old, she is on medication for enlarged heart, fluid on the lungs and pain relief for her spine, she has just been diagnosed with doggy vertgoe and has been given 2 lots of medication to help with dizziness, she has the head tilt, rapid eye movement and is unsteady wen she walks, she has also started with incontinence, she has the added joy of caterrachs and a bit of doggy dimentia im just not sure how to help her anymore and it is heartbreaking, i have had her from 10 weeks old. She is a shih txu
Dear Cathryn,
I am sorry Molly is struggling and facing so many issues at once. I am not sure if there is anything more you can try or if she is nearing her final days. Here is a link to another article that may offer some guidance: Using a Quality of Life Scale for Dogs
Hoping you can get the advice you need to decide the best way to proceed. Praying for strength and clarity. Bless you and your senior girl.
Thank you for the information. My rescue Beagle, Lettie is probably only 7 or 8 but has had a tough life prior to getting adopted. She was a puppy mill momma and dropped on the streets after she was done having litters. I’ve had her almost a year now and she’s the sweetest, most gentle dog I’ve ever had.
She got her first vertigo attack while we were travelling, so I took her to an ER because I thought it was some kind of stroke. They were able to tell me some about doggy vertigo and at least give me information.
Lettie improved for about a week, then had a relapse of the symptoms. It’s been about a month now and she has good days and bad days. She’s still eating, drinking, and wants to go on walks but I can’t trust her around stairs. Also, while she wants to sit on the couch with us, she won’t jump down because it scares her. I often come home and she’s “stuck” on the couch waiting for me to pick her up and put her on the ground.
Overall, the head tilt is the most noticeable symptom and while it’s sad, it’s also pretty cute with her big beagle ears. I’m still hoping after more time passes, her balance and wobbles will improve.
Thanks for the thorough info and giving me hope that her symptoms may just take a bit longer than others.
Hi Jenn,
I am sorry Lettie is struggling with the effects of vestibular disease. She is a lucky girl to have you taking such good care of her and it is clear she is dearly loved. I hope she was able to continue to improve and regain her quality of life. Feel free to leave an update and let us know how things are going. Best wishes and take care!
Dr. Buzby,
Your wonderfully caring article and experienced suggestions are a great asset to all of us pet lovers. I have owned dogs for 40 years….5 of them have lived past 15 and we have been extremely fortunate to say the least. When I woke up 2 weeks ago to our 14 year old pit mix “Hagan” showing these awful signs, I truly thought she was having a stroke, and we were in big trouble. After no sleep that night (for either of us) and calling the vet the next morning, I was truly floored to hear the vet offer up the Vestibular disease diagnosis and hopeful prognosis. After doing the preverable Google search, I could not believe after all these years I had NEVER heard of this syndrome. …Anyway, 2 weeks later, Hagen is probably 85%…..still stumbles some, has the head tilt, and seems “embarrassed” when she falls, but she never lost her apetite and I guess the meclazine did the trick…..
** My question now is “what is the best long term prescription and suggestions for treatment’? The only real problem we see right now is that she has mulitple “beds” around the house and I have built “several” (six) :)) step levels for her to get on the couch and a few ottamans to look out the window, and get on the bed. She loves those. She knows right now that she is very “unstable” and won’t really try them. That may not ever come back and that’s perfectly fine ! (the vet said she had the best bloodwork for a 14 year old dog she had seen in a while, so maybe she will hang with us).
** I want to know what I might do @ night to keep her “calm” and let her sleep without drugging her too much to carry over to the next day ?? She is used to moving a few times in the night and now that is problematic due to her usually “climbing” up a few places. Is there a light sedative to give her or should I use partial meclazine pills, melatonin, or even benadryl, which we have used for her itching on occasion….Thanks again for the advice and article.
Hi Curry,
I am so glad Hagen is improving and has regained a good quality of life. I think melatonin may offer the effects you are looking for and it would be worth trying. But please talk to your vet about this before starting the supplement. When combined with certain medications, melatonin can cause a condition called serotonin syndrome. You would need your vet to look over Hagen’s medical details to ensure it is a good fit. Here is an article with more information: Marvelous Melatonin for Dogs
Hoping your sweet girl has many happy years ahead and I wish you both all the best!
Hi, thank you for the helpful information. My 13 year old cocker spaniel mix has officially hit all symptoms of vestibular disease as described by yourself and several other vets – he does not seem weak or disoriented still seems happy and nothing on him hurts. I’ve had him since he was two months old. He’s literally my firstborn son. However times are tough right now and I’m not sure I’ll be able to afford bloodwork at a vet around me that runs $500-$1000 so I’ve done a lot of research today on what to watch for and I did see were Benadryl could help with the symptoms. what could I do at home to treat him? And what should I be watching for as a sign that he definitely needs to go to the vet? Everything I’m reading says this clears up on its own however I’m wondering what kind of treatment would be given if he was taken to the vet and how I could mimic that at home. I’m not completely broke so I could afford some home remedies that I could grab at the store to make him comfortable but I know I can’t afford a several hundred dollar vet bill at the moment. However, I will forever regret it if I lose my baby because I couldn’t take him so any advice or treatment tips is greatly appreciated. 🙏💗
Dear Jennifer,
I am sorry your senior guy is suffering with the symptoms of vestibular disease. I understand how finances can sometimes limit our options even when we want to do what is best for a beloved pup. Your boy is lucky to have you advocating for his health and well-being. The medications that are usually prescribed for this condition focused on treating the side effects of nausea, dizziness, and sometimes inflammation. There are over the counter medications that could be used for dizziness and nausea, but you would need to contact your vet to get the appropriate dosage for your pup. If your dog’s condition begins to worsen instead of improving or staying the same, I would recommend you contact your vet right away. Also, seizures, trouble breathing, loss of appetite, dehydration, and loss of mobility would be signs to watch for that would indicate a vet visit was urgent. Here are links to other articles that may be helpful:
1. 10 Tips and Exercises for Dogs with Vestibular Disease
2. How to Feed A Dog With Vestibular Disease: A Comprehensive Guide
Hoping with time you will start to see some improvement. Praying your boy can make a full recovery and wishing you both many happy days ahead.
Our Sheltie was 15 years old when he ended up with vestibular disease. One day we just found him lying on the floor on his own urine with nystagmus. We think he had also fallen down the stairs trying to get outside. Of course, we thought it was a stroke. The vet ruled that out and told us it was idiopathic vestibular disease. His nystagmus did stop, but he never did recover from the circling and head tilt. He would walk around for hours in the middle of the night and one night, when he fell over, he scratched the floor until his paws were bloody. We ended up setting an alarm to check on him every couple of hours. This went on for 6 months and he finally declined so much that we had to put him down. It was devastating to have him go from a perfectly healthy, happy, playful 15 year old, to a shell of his former self. The disease is not always recoverable.
Dear Holly,
My heart goes out to you with the loss of your senior guy. I am so sorry he was not able to recover and that the neurological issues caused so much suffering. Without playing a personal role in your dog’s medical care, I can’t make specific conclusions. But I am a bit suspicious that there may have been a brain tumor contributing to these issues and this could be the reason why he was not able to recover as expected. I can only imagine how much you miss your Sheltie boy. What a blessing to have shared 15 years together! I hope as time passes your grief will fade and be replaced with peace. May his memory live on and be with you always. ♥
Hello Dr. Buzby,
I am the dad of Holly in your ITP thread. unfortunately I had to move over here for my little boy Joey. Joey is a 14 year old shitzu with his only issue being mostly blind out of one eye and can only see shapes in the other. He still goes on two walks a day. Plays with lambchop his toy. and runs around with his girlfriend next door. On Sunday after his walk he went to lay down. I heard a loud yelp. I went and saw him rolling like a crocodile. He couldn’t stand and his head was tilted to the side and looked so dizzy. I rushed him to the ER and they thought it was vestibular syndrome with no cause. They sent me home with bonine, enflofloxon. However you spell it. Trazadone and Prednisone. I’m extremely scared as he’s 14 and hard of eyesight. Were on day 3 barely and he still cannot stand. He is able to sit up and hold himself with his front legs. But is unsteady. I have been doing PT with him. I got him to use his back legs partially. He cannot fully extend them yet. But he didn’t fall. To me it seems very mild improvement. Thinking about Sunday his head was tilted toward the sky and he wobbled badly. His his doesn’t tilt to the sky but towards the left a little. That’s the side where his back leg doesn’t work as well. He eats and drinks fine. I hand feed him etc. He can’t go the bathroom outside yet and it upsets it. He crawled off his bed on to a pee pad and went. I told him it’s ok to pee as everything is water proof. I’m mentally sick thinking he won’t walk again and his life is coming to an end. Going from coming back from a 30min walk to not being able to walk 30min later is devastating. The ER said his eyes were moving side to side a little but a lot if he was upside down. On there report they said his eyes weren’t moving. I won’t be going back there. My regular vet saw no eye movement. She also thinks it’s vestibular syndrome. He passed all his cognitive tests and all his limbs gave responses. left side was slower. She did mention it’s a possibility he has another neurological issue but she doesn’t think so at this time. I think she thought by day 4 he might be able to stand on his own. I can tell you he wont be able to stand fully tomorrow. Just like with Holly, I’m having a very hard time with this. Is it unlikely he recovers? He’s such a sweet boy and I miss our walks and him barking on the window sill. Any guidance would be great.
Hi Randy,
Yes, I would recognize your name no matter what article it appeared under! I am so sorry Joey is still struggling. While most dogs do tend to recover after a few days, there are many that just need more time. There are many readers that have said it took their dogs weeks to show substantial improvement. Since it would take a great deal of advanced testing to truly rule out other neurological causes, I can’t be certain that there isn’t more going on here. But from what you learned from the ER and your own vet; I agree this sounds like vestibular disease which should give Joey a good prognosis. I know it is worrisome and heartbreaking to see him struggle with these severe symptoms, especially after all you have endured with Holly. I am hopeful this will turn out for the best and praying you will start to see improvement soon. As always, keep me updated and you know I’ll be keeping you and both of your pups in my thoughts.
Hello Dr. Buzby,
I’m happy to report my little boy recoverd. It took about a month and I would work on his walking with him daily. He recovered fully but maybe a little wobbly at times. It’s really hard to tell. He and Holly follow me around everywhere again. He no longer cries at night and doesn’t have to sleep on my chest while I hold him. It was getting a little hard on me as I have a herniated disk and arthritis in my back at 39. I’m not able to work out 5x a week anymore like I have the past 20 years. I’ll do anything for the dogs. After six shots in my spine I still picked up Holly and walked her around the block. She already went once by walking. She wanted to go again but her arthritis was bothering her.
Thank You for everything,
Randy, Holly, Joey.
Hi Randy,
I am so glad Joey is doing well and has made a full recovery! I was thinking about all of you this past week and hoping to get an update soon. Praying for your healing as well as continued health for both of your pups. Take care and keep up the good work!
Both dogs are doing ok. Holly goes for blood work tomorrow. unfortunately I have a very bad herniated disk in my back. I’m going to keep trying PT. I don’t want to be down in case the dogs need something. I’m trying the best I can to give them the best care. Joey will be 15 in three months. Time is going to fast. Stressful
I also started both dogs on Sensilife about a month ago.
Hi this message is for Randy. I’m going through the same with my 15 year old Yorkie as of 2/22/24. Did you give medicine to Joey? How long was your recovery with your pup? My dogs walking is improving, but her neck is still tilt to the left.
I’m sorry for just now seeing this. I don’t get alerts. Joey was on Bonine to help with him his vertigo. He was also on Trazadone at night for about 2-3 weeks. He would cry at night. Most of the time he slept on my chest and I put my arms around him. He’s fully back to normal now. The head tilt typically gets better but might not always go back to normal. Joey’s did. Every dog is different and Joey took about 5 weeks to really go back to normal normal. It was harder because he is 90% blind. I would do exercises with him. I would prop him up in his normal standing position while holding him and move is head slowly and gently left to straight to right. I would take his paws and start dragging them on the floor until his reflexes kicked in and he put his paw down. Never forceful.
Sierra my 13 year old Shepard mix had these symptoms yesterday morning while laying in bed with me after a completely normal morning routine and breakfast. Prior to she was a happy health 13 would walk 2 miles a day. I rushed her to the emergency vet thinking she had a stroke. The vet came back with the possible diagnosis of idiopathic vestibular syndrome. She said she couldn’t rule out tumor or stroke but if it is idiopathic it can resolve in a few days to weeks. If not, we will cross that bridge when we get there. We are almost at 24 hours she still eats and drinks intermittently but will not stand or walk and yet to void or have a BM. The vet told me keeping her sternal is helpful but I can’t get her in any other position besides her left side as she seems uncomfortable and disoriented on the right side. This has been the hardest 24 hrs with my girl as she’s breaking my heart watching her struggle. Is there anything else I can do for her to support her through this? I’m worried she’s going to get sore laying on one side and I also worry about her hind legs she has the typical shepherd rear end. Thank you for all this information you have already provided it helps ease my mind a little.
Hi Nick,
I am sorry Sierra is struggling with these severe symptoms. I understand why you are concerned and think it is good you are searching for advice. Did your vet prescribe any medications to help with the dizziness and nausea? If not that would be a good place to start. Also here are links to other articles with more information:
1. 10 Tips and Exercises for Dogs with Vestibular Disease
2. How to Feed A Dog With Vestibular Disease: A Comprehensive Guide
Try to make sure she is resting on a good soft and supportive bed. This will help to prevent pressure sores from forming. Ultimately, this is a bit of a waiting game. Hoping with time you will start to see some improvement and praying for a full recovery. You are doing a great job advocating for Sierra’s health and well-being. Keep up the good work!
Thank you, Yes her vet prescribed Meclizine and another drug for N/V. she gets them once a day luckily she still has an appetite so getting those to her was easy. Yeah the waiting and not knowing is hard. At night she’s in a dog bed with sides so she can’t fall out and an abundance of pillows, during the day she’s just in my bed with pillows while I lay with her.
Hi! My 13 year old spaniel mix female got a vestibular attack the other night. We went to the ER and they ruled out a seizure so we went to her primary the next day that said it was more than likely a vestibular episode. By this point she was a little wobbly but all other symptoms had gone away. She had another episode that night (last night) and it is still happening now (12:44 pm) I know it could last 72 hours with a 2 week recovery period but I have not read anything about it happening and going away and then happening again, any feedback is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Hi Julia,
I am sorry your senior girl is dealing with these severe symptoms. While I have heard of dog’s having a second occurrence after recovering from the initial episode, I am not sure I know of one that occurred within such a short time span. It may be a good idea to talk with a specialist/veterinary neurologist. I would hate to think there could be something more serious at play and it just hasn’t been discovered yet. Wishing your sweet girl the best and praying for a full recovery.
My old dog had a vestibular attack in April. It was exactly like you described. We rushed to the emergency vet because we thought she was having a major seizure or stroke. She now has the endearing head tilt, and I call her my Wobbly Bobbly. She has to “get her legs” in the morning. Lately, she’s been a little pukey in the mornings. She vomited again this morning, which led me to the Google search that brought me here. Could the vomiting be associated with vestibular syndrome? She also has medullary washout, but her blood work just a few weeks ago showed her kidney levels in normal range.
Hi Emily,
I am sorry your girl is experiencing the symptoms of vestibular disease. Yes! Nausea is a very common side effect of the vertigo like issues they deal with. There are several medications that can really help with this particular problem. Make sure your vet is aware of the nausea/vomiting and ask about which treatments would work best for your pup’s specific medical needs. I will attach links to other articles with more information. Wishing you both the best and keep up the good work!
1. Meclizine for Dogs: Solutions for Motion Sickness or Vertigo
2. 10 Tips and Exercises for Dogs with Vestibular Disease
3. How to Feed A Dog With Vestibular Disease: A Comprehensive Guide
Hello, I have a Basenji that is 14 years old. He was diagnosed with idiopathic vestibular syndrome. He has the classic head tilt, you name it, but, there’s always a but, right? He had another episode after he got better from the first episode. The recovery from the first episode didn’t take that long, maybe 2 weeks and he vomited a lot the first night. Of course we ran to our vet or I did, he’s my baby, crying and screaming help me, help me or him and my vet, Dr. Kevin assured me he would not put him down, that he’s okay and to give him a lot of TlC. So, as you said the blood work was done, etc, which resulted in finding nothing. Fast forward and I see a neurologist for multiple sclerosis and I’m telling him the symptoms of my dog and he says it sounds like seizures to send him a video. Why, because it’s recurring, he has dogs, an avid dog lover. My vet on the other wants me to see a vet neurologist and my neurologist said don’t do it it’ll be a couple thousand $$ and my dog is 14 that’s not necessary at that age. He said he is no different than a pet neurologist, which I agree. Only difference is the pet one will do a scan, which will cost a fortune. My question is since you mentioned the idiopathic vestibular syndrome isn’t recurring is it likely my neurologist is correct?
Hi Desiree,
I am sorry your senior guy is having repeat issues with vestibular disease, and I understand why you are concerned. Most dogs do not experience recurring episodes of vestibular disease but that doesn’t mean it isn’t possible. I have talked with several people that unfortunately had their dog go through this more than once. While I can’t make specific conclusions without examining your pup myself, I can definitely say that what you are describing does not sound like any kind of seizure activity I have ever seen in a dog before. In fact, seizures have a preictal and post ictal phase (before and after) and then the dog should return to “normal” after the post ictal phase has ended. Seizures will not leave your pup recovering for weeks but instead should resolve after seconds or minutes. Your vet probably only recommended seeing a neurologist for a scan to rule out the possibility of a brain tumor or other defect. Vestibular disease should not give your dog a shortened life span or a poor prognosis, but a brain tumor certainly could. I hope this doesn’t come across harshly and I think your neurologist means well, but I think he is terribly off base. Pursuing a referral to a specialist is not required if that isn’t something that you are comfortable with. And if you do decide to go for the initial consultation, just be open with them and make your expectations and financial concerns clear. Here is a link to another article about seizures just in case you wanted some extra information: Old Dog Seizures: Everything You Need to Know to Help Your Dog
Hoping you can get the answers you need to be comfortable with how things are progressing. Wishing you the best of luck!
Hi. my dog is 11 years old and just out of the blue today started having a hard time walking, a head tilt, and off balance. She ate earlier in the day and even got up to drink, but by the end of the night she couldn’t even walk and would fall when she tried to walk. I am not sure if this is old dog vestibular disease or not even though all of her symptoms point to that. If it is this I would like some advice on how to help her or make her comfy. Really anything I can do to help her.
Thank you!
Hi Megan,
I am sorry your senior girl is struggling with these severe symptoms. There are things that can be done to help relieve some of the effects of vestibular disease but first you really need a diagnosis. Please make sure you have your pup evaluated by your vet. There are other issues that can present similarly but would need prompt medical attention to prevent further decline or progression of the disease. I will attach links with the information you are looking for about vestibular disease. Hoping your girl will start to improve and can make a full recovery!
1. How to Feed A Dog With Vestibular Disease: A Comprehensive Guide
2. 10 Tips and Exercises for Dogs with Vestibular Disease
3. Meclizine for Dogs: Solutions for Motion Sickness or Vertigo
Hello Doctor,
My 12 year old German Shepherd got hit with idiopathic peripheral vestibular disease one month ago. She hasn’t fully recovered. She’s able to stand and walk a bit. Should I be concerned that she’s not fully recovered, or give her a few more weeks to get better?
Hi Gregory,
I understand your concern for your Shepherd. Some dogs just need more time than others. I do think you should make sure your vet is aware of this ongoing issue but not get too worried in the meantime. Your vet may have ideas about therapies or medications to try to help keep the recovery process moving in the right direction. There are also cases where there are some lingering symptoms that never completely resolve, but I think it is still too early to make a definitive judgement at this point. Here are two other articles that address this condition:
1. 10 Tips and Exercises for Dogs with Vestibular Disease
2. How to Feed A Dog With Vestibular Disease: A Comprehensive Guide
Hoping these will offer some new information and give you ways to help your sweet girl. Wising you both the best and praying for a full recovery.
Also, otoliths in the ear as another possible cause? Is there a version of the Epley maneuver for dogs?
Hi Lis,
I am so glad you brought this up! Honestly, I had to do some research and there really isn’t much out there. But I did find a research article that was published back in 2014 on exactly this topic. Here is a link to the article on PubMed:
My 14 year old Shiatzu-Chi Wawa mix starting losing her balance. At first I thought she had a hind leg problem. At the beginning she vomited but only twice. Since then she’s been wobbly and has fallen a few times. She’s got a history of ear issues, we often have to clean her ears.. She has a head tilt and her eyes move quickly sometimes. I think she’s getting better. but she favoring her one side.
I suspect the root cause is an ear infection although your article says that old dog syndrome has unknown causes. Any advice ? Should I take her to the vet, do you think she might need antibiotics ? Thanks for your help, you have excellent information.
Hi Reno,
I understand your concern over these neurological symptoms your dog is displaying. I definitely think you should have your vet do an exam. If there is an ear infection, it needs to be addressed. Since I have not personally examined your dog, I can’t make specific conclusions. But I am suspicious there could be something else going on here. You mentioned her eyes move quickly sometimes. This could be a condition called nystagmus. Your vet will probably want to rule out the possibility of other more serious conditions, such as a brain tumor, before proceeding with treatment for vestibular disease. I hope you can find the answers you need to make sure your sweet girl is feeling her best. Wishing you both the best for many happy days ahead.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experiences. My 17-year-old chihuahua is suddenly displaying movement very much like this but only when outside in daylight. Before or after the sun goes down, walking outside is normal. Could this be vestibular? Thank you.
Hi Amy,
I am not sure I have ever heard of a case quite like you are describing. It is very puzzling to me that the symptoms are only present in daylight. It definitely seems to be something neurologic in nature. I highly recommend you have your senior pup examined by your vet.
My dog Sadie was diagnosed with this two weeks ago. She has gotten worse since then, but luckily she is still eating and drinking water on her own. I’ve covered the floors with non slip rugs so she doesn’t fall while walking. It is now heart breaking just getting her on and off the bed because she is so scared. She freaks out if I try to pick her up (50 lbs). Sleeping on the floor isn’t an option in her opinion!
It’s interesting that another reader mentioned a spleen issue. Sadie had to haver hers removed in August because there was a mass that had ruptured. Despite the opinion that 75% of these are cancer, her’s was not. My poor baby, she’s been through so much this year.
Thank you for the website!
Hi Kimber,
I am sorry Sadie is struggling with the symptoms of vestibular disease. It sounds like you are doing a good job of trying to keep her comfortable while you wait for the side effects to diminish. Here are two links to other articles with more information on this topic:
1. 10 Tips and Exercises for Dogs with Vestibular Disease
2. How to Feed A Dog With Vestibular Disease: A Comprehensive Guide
I know you said she is eating and drinking well on her own but figured there is no such thing as too much information and advice when it comes to this disease. What a blessing her splenic tumor was benign! I am hopeful that given more time Sadie will be able to make a full recovery. Wishing you both the best and feel free to leave an update if you have a chance.
Thank you and bless you for what you do as not only a veterinarian, but also a caring person. I’m going through this with my 12-year old poi (mix) dog, but unfortunately it’s been over four weeks now, and I’m still looking for glimmers of hope for her (Lili). Everything sounds so classic, other than the longevity of it, and no nystagmus, plus she’s still eating and drinking, with great assistance. She has no other signs of an infection, like fever or even pain, at least in my interpretation. I am a people doctor, so of course, I’m watching every sign to try to figure more out. I did take her to ER vet almost 2 weeks ago, they did. Fluids and dexamethasone, then outpatient prednisone taper, which she’s finishing up, but no improvement. I have a notion to ask about meclizine for sure, and possible antibiotics for inner ear infection (even though 2 vets have looked and said otoscopic exam is normal). Figured those couldn’t hurt?? Any other advice? Thank you so much!
Hi Doede,
I am sorry I am just now seeing this comment. I hope you saw my reply to your other post from a few days ago. Were you able to have Lili rechecked by your vet? Did you find out if there is a veterinary neurologist on your island? I am hoping your sweet girl is making some improvements. Feel free to leave an update if you have a chance.
Hi Dr. Buzby, Three weeks ago my 12 year old dog Ben was diagnosed with idiopathic vestibular disease and after x-rays and an ultrasound of his abdomen they also found a 6 inch tumor on his spleen. They recommended surgery but I was unsure if that would be too much for his age and onset of vestibular disease. Do you have an opinion on this?
Hi Rina,
I am sorry your senior guy is dealing with the effects of Vestibular disease and now has been diagnosed with a splenic tumor. Once a splenic mass has been found, I usually recommend surgery to remove the spleen even if other medical issues are present. The problem with splenic masses is they will eventually rupture. Even if the mass is benign, the risk of rupture and a potentially fatal bleeding event is high. Here is a link to another article with more information: Splenic Masses in Dogs: Types, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prognosis
I hope you can find the answers you need to make the best choice for you and Ben. Praying for a positive outcome.
Our big shepherd mix had his first vestibular episode when he was about 9 years old, and it was terrifying. He woke us in the middle of the night – frantic, panting, stumbling, urinated in the house – all of this thoroughly out of character. He was walking with a lilt in circles, head tilted, stumbling sideways. He did drink some water and even accepted a favorite treat once we got him a bit settled, but he was still clearly “freaked out”. I was fortunate to find a blog that described another dog’s very similar episode, and that’s how I learned about idiopathic vestibular syndrome. As our poor guy calmed down a bit more, we decided to wait until morning to call our veterinarian. By 9 AM, he was doing notably better, and the vet agreed we should just keep monitoring and giving lots of TLC (of course, all this occurred on the weekend!). It was a quick and full recovery for our dog but he did eventually have another episode, maybe 8-12 months later, and it’s happened more as he’s gotten older. Each episode is similar but varies in severity and length; the last took closer to two weeks to subside fully. He now has that little head tilt pretty much all the time (and yes, it is endearing!), but there can be many months between episodes. It’s scary in the moment and may require supportive care but it’s a gift to know that the prognosis is actually quite good. Thank you for sharing this information; I wish I’d had it before that first experience and I’ve told everyone I know about what we learned in case they experience it with their beloved dogs.
Hi Chrissy,
Thank you so much for sharing your experience with our readers. This may be exactly what someone else needs to see while in a similar situation. I am glad that your big boy is doing well and has been able to overcome all his scary vestibular episodes thus far. I hope he continues to find joy in life and has many happy days ahead. Best wishes and bless you both!
Thank you for sharing this. Our 8 yr old lab just started having dizziness this morning and he still is very offset, just not himself. It’s never happened before and none of our other dogs in the past had this occur. So I am very thankful for this website and everyone’s very helpful information. God willing. he will feel better in the morning. but if not we’ll get a vet appointment. Thank you all for your help!
Hi Amy,
I understand how scary it can be when your dog suddenly starts acting dizzy, and I’m thankful that we were able to provide some help and reassurance. Hopefully your dog is doing better now and is well on his way to a full recovery!
Hi doctor I read a lot of the good articles you wrote for a second there I thought my dog may have that old dog syndrome vascular or something either way the more I read I’m not too sure I have a chihuahua it’s 16 years old and it recently started the shaking like tremors that would last a couple seconds sometimes the tremors would make her fall down but she would get right back up and snap out of it I took her to the vet thinking it was seizures and they said no I ran all the test possible the doctor just said the dogs getting old now my dog is not eating I put seven different types of dishes in front of it and it might take a nibble it is drinking water but the dog is hungry and I can tell it’s hungry and keeps looking for food but when I give him food he won’t eat it or puts it in his mouth and spits it back out I’m in so much pain and tears watching my dog wither away please help..
Hi Israel,
I am sorry your little guy is struggling, and I understand your heartache with not knowing how to help. Since I have not examined your dog myself, it is hard to make specific conclusions and suggestions. It might be a good idea to get a referral to a veterinary internal medicine specialist. They have access to testing and treatments that may not be available in general practice. Also, if it seems like your sweet boy may be nearing the end of his life, it might be helpful to contact a veterinarian that practices hospice and palliative care. I hope you can find the answers you need to restore your dog’s quality of life. Wishing you the best as you navigate this uncertain path ahead.
It happened to my black lab Sebastian few weeks ago. It was Sunday morning and he just stumbled on the kitchen floor. I helped him get up and he couldn’t walk without falling. We took him to the emergency vet. The vet took his blood and came back ok,except his liver is a little elevated. The vet prescribed meds for the liver,he was also prescribed meclizine for dizziness and also pain meds.. I bought a Carelift to help him when he go outside to potty,he can walk in the house by himself,but still wobbly. I also noticed that his tail is always tucked in between his legs,and also I felt like he has no control of his back legs sometimes.
Hi Maria,
I am glad you were able to get Sebastian to the ER quickly to get treatment started. Vestibular disease can take a long time to resolve and sometimes it does not completely go away. If you have any concerns about your boy’s recovery or how things are progressing, I highly recommend you talk to your vet and possibly have Sebastian rechecked. You may even want to schedule a consult with a veterinary neurologist. I hope you can find the help your sweet boy needs to help restore his quality of life. Best wishes to you both!
My dog Sadie, who is 14, is currently going thru this. Started night before last, heard her fumbling around the wooden floor, which is hard enough for her, but this was even worse. Head kept tilting to the right, and vomit everywhere. Of course, I thought she had a stroke, but checked on the internet for stroke symptoms and Vestibular came up. Took her to a Vet on call yesterday morning and he confirmed. It is awful to watch. I am giving her water thru a straw because she can not keep her head still to drink out of a bowl. All I have done is cry. She is my grand dog but has lived with me for a year. Today is day 2 and no sign of improvement. She just sleeps. We will see what happens, but all of your stories have given me encourage meant. Thank you..
Hi Tracey,
My heart goes out to you and Sadie during this most difficult time. I know how worrisome it can be to watch a beloved dog struggle and feel like you are already doing everything you can to help. Fortunately, most dogs with vestibular disease do improve and return to more normal function. I recommend you talk to your vet about your concerns. There are medications that they could prescribe to help with the dizziness and nausea that it causes. I will also attach some links to other articles that may offer new information. I pray Sadie’s healing process is fast and that you can find some comfort for your heart as well. I wish you both the best and, if you have time, keep us updated on Sadie’s progress.
1. 10 Tips and Exercises for Dogs with Vestibular Disease
2. How to Feed A Dog With Vestibular Disease: A Comprehensive Guide
We heard Miss Molly, our 14 year old Labradoodle, slipping and stumbling across the floor in the middle of the night, unable to keep her hind legs from spreading apart. I lay on the floor with her all night to comfort her until we were able to rush her to the vet in the morning. We were both in tears as we took her to the waiting room, fearing that her time had finally come: a stroke, dysplasia, a neurological disorder.
What a relief as soon as I hear the vet say the words “Inner ear infection–vertigo”. My wife has bouts of positional vertigo, so we both knew the diagnosis fit perfectly. The instability, uncontrolled rapid eye movements. The infection is clearing up slower than anticipated, but hopefully we can pick up our precious girl tomorrow.
We understand it could take several weeks for her equilibrium to be restored, and our slippery floors were a concern even before this happened. We are going to pick up some Toe Grips from a vet in Chattanooga. From an engineering standpoint, they seem like an almost perfect solution for an elderly dog. I never like bootie-type footwear on my dogs, as it greatly affects their gate. That would not be good for a dog trying to get her ambulation back to normal. I will write back after we have a chance to try them, but I have good reason to think they will help her!
Hi Chuck,
Thanks for sharing Miss Molly’s story with us. I am so glad that it ended up being vestibular disease rather than any of the more devastating possibilities. I hope that she is able to come home with you tomorrow too. As your wife can attest to, vertigo is no fun for anyone, dog or human. Eating can sometimes be a concern for dogs with vestibular disease to, so you might find this article helpful: How to Feed A Dog With Vestibular Disease: A Comprehensive Guide
I am excited that you are going to try ToeGrips for her! I think they have a great potential to help her gain much needed traction and I am looking forward to hearing how they work for her. If you have any issues or questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our customer support team. They are wonderful individuals and dedicated to helping people and their pups.
If Miss Molly is dragging or scuffing her toes on the ground, you may need to affix the ToeGrips with superglue to keep them from getting tugged off. I explain how and why to do this in my video How to apply ToeGrips with glue.
I hope that Miss Molly is home with you soon and that the ToeGrips are helpful for her! ❤
A few years ago, while walking our 15 yr old English Cocker on a leash, she fell off a dock at the lake. We immediately grabbed her by her collar and pulled her out. But, suddenly she could only walk in circles. I called our vet and raced there with our Betsy, thinking for sure she had a stroke caused by us pulling her out of the water. He noticed her flickering eyes and immediately diagnosed Vestibular Syndrome, something I had never heard of. I made a harness for her and would walk her around outside, as it helped her walk a straight path instead of in circles. It took a few weeks for her to recover, but she did. We were able to love her for another year!
Thanks for sharing your dog’s story. Seeing her fall in the water, pulling her out and then having the vestibular signs start must have been such a scary experience for everyone but I’m so glad that day had a happy ending. It is fantastic that she recovered so well and that you were able to love her for another wonderful year.?
This happened in July to my older standard poodle. So scared . Didn’t know anything . He has recovered. Took about 4 weeks. He definitely needed help w walking and stairs. (Got a harness to help him up and down). At this point in time, my neighbors are amazed at how well he is doing.
Hello Lynn, Thanks for sharing your dog’s story. It can definitely be very distressing to watch your sweet dog go through a vestibular disease episode, especially before you know what is going on. The harness was a great idea and I am so happy to hear that he is amazing everyone with his progress.
My 14 year old birder collie had this a year ago. She was fine the night before but when I got up the next morning, she had gotten sick in several places and was in the closet. She could not walk and would fall over when she tried to get up. I rushed her to the emergency vet and they told me that she probably had a brain tumor and referred me back to my regular vet.. When I took her to my regular vet, they told me that they were going to treat her for old dog syndrome and if she wasn’t better by end of week, we would know that the brain tumor diagnosis was probably correct. I was told to bring her in if she got worse. It was a very long week and she finally started getting better by the end of the week. It took about 2 weeks for her to completely recover. She still has a slight head tilt today. I was told that she would have it from now on. Until this happened, I didn’t know anything about old dog syndrome. I never heard of it. It was really scary and especially hard for the dog. I’m so glad that she recovered and hope that she never gets it again.
Thanks for sharing your dog’s story, Sunny. I’m so glad she recovered well and I hope you get to enjoy many more good days together!
My 2.5 year old lab is currently on her second round of idiopathic vestibular disease after just a couple months…she made almost a full recovery last time after she walked the green mile to the vet. However, this round does seem to be different both times when it started it looked as if she was following a fly around with her head shifting right to left ….and this time she does not have the eye movement of back and fourth but the wondering head is more intense this round. I love her so much it makes me nauseous thinking what she is going through…not once but now again ?thank you soo much for putting this website up I am constantly looking for advice!
Hi Tiffany, Thanks for sharing your lab’s story and for the kind words. I’m so glad that the post was helpful to you and I hope your dog recovers well from this episode too! As you gathered from the article and your own experience, this condition can be heart wrenching to watch but thankfully usually has a happy ending. If you have any concerns about how she is recovering, don’t hesitate to reach out to your veterinarian.
My client just put her dog down because of this.
That is so sad, Amy. It’s always so hard to say goodbye.
My old rat terrier, Brandy, suffered from this shortly after being given Bravecto. The medicine helped and she was only left with a little extra white around the eyes.
I had experienced it a couple years before Brandy when I woke up one morning and couldn’t walk a straight line. I wasn’t really dizzy but was unable to walk straight. I ran into doorways instead of through it. Then, it got where I couldn’t see because my eyes wouldn’t focus. I went to the doctor at that point and she gave me some Valium and physical therapy. The physical therapy helped a lot and I used it for the recurring vertigo that happened over the next 18 months occasionally
Hi Kris, thanks for sharing your personal story. Yikes, I’m glad you are recovered. As I mentioned in the article, I know that vertigo is no fun! I’m also so glad that Brandy has made a (near) full recovery! Bless you both!
This happened to my 17 y.o. chihuahua, and I brought her at 2am to an emergency vet. They were clueless, and it was found with blood tests she also had kidney disease. I could hear them laughing at her in the back lab as she staggered around like a drunken sailor. They came out and asked me if she could have gotten into drugs, pot. No! She was euthanized that night, because they told me it was irreversible, and I couldn’t stand seeing her so distressed. I wish more vets knew about this. I might have had at least one more precious year with her.
Oh, Diane, your story breaks my heart. I’m so very sorry for your loss. ?
Thank you, Dr. Buzby, for this informative story about Lola. I can see why this experience stayed with you as a young vet. This story was well written and easy to understand, and you are right that knowledge is power. Senior dogs hold our hearts in their paws, so anytime we can be aware of how conditions like these may present is very helpful.
Thanks for your encouraging words, Pat. I appreciate your comment more than you could know. Many blessings to you and your crew! ❤️